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Warning, /geant4/examples/extended/electromagnetic/TestEm5/tramu/tramu.kumac is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 macro tramu.kumac
0002 *
0003 set * ; opt * 
0004 *
0005 filecase keep
0007 set *fon -40
0008 set mscf 1.5
0010 set ygti 0.5  ; set gsiz 0.35 ; set ymgu 1.5
0011 set vsiz 0.25 ; set yval 0.3  ; set ylab 0.55
0012 set asiz 0.25 ; set yhti 0.9  ; set xlab 1.2
0014 title '1 TeV muon in 3 m iron'
0015 h/file 1 tramu.hbook
0017 set dmod 1 ; set hcol 4 ; set plci 4
0018 h/pl //lun1/10
0019 key 960 0.07  1 'G4-9.1' ! l
0021 exec data
0023 set dmod 2 ; set hcol 2 ; set plci 2
0024 h/pl 1 s 
0025 key 960 0.065  2 'Mars14' ! l
0027 atitle Ekine(GeV)  1/GeV
0028 exec Redraw-Axis
0029 close 1 ; close 2
0031 return
0033 macro data
0034 *
0035 * muon 1 TeV/c in 3 m Iron
0036 * Particle Data Group. Physics Letters B 592 (2004) page 251
0037 * distribution of the muon kinetic energy
0038 * (from 950 GeV to 1000 GeV by bin of 0.5 GeV --> 100 bins) 
0039 *
0040 * *** read data
0041 nbin=100
0042 vector/create vect(2,[nbin])
0043 vector/read vect mars14.ascii
0044 **vector/write vect ! (1x,f6.1,3x,e12.6) 
0045 *
0046 * *** create and fill histogram             
0047 Emin= 950.
0048 Emax= 1000.                  
0049 create/1dhisto 1 '3m iron.  muon 1TeV/c' [nbin] [Emin] [Emax]
0050 put/contents 1 vect(2)
0052 **h/pl 1
0054 * *** save histo
0055 *
0056 **h/file 111 mars14.hbook ! n
0057 **hrout 0
0059 return 
0061 Macro Redraw-Axis
0062 set plci 1
0063    X1 = $GRAFINFO('WNXMIN')
0064    X2 = $GRAFINFO('WNXMAX')
0065    Y1 = $GRAFINFO('WNYMIN')
0066    Y2 = $GRAFINFO('WNYMAX')
0067    IS = $GRAFINFO('?FAIS')
0068    IC = $GRAFINFO('?FACI')
0069    Set FAIS 0 ; Set FACI 1
0070    Box [X1] [X2] [Y1] [Y2]
0071    Set FAIS [IS] ; Set FACI [IC]
0072    Tick XL [X1] !
0073 *   Tick YB ! [Y1]
0074    Return