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0003 *
0004 *     To book the user's histograms
0005 *
0006 #include ""
0007 #include ""
0008 *
0009       character*50 title
0010 *
0011       if ( return
0012 *      
0013       if (histo(idhist)) call hdelet(idhist)      
0014 *
0015       if (
0016      +  title = 'Edep in absorber '//char(ichar('0')+(idhist))
0017       if ((*MaxAbs))
0018      +  title = 'Edep long. profile in absorber '
0019      +          //char(ichar('0')+(idhist-MaxAbs))//' (MeV/event)'
0020       if (idhist.eq.(2*MaxAbs+1))
0021      +  title = 'energy flow (MeV/event)'
0022       if (idhist.eq.(2*MaxAbs+2))
0023      +  title = 'lateral energy leak (MeV/event)'               
0024 *      
0025       call hbook1(idhist,title,nbBins,valmin,valmax,0.)
0026 *      
0027       histo   (idhist) = .true.
0028       binWidth(idhist) = (valmax-valmin)/nbBins
0029       if (valunit.le.0.) valunit = 1.                
0030       histUnit(idhist) = valunit                   
0031 *                                                                               
0032       END