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Warning, /geant4/examples/extended/electromagnetic/TestEm3/geant3/g4mat/gmakeB is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 #
0002 # @(#) Script to build a Batch geant executable
0003 #
0004 set name=g4mat
0006 set extnam=" "
0007 if ($G4SYSTEM == AIX-AFS) set extnam=-qextname
0008 #
0009 mkdir $G4SYSTEM
0010 cd    $G4SYSTEM
0011 #
0012 # fortran compilation
0013 #
0014 hepf77  $extnam -c -g -Dbatch  -I/cern/pro/include -I../include ../src/*.F
0016 #
0017 # Link
0018 #
0019 echo 'linking geant3+cernlib libraries ...'
0020 #
0021 hepf77  $extnam -g -o $name.xb  *.o \
0022    `cernlib geant321 pawlib graflib packlib mathlib kernlib`
0023 #
0024 #
0025 chmod +x $name.xb
0026 #
0027 # cleanup
0028 #
0029 rm -f *.o
0030 echo 'done'  
0031 exit