Warning, /geant4/examples/extended/electromagnetic/TestEm14/atomicDeexcitation.mac is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 #
0002 # Macro file for "TestEm14.cc"
0003 #
0004 # to plot atomic deexcitation following an hole
0005 # see equivalent macro in rdecay01
0006 # see S.Bakr et al. Geant4 collaboration meeting 2020
0007 #
0008 /control/verbose 1
0009 /run/verbose 1
0010 #
0011 /testem/det/setMat G4_Te
0012 /testem/phys/addPhysics standard
0013 /run/setCut 0.1 um
0014 #
0015 /run/initialize
0016 #
0017 # create an hole by photoelectric interaction
0018 #
0019 /process/inactivate compt
0020 /process/inactivate conv
0021 #
0022 # to (de)activate atomic deexcitation
0023 # play with the 2 following commands
0024 #
0025 /process/em/augerCascade true
0026 /process/em/deexcitationIgnoreCut true
0027 #
0028 /gun/particle gamma
0029 /gun/energy 80 keV
0030 #
0031 ### to print few events
0032 ###/tracking/verbose 2
0033 ###/run/beamOn 3
0034 ###/tracking/verbose 0
0035 #
0036 /analysis/setFileName atomicDeexc
0037 /analysis/h1/set 3 50000 0.001 50. keV #energy of e-
0038 /analysis/h1/set 5 50000 0.001 50. keV #energy of gamma
0039 #
0040 /run/printProgress 100000
0041 /run/beamOn 1000000