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Warning, /geant4/examples/extended/electromagnetic/TestEm10/salice.mac is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 #
0002 # Macro file 'salice.mac' for the initialization phase of ""       
0003 # with ALICE simplified test beam setup
0004 #
0005 /control/verbose 2
0006 #
0007 #
0008 /run/verbose 2
0009 #
0010 #  PLOT: energy deposit distribution in absorber (g4.11)
0011 #
0012 /analysis/setFileName salice
0013 /analysis/h1/set  1 100 0.00  0.1  MeV   # Edep
0014 /analysis/h1/set  2 100 0.00  0.1  MeV   # XTR gamma
0015 /analysis/h1/set  3 100 0.00  0.1  MeV   # all gamma
0016 /analysis/h1/set  4 100 0.00  0.1  MeV   # all e-
0017 /analysis/h1/set  5 35  0.00  0.07 MeV   # En (Edep with original limits)
0019 #
0020 #
0021 # Change and choice of experimental setups. Can be
0022 # simpleALICE., 
0023 #
0024 #
0025 /XTRdetector/setup simpleALICE
0026 #
0027 # these commands do not change energy cuts???
0028 #
0029 # Set XTR model (default: transpM). Name list consits:
0030 # gammaR, gammaM, regR, regM, strawR, transpR, transpM
0031 #
0032 # R - XTR dE/dx models, M - XTR flux after radiator models
0033 #
0034 #/emphyslist/setXTRModel  transpM
0035 #/emphyslist/setXTRModel  transpR
0036 /emphyslist/setXTRModel  gammaM
0037 #/emphyslist/setXTRModel  gammaR
0038 #/emphyslist/setXTRModel  strawR
0039 #/emphyslist/setXTRModel  regM
0040 #/emphyslist/setXTRModel  regR
0041 #
0042 #/emphyslist/eMinEnergy 100.  
0043 #/emphyslist/gMinEnergy 100.  
0044 #
0045 #
0046 /run/particle/applyCuts
0047 #
0048 /run/initialize
0049 #
0050 # set cuts
0051 #
0052 /run/setCut 100.
0053 /run/setCutForRegion Radiator 1.
0054 /run/setCutForRegion Absorber 1.
0055 #
0056 #/hits/verbose 1
0057 #
0058 #/XTRdetector/update
0059 #
0060 #Innactivate some processes: msc eIoni eBrem RegularXTRadiator
0061 #                            hIoni 
0062 #
0063 # (switch off dEdx and msc always together!)
0064 #
0065 /process/inactivate msc
0066 /process/inactivate eIoni
0067 /process/inactivate hIoni
0068 #
0069 #/process/inactivate eBrem
0070 #
0071 # Inactivate gamma processes
0072 #
0073 #/process/inactivate phot
0074 #/process/inactivate compt
0075 #/process/inactivate conv
0076 #
0077 #/process/inactivate RegularXTRadiator
0078 #
0079 #/process/inactivate GammaXTRadiator
0080 #
0081 #/process/eLoss/fluct false
0082 #
0083 #/process/verbose 1
0084 #
0085 #
0086 # Particle and its energy
0087 #
0088 /gun/particle e-
0089 /gun/energy 2000.0 MeV
0090 #
0092 #/tracking/verbose 2
0093 #
0094 /run/printProgress 1000
0095 /run/beamOn 5000
0096 #