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Warning, /geant4/examples/extended/biasing/ReverseMC01/README is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001                 Example1 for Reverse Monte Carlo
0002                 --------------------------------
0005 Author
0006 ------
0007 This example code and the adjoint classes in the G4 toolkit  have been developed by L.Desorgher (SpaceIT GmbH)
0008 under the ESA contract 21435/08/NL/AT. For any (reasonable) question  you may contact the author 
0009 at the following email address : 
0012 Abstract
0013 --------
0014 This is the README file for the first G4 example illustrating the use of the Reverse Monte Carlo (RMC) mode in a Geant4 
0015 application. The  Reverse Monte Carlo method is also known as the Adjoint Monte Carlo (AMC) method  and 
0016 in this document we will alternate both Reverse and Adjoint terms.
0018 Other documentation
0019 -------------------
0020 See also the section 3.7.3 Adjoint/Reverse Monte carlo in the 
0021 Geant4 User guide for application developers.
0024 Table of Contents:
0025 -----------------
0027 1.Definition of Reverse/Adjoint Monte Carlo 
0029 2.The Reverse Monte Carlo mode in Geant4 (since G4.9.3 release)
0030         2.1. Reverse tracking phase
0031         2.2. Forward tracking phase
0032         2.3. Reverse processes
0033         2.4. Remark on Nb of adjoint particle types and G4 events considered in an adjoint simulation
0034         2.5. Modifications to bring in a existing G4 application to use the Reverse MC method
0036 3.exampleRMC01
0037         3.1. Geometry
0038         3.2. Physics
0039         3.3. Analysis and output of the code
0040         3.4. Run macrofiles
0041         3.5. Comparison of adjoint and forward simulation results. Normalization!       
0043 4.Control of the adjoint simulation and the RMC01 code by G4 macro UI commands
0044         4.1. G4UI commands in the directory /adjoint
0045         4.2.  G4UI commands in the directory /adjoint_physics
0046         4.3.  G4UI commands in the directory  /RMC01
0048 5. Known issues
0049         5.1. Rare too high weight in the adjoint simulation
0050         5.2. Limitation of the reverse bremsstrahlung
0051         5.3.Limitation of the reverse multiple scattering
0055 1. Definition of Reverse/Adjoint Monte Carlo 
0056 -----------------------------------------
0057 -----------------------------------------
0058 When the sensitive part of a detector is small compared  to its entire size and to the size  of the
0059 external extended primary particle source,  a lot of computing time is spent during a normal Monte Carlo run 
0060 in the simulation of  particle showers that are not contributing to the detector signal.  
0061 In such particular case the Reverse Monte Carlo (RMC) method, also known as the 
0062 Adjoint Monte Carlo method, can be used. 
0063 In this method  particles are generated  in or on the external surface of the sensitive  volume 
0064 of the instrument and then are tracked backward in the geometry till they reach  the source surface, 
0065 or exceed an energy threshold. During the reverse tracking reverse reactions are applied to the particles.
0069 2. The Reverse Monte Carlo mode in Geant4 (since G4.9.3 release)
0070 ----------------------------------------------------------------
0071 ----------------------------------------------------------------
0072 (See also the section 3.7.3 Adjoint/Reverse Monte carlo in the 
0073 Geant4 User guide for application developers.)
0075 Different G4Adjoint classes have been implemented into the Geant4 
0076 toolkit to run an adjoint/reverse simulation in a Geant4 application.
0077 In this implementation an adjoint run is divided in a succession 
0078 of alternative adjoint and forward tracking  of adjoint and normal particles.
0079 One Geant4 event treats the reverse tracking of an adjoint primary particle 
0080 and its secondaries, and the forward tracking of a primary particle euqivalent 
0081 to the adjoint primary as well as its secondaries.
0084 2.1. Reverse tracking phase:
0085 -------------------------
0087 Adjoint particles (adjoint_e-, adjoint_gamma,...) are generated one by one on the so called
0088 adjoint source with random position, energy (1/E distribution) and direction. The adjoint
0089 source is the external surface of a user defined volume or of a user defined sphere. The 
0090 adjoint source should contain one or several sensitive volumes and should be small 
0091 compared to the entire geometry. The user can set the minimum and maximum energy of the 
0092 adjoint source. After its generation the adjoint primary particle is tracked backward in
0093 the geometry till a user defined external surface (spherical or boundary of a volume) 
0094 or is killed before if it reaches a user defined upper energy limit that represents the
0095 maximum energy of the external source. During the reverse tracking, reverse processes take 
0096 place where the adjoint particle being tracked can be either scattered or transformed in 
0097 another type of adjoint particle. During the reverse tracking the 
0098 G4AdjointSimulationManager replaces the user defined primary, run, stepping, ... actions, 
0099 by its own actions.
0101 2.2. Forward tracking phase:
0102 --------------------------
0104 When an adjoint particle reaches the external surface its weight, type,  position, 
0105 and direction are registered and a  normal primary particle with a type equivalent 
0106 to the last generated adjoint primary is generated with the same energy, 
0107 position but opposite direction  and is  tracked in the forward direction 
0108 in the sensitive region as in a forward MC simulation. 
0109 During this forward tracking phase the  event, stacking, stepping, tracking actions defined 
0110 by the user for its general forward application are used. 
0111 By this clear separation between adjoint and forward tracking phases, the code of the 
0112 user developed for a forward simulation should be only slightly 
0113 modified to adapt it for an adjoint simulation. Indeed  the computation of the signal 
0114 is done by the same user actions or analysis classes that the one used in the forward 
0115 simulation mode. Before the G4.10.0 release the reverse and forward tracking mode 
0116 took place  in separated  events. Since the G4.10.0 release, 
0117 in order to prepare to  the migration of the 
0118 ReverseMC to the G4 Multiple Threading mode, the reverse and forward tracking
0119 phase of corresponding adjoint and forward primaries have been merged in the same 
0120 event.
0123 2.3. Reverse Processes:
0124 ---------------------
0126 During the reverse tracking phase reverse processes act on the adjoint particles.
0127 The Reverse processes that  are available at the moment in Geant4 are the:
0128         - Reverse discrete  Ionization for e-, proton and ions
0129         - Continuous gain of energy by ionization and bremsstrahlung for e- and by ionization for protons and ions
0130         - Reverse discrete e- bremsstrahlung  
0131         - Reverse photoelectric effect 
0132         - Reverse Compton scattering
0133         - Approximated multiple scattering (MS) (see section 5.3)
0135 For the gamma reverse physics an adjoint gamma reverse forced interaction process has been implemented 
0136 since GEANT4.10.3. THis process splits a new created gamma in two tracks.
0137 The first tracks is used to force a free flight of the adjoint gamma through the geometry.
0138 The second track is used to force a reverse bremsstrahlung or a reverse compton at some random
0139 position along the free flight track.
0141 It is important to note that the electromagnetic reverse processes are cut dependent 
0142 as their equivalent forward processes. The implementation of the reverse processes is
0143  based on the forward processes
0144 implemented in the G4 standard electromagnetic package.              
0147 2.4. Remark on Nb of adjoint particle types and  Nb of G4 events considered in an adjoint simulation:
0148 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0150 The list of type of adjoint and forward particles that are generated on the adjoint source
0151 and considered in the simulation is a function of the adjoint processes declared in the 
0152 physics list. For example if only the e- and gamma electromagnetic processes are considered
0153 , only adjoint e- and adjoint gamma will be considered as primaries. In this case an 
0154 adjoint event will be divided in two G4 events. The first event will  consist 
0155 into  the coupled  reverse and forward  tracking of an adjoint e- and its equivalent 
0156 forward e-, while the second events will process the reverse and forward trackings
0157 of corresponsing adjoint and forward primary gammas. In this case a 
0158 run of 100 adjoint events will consist into 200 Geant4 events. If the proton ionization is
0159 also considered adjoint and forward protons  are also generated as primaries 
0160 and 300 Geant4 events are processed for 100 adjoint events.
0162 2.5. Modifications to bring in a existing G4 application to use the Reverse MC method
0163 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0164 (for more details see also the section 3.7.3 Adjoint/Reverse Monte carlo in the 
0165 Geant4 User guide for application developers.)
0167 Due the clear separation  between the reverse and forward  tracking  phase  only few modifications are needed 
0168 to an existing  Geant4 application in order to adapt it for the use of the reverse simulation mode.
0169 Except in the physics list where all the reverse processes and their forward equivalent 
0170 have to be declared, the principal code modifications  are needed only in the analysis phase at the end 
0171 of the forward tracking where computed signals have to be multiplied by the weight 
0172 of the reverse tracks that have reached the external surface of the simulatrion 
0173 and then normalized to different user defined spectra and angular distribution representing 
0174 the external source.
0175 The weight of the adjoint tracks is computed by the G4Adjoint classes and the user needs
0176 only to multiply them to the primary differential, directional spectrum of its choice. 
0177 The adjoint weight a the end  of tracks can be also registered if needed in answer matrices.
0179 More precisely, in order to be able to use the Reverse MC method in his simulation, the user should modify 
0180 its code as such:
0182   - Adapt its physics list to use Reverse Processes for adjoint particles. An example of such physics list is provided in an extended 
0183           example. 
0184   - Create an instance of    G4AdjointSimManager somewhere in the main code.
0186   - Modify the analysis part of the code to normalize the signal computed during the forward phase to the weight 
0187          of adjoint particle that reached the external surface during the last tracking phase.
0188          This is done by using the following method of G4AdjointSimManager.
0189             size_t GetNbOfAdointTracksReachingTheExternalSurface()               
0190             G4int GetIDOfLastAdjParticleReachingExtSource(size_t i)                                  
0191             G4ThreeVector GetPositionAtEndOfLastAdjointTrack(size_t i)
0192             G4ThreeVector GetDirectionAtEndOfLastAdjointTrack(size_t i)
0193             G4double GetEkinAtEndOfLastAdjointTrack(size_t i)
0194             G4double GetEkinNucAtEndOfLastAdjointTrack(size_t i)
0195             G4double GetWeightAtEndOfLastAdjointTrack(size_t i)
0196             G4double GetCosthAtEndOfLastAdjointTrack(size_t i)
0197             G4String GetFwdParticleNameAtEndOfLastAdjointTrack(size_t i)
0198             G4int GetFwdParticlePDGEncodingAtEndOfLastAdjointTrack(size_t i)
0199             G4int GetFwdParticleIndexAtEndOfLastAdjointTrack(size_t i).
0200     Since the version Geant4.10.3 several adjoint tracks can arrive on the external surface during the same events.
0201     It is therefore important to loop over alll these tracks when normalizing the weights at the end of the event. 
0202     The method GetNbOfAdointTracksReachingTheExternalSurface() returns the number of adjoint tracks that reached the 
0203     external surface. Ine the other methods the input parameter i allows to get the information of the ith track.
0205     In order to have a code working for both forward and adjoint simulation mode, the extra code needed in user actions for the adjoint
0206     simulation mode can be separated to the code needed only for the normal forward  simulation by using the following method
0208            G4bool GetAdjointSimMode() that return true if an adjoint simulation is running and false if not!
0212 3. exampleRMC01
0213 ---------------
0214 ---------------
0215 The example RMC01 illustrates how to modify a G4 application in order to use 
0216 both forward and reverse MC modes in the same code.
0219 3.1. Geometry:
0220 -------------- 
0222 The following simple geometry is considered:
0223    - sensitive Silicon cylinder at the center of an Aluminum spherical shielding with 10 cm  Radius.
0224    - two 0.5mm thick Tantalum plates set horizontally above and below the Sensitive Cylinder 
0226 The free parameters of the geometry that can bes set by the user are:
0227    - the thickness of the Aluminum shielding  
0228    - the height of the sensitive Si cylinder
0229    - the radius of the sensitive Si cylinder
0233 3.2. Physics:
0234 -------------
0236 The physical processes considered  are:
0237         - Reverse and forward discrete  Ionization for e- and  proton   
0238         - Continuous gain and loss of energy by ionization and bremsstrahlung for e- and by ionization for protons 
0239         - Reverse and forward discrete e- bremsstrahlung  
0240         - Reverse and forward photoelectric effect 
0241         - Reverse and forward Compton scattering
0242         - Reverse and forward Multiple scattering
0244 These processes are implemented in the class G4AdjointPhysicsList distributed with the example. The G4AdjointPhysicsMessenger allows the user
0245 to switch on/off some processes for testing purpose. By default all processes cited above are considered except the proton ionization that
0246 has to be specifically switch on in the macro file by the user.
0250 3.3. Analysis and output of the code:
0251 ----------------------------------
0253 The example computes the energy deposited in the sensitive Si cylinder and the current of e-, protons, and gamma 
0254 entering this cylinder.
0255 The Hits are registered in the sensitive detector class RMC01SD that is a typical G4 sensitive detector class 
0256 used in a forward simulation and is not modified at all
0257 for the adjoint simulation mode. 
0258 The analysis of the registered hits during forward events is done by the RMCO1AnalysisManager.
0259 That is the class that illustrates how to adapt an analysis code of a fwd simulation in order to use it also for 
0260 an adjoint simulation.
0261 In this class during a forward simulation the  method EndOfEventForForwardSimulation is used at the end of an event 
0262 while during an adjoint simulation at the end of fwd tracking event the method EndOfEventForAdjointSimulation is called.
0263 By looking at the source of RMCO1AnalysisManager and more particularly to its method EndOfEventForAdjointSimulation the user will
0264 learn how to adapt its G4 analysis code for an adjoint simulation.
0266 The outputs of an adjoint simulation are:
0268         -The total energy deposited and particle current entering the sensitive cylinder normalized 
0269          automatically to a user defined primary spectrum(exponential or power law) .
0270          These results are stored in the files:
0271                 -Adj_Edep_vs_EkinPrim.txt                            
0272                 -Adj_ElectronCurrent.txt
0273                 -Adj_GammaCurrent.txt
0274                 -Adj_ProtonCurrent.txt
0275                 -ConvergenceOfAdjointSimulationResults.txt: 
0276                                 The total normalized edep and its relative error registered every 5000 adjoint events
0279         -The answer matrix of the energy deposited and particles current on the sensitive cylinder in function of primary energy of e-, gamma and
0280         protons. These results are stored in the files Adj********_Answer.txt
0284 The outputs of a forward simulation are:         
0285         -The mean energy deposited and particle current entering the sensitive cylinder per event.
0286          These results are stored in the files:
0287                 -Fwd_Edep_vs_EkinPrim.txt                            
0288                 -Fwd_ElectronCurrent.txt
0289                 -Fwd_GammaCurrent.txt
0290                 -Fwd_ProtonCurrent.txt
0291                 -ConvergenceOfAdjointSimulationResults.txt: The total normalized edep and its relative error registered every 5000 adjoint events
0295 3.4. Run macrofiles:
0296 ------------------
0297 The following example run macro files are distributed with the code:
0299         -run_adjoint_simulation_electron.mac and  run_adjoint_simulation_proton.mac for adjoint simulations 
0301         -run_forward_simulation_electron.mac  and run_forward_simulation_proton.mac for forward simulations
0304 3.5. Comparison of adjoint and forward simulation results:
0305 ----------------------------------------------------------
0306 It is the responsibility of the user to select in the macro file the same external spectrum 
0307 for both the forward and adjoint simulations  and to normalize the per event results of the forward simulation 
0308 to the fluence considered in the adjoint  simulation. 
0310 For the macro files that are provided  with the examples it consists into multiplying  the forward results by pi*100.
0311 This normalization factor is explained by the following:
0313         -For the forward simulation the results are given  per number of events. It corresponds  
0314         to a normalization to a  fluence of 1 particle emanating from the external source. 
0316         -In run_fwd_simulation.mac the source is set on a sphere of 10 cm radius (see /gps commands in
0317          macrofile).Therefore the omnidirectional  fluence for the fwd simulation  is 1./(pi*R^2) with R=10cm. 
0319         -The adjoint results  are normalized to a fluence of 1/cm2.
0320             (See command /RMC01/analysis/SetExponentialSpectrumForAdjointSim in macrofile)
0322         -In conclusion to compare the adjoint and forward results, the forward results should
0323                         be multiplied by pi*R^2/cm2= pi*100.
0327 4. Control of the adjoint simulation and the RMC01 code by G4 macro UI commands:
0328 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
0329 Different G4 macro UI commands are provided to control the RMC01 example and the adjoint simulation.
0330 Some macro commands are provided within the geant4 toolkit and appears in a G4 application when the singleton 
0331 class G4AdjointSimManager is called somewhere in the code, the other macro commands are 
0332 declared in the code  distributed within the example.
0335 4.1. G4UI commands in the directory /adjoint
0336 ----------------------------------------------- 
0337 The macro commands in the directory /adjoint appears in a user application when the singleton 
0338 class G4AdjointSimManager is called somewhere in the code. 
0339 It allows to control the adjoint source, the external source and start an adjoint simulation.
0341 The command to start an adjoint  run is:
0343 -/adjoint/start_run nb
0344         Start an adjoint simulation with a number of events given by nb. It is important to note that the total number of events in the sense of G4 
0345         will be nb*2*nb_primary_considered (see  3.4.)
0348 The commands to control the adjoint source are:
0350 -/adjoint/DefineSphericalAdjSource R X Y Z unit_length
0351         The adjoint source is set on a sphere with radius R and centered on position (X,Y,Z) 
0353 -/adjoint/DefineSphericalAdjSourceCenteredOnAVolume phys_vol_name R unit_length
0354         The external source is set on a sphere with radius R and with its center position located at the center of the 
0355         the physical volume specified by the name phys_vol_name.
0356 -/adjoint/DefineAdjSourceOnExtSurfaceOfAVolume phys_vol_name 
0357         The external surface is set as the external boundary of a the physical volume with name phys_vol_name
0359 -/adjoint/SetAdjSourceEmin  Emin energy_unit 
0360         Set the minimum  energy of the external source
0362 -/adjoint/SetAdjSourceEmax  Emax energy_unit 
0363         Set the maximum  energy of the external source
0365 -/adjoint/ConsiderAsPrimary  particle_name 
0366         The type  of particle specified by  "particle_name" will be added in the list of primary adjoint particles. 
0367         The list of candidates depends on the reverse physics processes considered in the simulation. At the most the 
0368         potential candidates are (e-, gamma, proton , ion). For this example only e-, gamma, proton
0369         can be chosen. As the proton ionization is not considered by default, the default list of particles is
0370         [e-,gamma]. To have also the proton as candidate the proton ionization should 
0371         be switch on (/adjoint_physics/UseProtonIonisation true).
0373 -/adjoint/NeglectAsPrimary  particle_name 
0374         The type  of particle specified by  "particle_name" will be removed from the list of primary adjoint particles. 
0375         The list of candidates depends on the reverse physics processes considered in the simulation. At the most the 
0376         potential candidates are (e-, gamma, proton , ion). For this example only e-, gamma, proton
0377         can be chosen. As the proton ionization is not considered by default, the default list of particles is
0378         [e-,gamma].To have also the proton as candidate the proton ionization should 
0379         be switch on (/adjoint_physics/UseProtonIonisation true). 
0382 The commands to control the external source are:
0384 -/adjoint/DefineSphericalExtSource R X Y Z unit_length:
0385         The external source is set on a sphere with radius R and centered on position (X,Y,Z) 
0387 -/adjoint/DefineSphericalExtSourceCenteredOnAVolume phys_vol_name R unit_length
0388         The external source is set on a sphere with radius R and with its center position located at the center of the 
0389         the physical volume specified by the name phys_vol_name.
0391 -/adjoint/DefineExtSourceOnExtSurfaceOfAVolume phys_vol_name 
0392         The external surface is set as the external boundary of a the physical volume with name phys_vol_name
0394 -/adjoint/SetExtSourceEmax  Emax energy_unit 
0395         Set the maximum  energy of the external source. An adjoint track will be stop when a an adjoint particle get an energy higher than this maximum energy.
0399 4.2. G4UI commands in the directory /adjoint_physics
0400 ------------------------------------------------------
0401 These commands allow to control the electromagnetic processes that will be considered in the simulation.
0403 The processes that can be used are:
0404         -Reverse and forward e- continuous and discrete  Ionization. Always switch on
0405         -Reverse and forward e- Bremsstrahlung. Switch on by default
0406         -Reverse and forward Compton scattering. Switch on by default
0407         -Reverse and forward photo electric effect. Switch on by default
0408         -Reverse and forward photo electric effect. Switch on by default
0409         -Reverse and forward multiple scattering. Switch on by default
0410         -Reverse and forward proton continuous and discrete  Ionization. Switch off by default  
0411         -Forward e-e+ pair production. Switch off by default. 
0412          If switch all the e+ electromagnetic physics is considered.  
0415 The commands that can be used to switch on of these processes are:
0417 /adjoint_physics/UseProtonIonisation true/false
0418    -Switch on/off the reverse and forward proton ionization. Off by default. 
0420 /adjoint_physics/UseBremsstrahlung true/false
0421    -Switch on/off the reverse and forward e- bremsstrahlung. On by default.     
0423 /adjoint_physics/UseCompton true/false
0424    -Switch on/off the Compton scattering. On by default.        
0427 /adjoint_physics/UseMS true/false
0428    -Switch on/off the multiple scattering. On by default.
0431 /adjoint_physics/UseEgainElossFluctuation true/false 
0432    -Switch on/off the fluctuation in the continuous energy loss/gain.   On by default. Only for test purpose.   
0434 /adjoint_physics/UsePEEffect true/false
0435    -Switch on/off the photo electric effect. On by default.     
0438 /adjoint_physics/UseGammaConversion true/false
0439    -Switch on/off the forward e-e+ pair production from gamma. Off by default. When On all the e+
0440    electromagnetic physics is considered.
0443 The user can also fix the maximum energy Emax and minimum energy Emin of the adjoint physical processes used 
0444 in the simulation. The adjoint process will be applied to particles within the energy range [Emin, Emax] 
0445 and will produce adjoint secondary only in this energy range. It is recommended to fix Emin to the minimum
0446 energy  of the adjoint source and fix Emax to the maximum energy of the external source.  
0447 The commands controlling Emin and Emax are:
0449 /adjoint_physics/SetEminForAdjointModels Emin Energy_unit
0450         -Set the minimum energy of the adjoint processes/models.
0452 /adjoint_physics/SetEmaxForAdjointModels Emin Energy_unit
0453         -Set the maximum energy of the adjoint processes/models.
0456 4.3. G4UI commands in the directory  /RMC01
0457 ----------------------------------------------
0459 Commands/RMC01/geometry/  to control the geometry:
0461 /RMC01/geometry/SetSensitiveVolumeHeight H length_unit
0462         Set the height H of the Si sensitive cylinder.
0465 /RMC01/geometry/SetSensitiveVolumeRadius R length_unit
0466         Set the radius R of the Si sensitive cylinder.  
0468 /RMC01/geometry/SetShieldingThickness    D length_unit
0469         Set the thickness D of the aluminum shielding.
0471 Commands /RMC01/analysis/ to control the primary spectrum used for the normalization of the 
0472 adjoint simulation results and fix the expected precision of the computed Edep:
0474 /RMC01/analysis/SetPowerLawPrimSpectrumForAdjointSim particle_name F F_unit alpha Emin Emax E_unit
0475         Set the primary spectrum to which the adjoint simulation results will be normalised to a power law
0476         spectrum E^(-alpha) of particle defined by    particle_name, with an omnidirectional fluence F, and
0477         energy range [Emin,Emax]. The fluence unit candidates for F_unit  are [1/cm2, 1/m2, cm-2, m-2]. 
0480 /RMC01/analysis/SetExponentialSpectrumForAdjointSim particle_name F F_unit E0 Emin Emax E_unit
0481         Set the primary spectrum to which the adjoint simulation results will be normalised to an exponential
0482         spectrum exp(-E/E0) of particle defined by    particle_name, with an omnidirectional fluence F, and
0483         energy range [Emin,Emax]. The fluence unit candidates for F_unit  are [1/cm2, 1/m2, cm-2, m-2]. 
0487 /RMC01/analysis/SetExpectedPrecisionOfResults precision
0488         Set the expected precision in % for the computed energy deposited in the sensitive volume 
0489         for both the forward and adjoint simulation case. When the relative statistical error 
0490         of the  computed energy deposited reach this precision the run is aborted and the results are registered.
0491         Otherwise the run continue till the nb of events specified by the user are processed. By default the precision is set
0492         to 0. meaning that the run will not be aborted in this case. 
0499 5. Known issues
0500 --------------------------------
0501 --------------------------------
0503 5.1 Rare too high weight in the adjoint simulation
0504 ---------------------------------------------------
0506 In rare cases an adjoint track may get a much too high weight when  reaching the external source.
0507 While this happen not often it may corrupt the simulation results significantly. The reason  of this high weight is 
0508 the joint use at low e- and gamma  energy of both  the photoelectric and bremsstrahlung processes.
0509 Unfortunately we still need some investigations to remove this problem  at the level of physical processes. 
0510 However  this problem can be solved  at the level of event action in the user code by adding a test on the adjoint 
0511 weight. Such test has been implemented in the example RMC01. 
0512 In this implementation  an event is rejected when the relative error of the computed  normalised edep 
0513 increase during one event by more than 50% when the precision  is already below 10%.
0516 5.2 Limitation of the reverse bremsstrahlung
0517 -------------------------------------------
0518 The difference between the differential cross sections used in the adjoint and forward bremsstrahlung 
0519  models is the source of a higher flux of >100 keV gamma in the reverse simulation compared to the forward simulation.
0520 The adjoint processes/models should make use of the direct differential cross section to sample
0521  the adjoint  secondaries and compute the adjoint cross section.
0522 The differential cross section used in G4AdjointeBremstrahlungModel  is obtained by the numerical derivation
0523 over the cut energy of the direct cross section provided  by G4eBremsstrahlungModel. 
0524 This would be a correct procedure if the  distribution of secondary in   G4eBremsstrahlungModel  
0525 would match this differential cross section. Unfortunately it is not the case as independent  parameterization are used 
0526  in   G4eBremsstrahlungModel  for both the cross sections and the sample of secondary. (It means that in the forward case 
0527  if one would integrate the effective differential cross section considered  in the simulation we would not find back 
0528  the used cross section). 
0529  In the future we plan to correct this problem by using an extra weight correction factor after the occurrence of a reverse
0530  bremsstrahlung. This weight factor should be the ratio between the differential CS used in the adjoint simulation and the 
0531 one effectively used in the forward processes. As it is impossible to have access to the forward differential CS 
0532  in G4eBremsstrahlungModel we  are investigating the feasibility to use  the differential CS considered in  
0533  G4Penelope models. 
0536 5.3 Limitation of the reverse multiple scattering
0537 -------------------------------------------------
0538 For the reverse multiple scattering we are using the same models than for the forward case.
0539 This approximation makes that the discrepancy between the adjoint and forward 
0540 simulation cases can get to a level of ~ 10-15% relative differences in the test cases that we have considered. 
0541 In the future we plan to improve   the adjoint multiple scattering models  by forcing the computation of 
0542 multiple scattering effect at the end of an adjoint step.