Warning, /geant4/examples/basic/B3/macros/run2.mac is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 #
0002 # Macro file of "exampleB3.cc"
0003 # To be run preferably in batch, without graphics:
0004 # % exampleB3 run3.mac
0005 #
0006 #/run/numberOfThreads 4
0007 #/control/cout/ignoreThreadsExcept 0
0008 #
0009 /run/initialize
0010 #
0011 /control/verbose 2
0012 #
0013 /run/beamOn 40000
0014 #
0015 # change beta source
0016 #
0017 /gun/particle ion
0018 /gun/ion 6 11
0019 #
0020 /analysis/setFileName scoring2
0021 /run/printProgress 10000
0022 /run/beamOn 40000