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Warning, /geant4/examples/advanced/underground_physics/stt.mac is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 ###############################################################################
0002 #                                                                             #
0003 # stt.mac                                                                     #
0004 # Gamma spectrum from internal calibrator                                     #
0005 # output in file stt.out                                                      #
0006 # 100 gamma events @60keV fired inside DMX                                    #
0007 ###############################################################################
0008 #
0009 # verbosities
0010 /control/verbose 0
0011 /run/verbose 0
0012 /tracking/verbose 0
0013 /hits/verbose 0
0014 #/dmx/printModulo 1
0015 /dmx/printModulo 10
0016 #
0017 # draw flags
0018 /dmx/draw/drawColours standard
0019 /dmx/draw/drawTracks none
0020 /dmx/draw/drawHits 0
0021 #
0022 # file output
0023 #/dmx/savePmt  0
0024 /dmx/savePmt  1
0025 /dmx/saveHits 1
0026 #
0027 # Set a very high time threshold to allow all decays to happen
0028 /process/had/rdm/thresholdForVeryLongDecayTime 1.0e+60 year
0029 #
0030 # gun: particle
0031 /dmx/gun/verbose 0
0032 /dmx/gun/particle gamma
0033 /dmx/gun/energytype Mono
0034 /dmx/gun/energy 60.0 keV
0035 #
0036 # gun: isotropic
0037 /dmx/gun/angtype iso
0038 #
0039 # OR gun: shoot up
0040 #/dmx/gun/angtype direction
0041 #/dmx/gun/direction 0 0 1
0042 #
0043 # gun: source
0044 /dmx/gun/type Volume
0045 /dmx/gun/shape Cylinder
0046 /dmx/gun/radius 650 um
0047 ####/dmx/gun/halfz 300.0 nm
0048 /dmx/gun/halfz 1500.0 nm
0049 /dmx/gun/centre 0 0 -302.65 mm
0050 /dmx/gun/confine americium_phys
0051 #
0052 /dmx/hitsfile stt.out
0053 /dmx/pmtfile stt_pmt.out
0054 #
0055 #
0056 /run/beamOn 100