Warning, /geant4/examples/advanced/underground_physics/initInter.mac is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 #############################################################################*#
0002 # #
0003 # initInter.mac #
0004 # Initialisation macro for interactive mode #
0005 # #
0006 ###############################################################################
0007 #
0008 /control/verbose 2
0009 /control/saveHistory
0010 #
0011 # Open a viewer
0012 /vis/open
0013 # This opens the default viewer - see examples/basic/B1/vis.mac for a
0014 # more comprehensive overview of options. Also the documentation.
0015 #
0016 # Trajectories: set to 0 if too many
0017 # alternatively use /dmx/drawTracks [none charged noscint all]
0018 /tracking/storeTrajectory 1
0019 #
0020 #
0021 # Camera viewpoint
0022 /vis/drawView 70 -90 0. 0. cm 1.5
0023 #
0024 # Add detector to scene
0025 /vis/drawVolume
0026 #
0027 # Flush visualization
0028 /vis/viewer/update
0029 #
0030 #
0031 # now run macro: gamma.mac, alpha.mac, neutron.mac, sourceAm241.mac