Warning, /geant4/examples/advanced/underground_physics/ambe_spectrum.mac is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 ###############################################################################
0002 # #
0003 # neutron.mac #
0004 # 1 neutron fired in the room #
0005 # #
0006 ###############################################################################
0007 #
0008 # output log-file name
0009 #/run/filename n_phantom_100000.log
0010 #
0011 # verbosities
0012 /control/verbose 1
0013 /run/verbose 1
0014 /tracking/verbose 0
0015 /hits/verbose 0
0016 /dmx/printModulo 100
0017 #
0018 # draw flags
0019 /dmx/draw/drawColours custom
0020 /dmx/draw/gammaColour green
0021 ##/dmx/draw/drawTracks noscint
0022 /dmx/draw/drawTracks all
0023 /dmx/draw/drawHits 0
0024 #
0025 # file output
0026 /dmx/savePmt 0
0027 /dmx/saveHits 1
0028 #
0029 # kill gammas in lab wall
0030 /dmx/KillGammasInConcrete 0
0031 #
0032 # radioactive decay module
0033 /process/had/rdm/verbose 0
0034 /process/had/rdm/allVolumes
0035 # Set a very high time threshold to allow all decays to happen
0036 /process/had/rdm/thresholdForVeryLongDecayTime 1.0e+60 year
0037 #
0038 # using GPS for ambe_spectrum:
0039 /gps/pos/type Surface
0040 /gps/pos/shape Sphere
0041 /gps/pos/radius 1.0 cm
0042 /gps/pos/centre 0. 132.0 -302.65 mm
0043 /gps/ang/type iso
0044 /gps/ang/surfnorm 1
0045 /gps/ang/mintheta 0.
0046 /gps/ang/maxtheta 0.30
0047 /gps/ang/minphi 0.
0048 /gps/ang/maxphi 6.283185
0049 #
0050 #
0051 /gps/ene/type Arb
0052 /gps/hist/type arb
0053 #
0054 /gps/particle neutron
0055 #
0056 # estimated neutron spectrum from Jaime's paper:
0057 # - first bin is in MeV:
0058 /gps/hist/point 0.0 10000
0059 /gps/hist/point 0.2 11000
0060 /gps/hist/point 0.4 12000
0061 /gps/hist/point 0.6 13000
0062 /gps/hist/point 0.8 12000
0063 /gps/hist/point 1.0 10000
0064 /gps/hist/point 1.2 9000
0065 /gps/hist/point 1.4 11000
0066 /gps/hist/point 1.6 10000
0067 /gps/hist/point 1.8 11000
0068 /gps/hist/point 2.0 9000
0069 /gps/hist/point 2.2 14000
0070 /gps/hist/point 2.4 11000
0071 /gps/hist/point 2.6 12000
0072 /gps/hist/point 2.8 15000
0073 /gps/hist/point 3.0 17000
0074 /gps/hist/point 3.2 16000
0075 /gps/hist/point 3.4 15000
0076 /gps/hist/point 3.6 16500
0077 /gps/hist/point 3.8 17000
0078 /gps/hist/point 4.0 17000
0079 /gps/hist/point 4.2 14000
0080 /gps/hist/point 4.4 13500
0081 /gps/hist/point 4.6 14500
0082 /gps/hist/point 4.8 14000
0083 /gps/hist/point 5.0 13500
0084 /gps/hist/point 5.2 13000
0085 /gps/hist/point 5.4 12500
0086 /gps/hist/point 5.6 11000
0087 /gps/hist/point 5.8 10000
0088 /gps/hist/point 6.0 9800
0089 /gps/hist/point 6.2 8000
0090 /gps/hist/point 6.4 7700
0091 /gps/hist/point 6.6 7000
0092 /gps/hist/point 6.8 6800
0093 /gps/hist/point 7.0 6000
0094 /gps/hist/point 7.2 5000
0095 /gps/hist/point 7.4 4000
0096 /gps/hist/point 7.6 3600
0097 /gps/hist/point 7.8 3000
0098 /gps/hist/point 8.0 2000
0099 /gps/hist/point 8.2 1900
0100 /gps/hist/point 8.4 1750
0101 /gps/hist/point 8.6 1800
0102 /gps/hist/point 8.8 1825
0103 /gps/hist/point 9.0 1600
0104 /gps/hist/point 9.2 1400
0105 /gps/hist/point 9.4 1200
0106 /gps/hist/point 9.6 1100
0107 /gps/hist/point 9.8 1000
0108 /gps/hist/point 10.0 800
0109 #
0110 #
0111 #
0112 #
0113 /gps/hist/inter Lin
0115 /random/setDirectoryName ./seeds
0116 /random/setSavingFlag
0118 /dmx/hitsfile ambe_spectrum.out
0119 /dmx/histogramfile ambe_spectrum.root
0121 /run/beamOn 1000000