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EIC code displayed by LXR



Warning, /geant4/examples/advanced/stim_pixe_tomography/ is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 #
0002 # macro file pixe3d.mac
0003 #
0004 /control/verbose 1
0005 /run/verbose 1
0006 #/tracking/verbose 2
0007 #
0008 #/tomography/det/setPhantomType 1
0009 #
0010 # material and size of simple cube object
0011 # comment out if the object is not a cubic shape
0012 #/tomography/det/setAbsMat Gold
0013 #/tomography/det/setAbsMat G4_P
0014 #/tomography/det/setAbsThick 50 um
0015 #/tomography/det/setAbsYZ    50 um
0016 #/tomography/det/setAbsThick 5 um
0017 #/tomography/det/setAbsYZ    5 um
0018 #
0019 #Physics lists
0020 #/tomography/phys/addPhysics local
0021 /tomography/phys/addPhysics  elastic
0022 /tomography/phys/addPhysics  binary
0023 /tomography/phys/addPhysics  binary_ion
0024 #
0025 #Production cuts
0026 #/run/setCut 0.01 mm
0027 #/run/setCutForAGivenParticle gamma 0.5 um
0028 /run/setCut 1 nm
0029 /cuts/setLowEdge 900 eV
0030 #
0031 #/process/em/deexcitationIgnoreCut true
0032 #/process/em/deexcitation world true false true
0033 /process/em/applyCuts true
0034 /process/em/fluo true
0035 /process/em/fluoBearden true
0036 /process/em/pixe true
0037 /process/em/auger true
0038 /process/em/augerCascade true
0039 #
0040 /tomography/run/scanParameters 5 1 5
0041 #
0042 /run/initialize
0043 #
0044 /run/printProgress 500000
0045 #
0046 # Source definition : energy, type
0047 #
0048 /gps/energy 1.50 MeV
0049 /gps/particle proton
0050 #
0052 #
0053 /gps/direction 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0054 /gps/pos/centre -36.000000 -28.800000 0.000000 um
0055 /run/beamOn 20
0056 #
0057 /gps/direction 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0058 /gps/pos/centre -36.000000 -14.400000 0.000000 um
0059 /run/beamOn 20
0060 #
0061 /gps/direction 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0062 /gps/pos/centre -36.000000 0.000000 0.000000 um
0063 /run/beamOn 20
0064 #
0065 /gps/direction 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0066 /gps/pos/centre -36.000000 14.400000 0.000000 um
0067 /run/beamOn 20
0068 #
0069 /gps/direction 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0070 /gps/pos/centre -36.000000 28.800000 0.000000 um
0071 /run/beamOn 20
0072 #
0073 /gps/direction 0.809017 0.587785 0.000000
0074 /gps/pos/centre -12.196397 -44.459959 0.000000 um
0075 /run/beamOn 20
0076 #
0077 /gps/direction 0.809017 0.587785 0.000000
0078 /gps/pos/centre -20.660504 -32.810114 0.000000 um
0079 /run/beamOn 20
0080 #
0081 /gps/direction 0.809017 0.587785 0.000000
0082 /gps/pos/centre -29.124612 -21.160269 0.000000 um
0083 /run/beamOn 20
0084 #
0085 /gps/direction 0.809017 0.587785 0.000000
0086 /gps/pos/centre -37.588719 -9.510424 0.000000 um
0087 /run/beamOn 20
0088 #
0089 /gps/direction 0.809017 0.587785 0.000000
0090 /gps/pos/centre -46.052827 2.139420 0.000000 um
0091 /run/beamOn 20
0092 #
0093 /gps/direction 0.309017 0.951057 0.000000
0094 /gps/pos/centre 16.265816 -43.137724 0.000000 um
0095 /run/beamOn 20
0096 #
0097 /gps/direction 0.309017 0.951057 0.000000
0098 /gps/pos/centre 2.570602 -38.687879 0.000000 um
0099 /run/beamOn 20
0100 #
0101 /gps/direction 0.309017 0.951057 0.000000
0102 /gps/pos/centre -11.124612 -34.238035 0.000000 um
0103 /run/beamOn 20
0104 #
0105 /gps/direction 0.309017 0.951057 0.000000
0106 /gps/pos/centre -24.819826 -29.788190 0.000000 um
0107 /run/beamOn 20
0108 #
0109 /gps/direction 0.309017 0.951057 0.000000
0110 /gps/pos/centre -38.515039 -25.338345 0.000000 um
0111 /run/beamOn 20
0112 #
0113 /gps/direction -0.309017 0.951057 0.000000
0114 /gps/pos/centre 38.515039 -25.338345 0.000000 um
0115 /run/beamOn 20
0116 #
0117 /gps/direction -0.309017 0.951057 0.000000
0118 /gps/pos/centre 24.819826 -29.788190 0.000000 um
0119 /run/beamOn 20
0120 #
0121 /gps/direction -0.309017 0.951057 0.000000
0122 /gps/pos/centre 11.124612 -34.238035 0.000000 um
0123 /run/beamOn 20
0124 #
0125 /gps/direction -0.309017 0.951057 0.000000
0126 /gps/pos/centre -2.570602 -38.687879 0.000000 um
0127 /run/beamOn 20
0128 #
0129 /gps/direction -0.309017 0.951057 0.000000
0130 /gps/pos/centre -16.265816 -43.137724 0.000000 um
0131 /run/beamOn 20
0132 #
0133 /gps/direction -0.809017 0.587785 0.000000
0134 /gps/pos/centre 46.052827 2.139420 0.000000 um
0135 /run/beamOn 20
0136 #
0137 /gps/direction -0.809017 0.587785 0.000000
0138 /gps/pos/centre 37.588719 -9.510424 0.000000 um
0139 /run/beamOn 20
0140 #
0141 /gps/direction -0.809017 0.587785 0.000000
0142 /gps/pos/centre 29.124612 -21.160269 0.000000 um
0143 /run/beamOn 20
0144 #
0145 /gps/direction -0.809017 0.587785 0.000000
0146 /gps/pos/centre 20.660504 -32.810114 0.000000 um
0147 /run/beamOn 20
0148 #
0149 /gps/direction -0.809017 0.587785 0.000000
0150 /gps/pos/centre 12.196397 -44.459959 0.000000 um
0151 /run/beamOn 20
0152 #