Warning, /geant4/examples/advanced/lAr_calorimeter/prerunlArcal.mac is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 #
0002 # Macro file for the initialization phase of "exampleN03.cc"
0003 #
0004 # Sets some default verbose
0005 # and initializes the graphic.
0006 #
0007 /run/initialize
0008 /control/verbose 2
0009 /control/saveHistory
0010 /run/verbose 2
0011 #
0012 # Create empty scene ("world" is default)
0013 /vis/scene/create
0014 #
0015 /vis/viewer/zoom 10.
0017 # Add volume to scene
0018 /vis/scene/add/volume
0019 #
0020 # Create a scene handler for a specific graphics system
0021 # Edit the next line(s) to choose another graphic system
0022 #
0025 /vis/sceneHandler/create DAWNFILE
0026 /vis/sceneHandler/create OGL
0027 #/vis/sceneHandler/create RAYX
0029 #/vis/viewer/zoom 10.
0031 # Create a viewer
0032 /vis/viewer/create
0033 #
0034 # Draw scene
0035 /vis/scene/notifyHandlers
0036 #
0037 # for drawing the tracks
0038 # if too many tracks cause core dump => storeTrajectory 0
0039 /tracking/storeTrajectory 1
0040 /vis/scene/add/trajectories
0041 #
0042 # Flush visualization
0043 /vis/viewer/update
0045 #/vis/camera/reset
0046 #/vis/camera/viewpoint 90 0
0047 #vis/camera/zoom 1.5
0049 /control/verbose 2
0050 /run/verbose 2
0051 /event/verbose 0
0052 /tracking/verbose 1
0053 /gun/particle mu+
0054 /gun/energy 300 MeV
0055 /run/beamOn 3
0056 #/gun/particle geantino