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Warning, /geant4/examples/advanced/hadrontherapy/experimentalData/proton/BraggPeak/README is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 README file relative to proton experimental Bragg peaks
0004 Description of experimental data file provided and of the 
0005 corresponding simulation configuration to use for the comparison
0007 --> experimental62MeVProtonBraggPeak.out
0008     This is a two columns file reresenting an experimental proton Bragg peak acquired
0009     at the INFN-LNS proton therapy facility and generated by a 62 MeV proton beam penetrating
0010     a water tank.
0011     The first column represent the depth in millimeters of water;
0012     The second column represent the energy deposited per millimeter as measured by an
0013     ionisation chamber moving in water.