Warning, /geant4/examples/advanced/gorad/README is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0002 ========================================================
0003 GORAD - Geant4 Open-source Radiation Analysis and Design
0004 ========================================================
0006 First release : September 2020 with Geant4 version 10.7
0007 Author : Makoto Asai (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
0009 Introduction
0010 ------------
0012 Gorad (Geant4 Open-sourced Radiation Analysis and Design) is meant to be
0013 a turn-key application for radiation analysis and spacecraft design built
0014 on top of Geant4. Simulation geometry should be provided in the form of GDML.
0015 Gorad is controlled by UI commands, and it works both in interactive mode
0016 with Qt window and in batch mode with an input macro file.
0018 The current Gorad requires Geant4 version 10.7 (release of December 2020).
0019 It does not work with earlier version of Geant4. Geant4 has to be installed
0020 with multithreading mode and GDML interface enabled. Qt is also recommended
0021 for the use of Gorad in interactive mode. Geant4 GDML interface requires
0022 Xerces-C++ version 3 or higher. Xerces-C++ has to be compiled with the same
0023 compiler Geant4 is compiled. Please refer to the Geant4 installation guide
0024 for enabling these options.
0026 Building and running Gorad
0027 --------------------------
0029 To compile and run Gorad, all the Geant4 environment variables have to be
0030 properly set. Use the shell script in the Geant4 installation directory.
0031 Compilation of Gorad requires cmake and make same as the compilation of
0032 Geant4 itself.
0034 $ source $G4INSTALL/bin/geant4.(c)sh
0035 $ cmake .
0036 $ make
0038 To run Gorad in interactive mode,
0040 $ ./gorad
0042 and then, in the keyboard input field, type
0044 /control/execute <macroFile>
0046 The user may also use any UI commands shown in the left side menu of the
0047 Qt window.
0049 To run Gorad in batch mode,
0051 $ ./gorad <macroFIle>
0053 A sample macro file
0054 -------------------
0056 Associated macro file "run.mac" can be used for both interactive mode
0057 and batch mode. It uses a simple cone-shaped geometry (simpleCone.gdml)
0058 and King Solar Proton Fluence model (https://doi.org/10.2514/3.62088).
0059 It employs both primary particle generation biasing and geometry
0060 importance biasing. This sample macro file defines a probe filled by
0061 water located at the center of the world volume with dose and flux
0062 scorers.
0064 If this sample macro file is used in interactive mode, it also sets up
0065 visualization (through vis.mac). After executing this sample macro, the
0066 user can start an event loop with /run/beamOn command.
0068 If this sample macro file is used in batch mode, it defines 4 histograms.
0069 After the event loop, These histograms are dumped to corresponding files
0070 and also plotted to a Postscript file. Scores of the dose and flux scorers
0071 are also dumped into an output file. In batch mode, this macro executes
0072 one million events.
0074 Gorad manual and additional GDML file
0075 -------------------------------------
0077 Details of the sample macro file and available alternative commands are
0078 described in the full manual downloadable from the following URL. Also,
0079 additional sample GDML file of partial and simplified Orion Spacecraft
0080 is available at the following URL. This is a sample input and it is not
0081 mandatory to execute Gorad.
0083 https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Geant4/AdvancedExamplesGorad
0085 Known warning messages while processing a GDML file
0086 ---------------------------------------------------
0088 If the input GDML file uses some material names defined in G4NISTManager,
0089 these names are unrecognizable by the GDML perser itself and cause
0090 warning messages. For example
0092 G4GDML: VALIDATION ERROR! ID attribute 'G4_AIR' is referenced but was
0093 never declared at line: XX
0095 These messages are harmless and these materials are properly interpreted
0096 once they are set to G4LogicalVolume.
0098 Acknowledgements
0099 ----------------
0101 Development of Gorad is funded by NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) under
0102 the contract NNJ15HK11B.