Warning, /geant4/examples/advanced/exp_microdosimetry/geometry.mac is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 # Uncomment a line to select a specific detector type
0002 # Leave everything commented to use the default one
0004 #/geometrySetup/selectDetector Diamond
0005 #/geometrySetup/selectDetector MicroDiamond
0006 #/geometrySetup/selectDetector Silicon
0007 #/geometrySetup/selectDetector SiliconBridge
0008 #/geometrySetup/selectDetector DiamondTelescope
0010 # Uncomment to change the detector's width and/or thickness
0011 # Otherwise default values are used
0012 #/geometrySetup/detectorDimension/setWidth 30 um
0013 #/geometrySetup/detectorDimension/setThickness 10 um
0015 # If DiamondTelescope is selected, uncomment to change the telescope's width and/or thickness
0016 # Otherwise default values are used
0017 #/geometrySetup/detectorDimension/secondStage/setWidth 500 um
0018 #/geometrySetup/detectorDimension/secondStage/setThickness 800 um
0020 # Uncomment the following line to place the detector in a water phantom,
0021 # or leave it commented out to place it in vacuum
0022 #/geometrySetup/enableWaterPhantom true
0024 # If the water phantom is used, uncomment the following line to set a custom depth in water
0025 #/geometrySetup/detectorPosition/setDepth 50 mm
0027 # The above commands are only applied if the following line is uncommented
0028 #/geometrySetup/applyChanges