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EIC code displayed by LXR



Warning, /geant4/examples/advanced/dsbandrepair/macros/ is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 ######################### Macro file for Phys_geo #########################
0002 #
0003 #=======================  PATHS FOR INPUTS          ======================
0004 #
0005 ## if don't set semi-lengths for world Box, code will use the sizes 
0006 ## of cell nucleus for calculating: WorldSemiXY = 2*SemiXY, WorldSemiZ = SemiZ.
0007 /dsbandrepair/det/worldBoxSizes 100 100 5 um  # Set SemiX, SemiY, SemiZ for world box;
0009 /dsbandrepair/det/celldefinitionfile        dnafabric_geometries/human_fibroblast.fab2g4dna
0011 /dsbandrepair/det/voxeldefinitionfile       dnafabric_geometries/VoxelDown.fab2g4dna
0012 /dsbandrepair/det/voxeldefinitionfile       dnafabric_geometries/VoxelLeft.fab2g4dna
0013 /dsbandrepair/det/voxeldefinitionfile       dnafabric_geometries/VoxelRight.fab2g4dna
0014 /dsbandrepair/det/voxeldefinitionfile       dnafabric_geometries/VoxelStraight.fab2g4dna
0015 /dsbandrepair/det/voxeldefinitionfile       dnafabric_geometries/VoxelUp.fab2g4dna
0017 /dsbandrepair/det/voxeldefinitionfile       dnafabric_geometries/VoxelDown2.fab2g4dna
0018 /dsbandrepair/det/voxeldefinitionfile       dnafabric_geometries/VoxelLeft2.fab2g4dna
0019 /dsbandrepair/det/voxeldefinitionfile       dnafabric_geometries/VoxelRight2.fab2g4dna
0020 /dsbandrepair/det/voxeldefinitionfile       dnafabric_geometries/VoxelStraight2.fab2g4dna
0021 /dsbandrepair/det/voxeldefinitionfile       dnafabric_geometries/VoxelUp2.fab2g4dna
0022 #
0023 #=======================  CHOOSING DNA PHYSICSLIST  ======================
0024 #
0025 /dsbandrepair/phys/physicsList G4EmDNAPhysics_option2
0026 #
0027 #=======================  INITIALIZE   RUNMANAGER   ======================
0028 #
0029 /run/initialize
0030 #
0031 #=======================  BEAM SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION ======================
0032 # beam profile: Parallel, Ellipse; 
0033 # See cell-definition file for setting dimensions below:
0034 /gps/pos/type Plane
0035 /gps/pos/shape Ellipse
0036 /gps/pos/halfx 9850 nm
0037 /gps/pos/halfy 7100 nm
0038 /gps/pos/centre 0. 0. 2500. nm
0039 /gps/direction 0 0 -1
0041 #
0042 #=======================  SET PARTICLE'S INFO       ======================
0043 # 
0044 /gps/particle proton
0045 /gps/energy 1. MeV
0046 #
0047 #=======================  SET EVENTS and START A RUN  ======================
0048 #
0049 /run/printProgress 10  # Print progress for each mpi process
0050 /run/beamOn 2