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0001 //
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0006 // * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided  under  the terms  and *
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0025 //
0026 //
0027 //
0028 /// \file TLKModel.hh
0029 /// \brief Definition of the TLKModel class
0031 #ifndef TLKMODEL_HH
0032 #define TLKMODEL_HH
0034 //#include <boost/numeric/odeint.hpp>
0035 #include <vector>
0036 #include <string>
0037 class Damage;
0038 class TLKModel
0039 {
0040 public:
0042   /// \brief constructor
0043     TLKModel(double pLambda1 =-1,double pLambda2=-1, double pBeta1=-1, double pBeta2=-1,double pEta=-1);
0044   /// \brief destructor
0045     ~TLKModel() = default;
0047     double GetLambda1(){return fLambda1;};
0048     void SetLambda1(double pVal){fLambda1 = pVal;};
0049     double GetLambda2(){return fLambda2;};
0050     void SetLambda2(double pVal){fLambda2 = pVal;};
0051     double GetBeta1(){return fBeta1;};
0052     void SetBeta1(double pVal){fBeta1 = pVal;};
0053     double GetBeta2(){return fBeta2;};
0054     void SetBeta2(double pVal){fBeta2 = pVal;};
0055     double GetEta(){return fEta;};
0056     void SetEta(double pVal){fEta = pVal;};
0058     double GetSingleDSBYield(){return fSingleDSBYield;};
0059     void SetSingleDSBYield(double pVal){fSingleDSBYield = pVal;};
0061     double GetComplexDSBYield(){return fComplexDSBYield;};
0062     void SetComplexDSBYield(double pVal){fComplexDSBYield = pVal;};
0064     unsigned int GetBpForDSB(){return fBpForDSB;};
0065     void SetBpForDSB(unsigned int pVal){fBpForDSB = pVal;};
0067     double GetStartTime(){return fStartTime;};
0068     void SetStartTime(double pVal){fStartTime = pVal;};
0069     double GetStopTime(){return fStopTime;};
0070     void SetStopTime(double pVal){fStopTime = pVal;};
0071     double GetStepTime(){return fStepTime;};
0072     void SetStepTime(double pVal){fStepTime = pVal;};
0074     // Compute damage inputs required by TLK model
0075     void ComputeAndSetDamageInput(std::vector<Damage>);
0077     // Compute SF for a given absorbed dose expressed in Gy
0078     double ComputeSF(double pDose);
0080     // Compute a SF Curve
0081     void CalculateRepair(double pDoseMax, double pDeltaDose);
0083     // Write output, dose expressed in Gy
0084     void WriteOutput(std::string pFileName);
0086     void SetDose(double d) {fDose = d;}
0087 private:
0088     std::vector<double> TLK_odes_system(double t,std::vector<double> y);
0089     // TLK parameters
0090     // simple DSB repair probability (h-1)  
0091     double fLambda1{0};
0092     // complex DSB repair probability (h-1) 
0093     double fLambda2{0};
0094     // simple DSB misrepair probability (h-1)
0095     double fBeta1{0};
0096     // complex DSB misrepair probability (h-1)
0097     double fBeta2{0};
0098     // binary misrepair probability (h-1)
0099     double fEta{0};
0101     // DSB Yields in Gy-1
0102     double fSingleDSBYield{0};
0103     double fComplexDSBYield{0};
0105     // num of bp to consider a DSB for the MakeCluster function
0106     // default value is 10
0107     unsigned int fBpForDSB{10};
0109     // Time for integration
0110     double fStartTime{0};
0111     double fStopTime{0};
0112     double fStepTime{0};
0114     // SF curve
0115     std::vector<std::pair<double,double>> fSFCurve;
0116     // store dose deposited in nucleus cell
0117     double fDose{0};
0118 };
0120 #endif