Warning, /geant4/examples/advanced/dsbandrepair/README.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
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0003 Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP
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0006 dsbandrepair
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0009 **A Geant4-DNA application for simulating early DNA damage**
0011 # AUTHORS
0012 L. T. Anh, Y. Perrot, C. Villagrasa, S. Meylan, H. N. Tran
0014 (\*) contact: yann.perrot@irsn.fr or carmen.villagrasa@irsn.fr
0016 # Introduction
0018 “dsbandrepair” is a Geant4-DNA simulation chain for evaluating the early radiation-induced DNA damage.
0019 The first development of the simulation chain was carried out by Meylan et al. in 2017 (Sci. Rep. 2017 7:11923)
0020 The "extended/medical/dna/dnadamage1" example is a simplified version of "dsbanrepair"
0022 “dsbandrepair” supports all types of DNA geometries constructed with DNAFabric (Comput. Phys. Comm. 2016 204:159-169).
0023 Geometries for human cell nuclei (fibroblast, endothelium) and yeast were provided along with the release of “dsbandrepair”.
0024 Users can use a free version of DNAFabric (https://bitbucket.org/sylMeylan/opendnafabric/src/master/) to create customed geometries. Or they can contact Y. Perrot for specific geometries.
0025 The geometric models are constructed from 10 voxels to form a continuous chromatin fiber for each chromosme including heterochromatin (VoxelStraight, VoxelRight,...) and euchromatin (VoxelStraight2, VoxelRight2,...) distribution (Med. Phys. 2019 46:1501-1511).
0027 Physical stage and chemical stage allow the calculation of direct and indirect Strand Breaks in the whole nucleus.
0029 Furthermore, the Two Lesion Kinetic model (Radiat. Res. 2001 156:365-378) and the Local Effect Model IV (Radiat. Res. 2013 180:524-538) were also included to allow users calculate the survival fraction and un-rejoined DSBs.
0030 The Belov's model (J. Theo. Biol. 2015 366:115-130) for double-strand breaks repair is provided but has not been compared to experimental data.
0033 # How to build and run
0035 To build dsbandrepair, in the terminal, use:
0036 * shell$ mkdir build
0037 * shell$ cd build
0038 * shell$ cmake /path-to/dsbandrepair
0039 (Or if users don't want to download geometry files while compiling the dsbandrepair, use: cmake -DDOWNLOAD_GEOMETRY=FALSE /path-to/dsbandrepair )
0040 * shell$ make (or 'make -jN' with N = 1,2,3 .... )
0042 And to run:
0043 * shell$ ./dsbandrepair dsbandrepair.in
0045 where dsbandrepair.in is a macrofile. User can change it to his/her own macrofile.
0047 Note that: dsbandrepair was designed in a modular way that offers users to run physical stage chemcal stage independently. By default, dsbandrepair runs in physical stage mode. To run chemical stage, use :
0048 * shell$ rm -rf chem_ouput
0049 * shell$ ./dsbandrepair chem.in chem
0051 where chem.in is a macrofile. User can change it to his/her own macrofile.
0053 ## Running with mpi library
0055 To improve the simulation in term of computational time, user can run dsbandrepair with mpi library.
0057 MPI interface: Thanks to the work of K. Murakami and A. Dotti (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/NSSMIC.2015.7581867), an MPI interface was introduced into Geant4 and it’s now used in this work (see "/examples/extended/parallel/MPI"). User has to follow this example to install g4mpi library.
0059 To compile the "dsbandrepair" with g4mpi:
0060 * shell$ mkdir build
0061 * shell$ cd build
0062 * shell$ cmake -DUSE_MPI=TRUE -DG4mpi_DIR=<g4mpi-path>/lib[64]/G4mpi-V.m.n /path-to/dsbandrepair
0063 * shell$ make (or 'make -jN' with N = 1,2,3 .... )
0064 And to run:
0065 * shell$ mpiexec -np $nranks ./dsbandrepair dsbandrepair.in
0067 where $nranks is the number of mpi processes you want to run.
0069 Or ro run chemical stage:
0071 * shell$ rm -rf chem_ouput
0072 * shell$ mpiexec -np $nranks ./dsbandrepair chem.in chem
0074 # Analyzing results
0075 To run "analysis" module, in the "build" directory, build this module with the commands:
0076 * shell$ mkdir analysis
0077 * cd analysis
0078 * cmake /path/to/analysis
0079 * make
0080 * cd ../
0082 At this point, user can launch the analysis module:
0083 * shell$ ./analysis/runAna
0084 or
0085 * shell$ ./analysis/runAna macrofile
0087 where the macro file allows user to interact with the code.
0088 Example: ./analysis/runAna analysis.in
0090 ## Outputs
0091 By default, the output of "Analysis" module will be written in 4 different text files:
0092 * SB results: this text file contains all SB results, such as total SB, direct and indirect SBs, SSB and DSB.
0093 * SDD format: All damages are written in SDD format (Radiat. Res. 2019 191:11). File name starts with "SDD_"
0094 * TLK result: File name starts with "TLK_". This file contains results from TLK model.
0095 * LEM-IV result: File name starts with "LEMIV_". This file contains results from LEMIV model.
0097 # Maro files:
0098 Some macro files are provided along with this code, user can change them based on their own needs.
0100 * macro files for physical stage:
0101 * dsbansrepair.in : This macro is for a light geometry for testing the code
0102 * fibroblast.in: This macro is for fibroblast cell nucleus.
0103 * endophys.in: This macro is for endothelium cell nucleus.
0104 * yeastphys.in: This macro is for yeast cell nucleus.
0105 * macro files for chem stage:
0106 * chem.in
0107 * macro files for analysis module:
0108 * analysis.in: allows user to set parameter for scoring, classifying damages and setting repair models parameters.
0110 # An alternative example for DNA damage calculation can be found in examples/extended/medical/dna/moleculardna
0112 # Acknowledgments
0113 The transition from the initial simulation chain of Meylan et al. to a version adapted for a Geant4 example benefited from funds from the BioRad3 project financed by the ESA (grant DAR 4000132935/21/NL/CRS)