Warning, /geant4/examples/advanced/composite_calorimeter/test.g4mac is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 ### Set the verbosity off/on
0002 # get lots of info about the tracking of each particle through detector
0003 # (one line for each step of each track, including secondaries...)
0004 /process/verbose 0
0005 /tracking/verbose 0
0006 /run/verbose 2
0007 /event/verbose 0
0009 ### Initialise the detector and the physics
0010 /run/initialize
0012 ### Need to copy here these commands from the main, after run-initialization,
0013 ### otherwise they are not seen in multithreaded mode by working threads.
0014 /CCal/generator/verbose 2
0015 /gun/position -1380. 0. 0. mm
0016 /gun/direction 1. 0. 0.
0018 ### Select the incident particle and its energy
0019 /gun/particle pi-
0020 #/gun/particle mu-
0021 #/gun/particle e-
0022 /gun/energy 100 GeV
0024 #/control/execute vis.mac
0026 ### Simulate a few events
0027 /run/beamOn 20