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Warning, /geant4/examples/advanced/composite_calorimeter/README is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 -------------------------------------------------------------------
0002 -------------------------------------------------------------------
0004      =========================================================
0005                       Geant4 - Composite calorimeter example
0006      =========================================================
0008                              README
0009                       ---------------------
0011  CompositeCalorimeter is an example of a test-beam simulation used 
0012  by the CMS Collaboration to validate Geant4 against real data taken 
0013  (in 1996) in a CMS Hadron calorimeter test-beam.
0014  The name "Composite" for this example emphasizes that, although the 
0015  test-beam had the goal of studying the hadronic calorimeter response, 
0016  part of the data was taken with the presence of the electromagnetic 
0017  crystal calorimeter in front of the hadronic calorimeter, to better 
0018  reproduce the situation as in the real CMS experiment. 
0019  The geometry of the simulation has been setup in such a way to allow
0020  very easily, at run time (therefore without need of changing any code; 
0021  see below for the details) the inclusion or exclusion of the 
0022  electromagnetic calorimeter part. 
0023  Although some important aspects, for a detailed comparison between 
0024  test-beam data and simulation, like beam profile, noise, and digitization, 
0025  have been omitted here (to avoid too many technical details),
0026  nevertheless, this example is able to reproduce the main features of
0027  most of the relevant observables as measured in the real test-beam. 
0028  The output of this example consists of a set of histograms 
0029  and one ntuple which are stored on a ROOT file (default). 
0030  In our opinion, the most original "lesson" which is offered by this
0031  advanced example for the Geant4 user is to show how the Geometry and
0032  the Sensitive/Hit part of the simulation is treated in a big experiment.
0033  Although the details of how this is done vary from experiment to
0034  experiment (it is worth, for instance, to compare with the Atlas-based
0035  advanced example lAr_calorimeter), the main driving needs and goals 
0036  are quite general: to have consistency, but avoiding duplications
0037  and couplings as much as possibile, between Simulation, Reconstruction,
0038  and Visualization. Notice that the solution offered in this example
0039  by CMS could appear "overdone" for the sake of simulating only a 
0040  relatively simple test-beam setup; but it should be kept in mind
0041  that the same approach is used also for the full CMS detector 
0042  simulation, as well as for any subdetector.  
0045 1. Setting up the environment variables
0046 ---------------------------------------
0048  The user should first setup, as "usual", the Geant4 environmental
0049  variables (e.g. the script produced by cmake) 
0050  Then the specific setup for this example should be run:
0052      >  source envExample.csh      in the case of C-shell
0053  or
0054      >  .            in the case of bash-shell
0056  The analysis part is based on the native g4analysis tools. As default 
0057  the output is a ROOT file. This can be changed to XML by changing the G4AnalysisManager default file type in CCalRunAction::BeginOfRunAction().
0060 2. Sample run
0061 -------------
0063  Once the environmental variables are setup, you can get the executable
0064     CompositeCalorimeter
0065  by configuring with cmake and then running the compiler.
0066  Then, you can execute it using the Geant4 macro command input file test.g4mac
0067  as follows:    
0069     >  ./CompositeCalorimeter test.g4mac
0071  which simulate a few events, each being a 100 GeV pi- incident on the 
0072  electromagnetic crystal calorimeter followed by the hadronic calorimeter,
0073  without magnetic field.
0074  The output is the ROOT file "ccal.root" .
0075  See part "8. Analysis / Histogramming" below for more details on the
0076  content of that file.
0077  If you run instead: 
0079     >  ./CompositeCalorimeter
0081  after having setup the Geant4 visualization variables and the PATH,
0082  you can visualize the geometry of the apparatus, and also see some
0083  events. Similarly, you can get a very simple graphical user interface
0084  that allows to select the particle type, its energy, and the number
0085  of events (between a limited number of possibilities).
0086  For more details, see part "9. Visualization / GUI".
0089 3. Detector description
0090 -----------------------
0092  Let's start with a brief description of the test-beam setup.
0094  There are two possible configurations: 
0095    i)  HCAL only, that is only the hadronic calorimeter is present;
0096   ii)  ECAL+HCAL, that is the electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL)
0097                   is placed in front of the hadronic calorimeter.
0098  ECAL is made of 23 cm long PbWO4 crystals (corresponding to about
0099  25.8 radiation lengths, and 1.1 interaction lengths); for the 
0100  test beam a  7 x 7 = 49  matrix of crystals is used.
0101  HCAL is a sampling calorimeter, with plastic scintillator as sensitive
0102  part and copper as absorber. 28 scintillator plates were used with
0103  absorber of varying thickness in between, and also varying thickness
0104  and type of scintillator. More precisely:
0105    --- layer 1: 2 cm of Copper
0106    --- layer 2 to 7: 4 cm of Copper
0107    --- layer 8 to 21: 6 cm of Copper
0108    --- layer 22 to 27: 8 cm of Copper
0109  For the scintillators: 2 mm passive Plastic; 4 mm active Plastic;
0110  1 mm passive Plastic. 
0111  The total length of HCAL consists of 152 cm of Copper plus 189 mm of Plastic.
0112  The dimension orthogonal to the beam direction is  64 cm x 64 cm.
0113  The ECAL and HCAL considered here are prototypes for the Central and
0114  Endcap calorimeters of the CMS detector (which covers the rapidity
0115  region |eta| < 3.0 ; CMS has also a Forward calorimeter, which covers
0116  the region 3.0 < |eta| < 5.0, but this part was not considered in 
0117  this test-beam setup). Notice, however, that there are more layers 
0118  (28 instead of 19 in the Barrel or 18 in the Endcap) of HCAL in the 
0119  test-beam setup than in the real CMS detector, in order to study 
0120  energy containment. Therefore, the ECAL+HCAL in the test-beam amounts 
0121  to more than 11 radiation lengths as for the real CMS detector (the
0122  19 layers of the Barrel have each 6 cm of absorber, whereas the 
0123  18 layers of the Endcap have each 6.6 cm of absorber, so that the
0124  number of interaction lengths are rougly the same). 
0125  Five values of the magnetic field (parallel to the face of the scintillators)
0126  have been considered in the test-beam: 0.0 , 0.375 , 0.75 , 1.50 , 3.0 Tesla.
0128  In order to set the magnetic field, you have to edit the file
0129        dataglobal/fmap.tb96
0130  and change the first number (which appears in the third line of
0131  that file, on the first column; the unit being Tesla): 
0132    #. Field map
0133    *DO FLDM
0134      0.0   9               652.0
0135  for example, if you want a magnetic field of 3.0 Tesla the last
0136  line must be set as follows (the magnetic field unity is kilo Gauss).
0137      30.0   9               652.0
0139  In order to deactivate either the ECAL or the HCAL, it is enough
0140  to comment out the corresponding line in the file g4testbeamhcal96.conf, 
0141  using "#" as the comment character. For instance, to have only the HCAL
0142  without ECAL:
0143  "HcalTB96"                      "tbhcal96"              1
0144  #"CrystalMatrixModule"           "tbhcal96xtal"          1  
0147  In this test-beam setup, at the back of ECAL, there is also some 
0148  material for support and readout, which has been considered in the 
0149  simulation. For the HCAL, only the fibres are close to the test-beam, 
0150  and because they have the same composition as the scintillators
0151  they are adequately represented in the simulation; the remaining
0152  of the readout, including the photomultipliers, are in readout boxes
0153  far away from the HCAL, and hence are not present in the simulation.
0155  Let's summarizes now the geometry description of the simulation.
0156  As said in the introduction, this part is the most original and
0157  important of this example, but it is quite complex and can be fully
0158  appreciated only in the context of the CMS software framework, in 
0159  particular in the relation between Simulation, Reconstruction, and
0160  Visualization. Therefore we limit ourself to only few considerations,
0161  pointing to the internal CMS documentation for more details.
0163  --- In order to share the same geometrical and physical information
0164      about CMS between Simulation, Reconstruction, and Visualization,
0165      avoiding inconsistencies, duplications, and unnecessary dependecies,
0166      all these information is store, once for all, in common databases
0167      (typically in XML format), instead of putting them inside C++ classes, 
0168      as usually done in simpler detector descriptions (in most of the
0169      the Geant4 examples, novice or advanced, the geometry information
0170      is kept inside the concrete class which inherits from 
0171      G4VUserDetectorConstruction). For simplicity, in this example,
0172      these "databases" are nothing more than ASCII files:
0174         datageom/ : tbhcal96.geom, tbhcal96hcal.geom, tbhcal96xtal.geom
0175                     store the information about the experimental Hall, 
0176                     the HCAL, and the ECAL, respectively.
0178         dataconf/ : g4testbeamhcal96.conf, testbeamhcal96.conf
0179                     store the information about which configuration
0180                     (HCAL only, or ECAL+HACL) is considered, in the
0181                     Simulation and Reconstruction, respectively.
0183         dataglobal/ : fmap.tb96, material.cms, rotation.cms
0184                     The first one is the magnetic field map (how the 
0185                     intensity of the magnetic field, in the direction
0186                     orthogonal to the beam direction, varies along
0187                     the beam axis). The second one, material.cms, 
0188                     keeps the full collection of all materials used in 
0189                     the CMS detector (not only in the calorimeters, 
0190                     although we are simulating only them in this example!).
0191                     The third one, rotation.cms, collects a set of useful
0192                     rotation parameters (angles).  
0194         datavis/ : tbhcal96.vis, tbhcal96hcal.vis, tbhcal96xtal.vis
0195                    visualization information for, respectively, the
0196                    experimental Hall, HCAL, and ECAL.
0198  --- In order to allow an high degree of flexibility, at the geometry
0199      level the user can choose which subsystem of the detector setup
0200      should be simulated and can activate or deactivate the sensitive
0201      parts, subsystem by subsystem. This can be done at run time, 
0202      by modifying one of the above database information, without need 
0203      of putting the hands on the code, recompiling, etc.
0205  --- There are two "parallel geometry factories": one described by "core" 
0206      classes, which are independent from the Simulation (and therefore
0207      can be used, for instance, by the Reconstruction); and one which 
0208      is specific of the Simulation. In the latter case (Geant4 side of
0209      the geometry model), all the geometry factories are derived from the
0210      base class CCalG4Albe. Furthermore, using double inheritance, each
0211      of them derives also from the counterpart in the "core" hierarchy.  
0212      The design of the CCalG4Able class helps a modular approach and easy
0213      interchanging at the level of subdetectors, allowing a straightforward
0214      transition from the simulation of the entire CMS detector to that of
0215      just a part of it, or to a test-beam geometry, as indeed in this example.
0216      Of course this modular, flexible, and general approach does not come
0217      for free: the price to pay here is its complexity, which would be 
0218      otherwise unjustified if we limited ourself to the pure simulation
0219      of a relatively simple test-beam setup.
0221  --- See "10. Classes Overview" below for a schematic summary of the 
0222      various classes involved in the Geometry description of this example.
0225 4. Physics processes
0226 --------------------
0228  The factory physics list is used, therefore the choice of the physics list
0229  is steered by the environmental variable PHYSLIST.
0230  (Note: if this environmental variable is not set, the default physics list
0231   which is used is FTFP_BERT).
0234 5. Particle Generator
0235 ---------------------
0237  The 1996 test-beam has been taken with the following particles:
0238     --- 225 GeV muons (for calibration)
0239     --- 10 to 300 GeV pions
0240     --- 10 to 300 GeV electrons
0241  therefore the standard Geant4 Particle Gun has been used as primary
0242  generator. Notice that, for the sake of keeping the example not too
0243  complicated, the proper simulation of the beam profile and 
0244  beam contamination have been neglected.  
0247 6. Hits 
0248 -------
0250  In CMS there are two groups of hits: Tracker-like and Calorimeter-like.
0251  Only the latter one appears in this example. 
0252  For the same reasons, as seen for the Geometry, of consistency without 
0253  duplication of information and unnecessary coupling between Simulation, 
0254  Reconstruction, and Visualization, the simulation calorimeter hit class,
0255  CCalG4Hit, doubly inherits from the common Geant4 abstract class for
0256  all hits, G4VHit, and from the "core" (i.e. simulation independent)
0257  CMS calorimeter hit class, CCalHit.
0258  A new Hit object is created
0259    - for each new particle entering the calorimeter;
0260    - for each detector unit (i.e cristal or fiber or scintillator layer);
0261    - for each nanosecond of the shower development;
0262  The information stored in each CCalHit object is the following:
0263    - Entry  : local coordinates of the entrance point of the particle
0264               in the unit where the shower starts; 
0265    - the TrackID  : Identification number of the incident particle;
0266    - the IncidentEnergy  : kinetic energy of that incident particle;    
0267    - the UnitID : the identification number of the detector unit
0268                   (crystal, or fiber, or scintillator layer); 
0269    - the TimeSlice : the time interval, in nanoseconds, in which the 
0270                      hit has been created;
0271    - the EnergyDeposit : the energy deposit in this hit.    
0272  Notice that all hit objects created for a given shower have the same 
0273  values for the first three pieces of information.
0276 No Noise and Digitization 
0277 --------------------------
0279  In order to keep the complexity of this example to a reasonable 
0280  level, both noise and digitization effects have not been included.
0283 7. User Actions
0284 ----------------
0286  In this example. there have been used the following User Actions:
0288  --- G4UserRunAction (the derived, concrete class is CCalRunAction):
0289      it is used to invoke the Analysis object at the beginning of
0290      the Run, to instantiate it and passing it the Run number, and
0291      at the end of the Run, to inform it that the Run is finished
0292      and therefore the histograms, ntuples, etc. must be closed.
0294  --- G4UserEventAction (the derived, concrete class is CCalEndOfEventAction):
0295      it is used to examine, at the end of the Event, all collected
0296      (calorimeter) hits, extract the various observables which are
0297      interesting (to the goal of understanding things like: the effect
0298      of magnetic field on scintiallator; choice of the absorber
0299      thickness by optimizing resolution versus containment; impact of
0300      the absorber depth in the energy caontainment; electromagnetic
0301      calorimeter contribution in the electron - pion separation; etc.)
0302      and finally call the analysis object to store such selected
0303      information on histograms and/or in the ntuple.
0304      The name of the class "CCalEndOfEventAction" is motivated by the
0305      fact that at the beginning of the Event nothing is done. 
0307  --- G4UserSteppingAction (the derived, concrete class is CCalSteppingAction):
0308      it is used to extract some "unphysical" information (that is not
0309      experimentally measurable, although interesting for a better 
0310      understanding of the shower development), namely the lateral profile 
0311      and the deposit as a function of the time (see "8.Analysis/Histogramming 
0312      for more details"), which is available only from simulation, and then, 
0313      at the end of Event, the analysis object is invoked to store such
0314      information on histograms.      
0315      Please notice that the stepping action is not used to create hits.
0317  --- G4UserStackingAction (the derived, concrete class is CCalStackingAction):
0318      it is used to ensure that the same track ID of the particle 
0319      originating a shower appears in all hits (calorimeter hit objects 
0320      of class CCalHit) of the shower, in any calorimeter part. 
0323 8. Analysis / Histogramming
0324 ----------------------------
0326  The analysis part of CompositeCalorimeter is kept in class CCalAnalysis,
0327  and is based on the g4tool interfaces.
0328  Both the histograms and the ntuple are saved at the end of the run in the 
0329  ROOT file "ccal.root" (default: this can be changed to XML or to other 
0330  formats supported by the g4analysis tools). 
0331  Please note that in a multiple run session, the last run always overrides 
0332  the output file.
0333  What the histograms and the variables of the ntuple represent is 
0334  explained below:
0336   Histograms  h100 - h127 : energy deposit (in GeV) in the sensitive part
0337                           (plastic scintillator layer) of one Hadronic 
0338                           calorimeter module (there are 28 modules, numbered
0339                           from 0 to 27, and the corresponding histogram has
0340                           ID = 100 + number of module).
0341   Ntuple variables  hcal0 - hcal27 : provide the same information.
0343   Histograms  h200 - h248 : energy deposit (in GeV) in one crystal
0344                           electromagnetic towers (there are a matrix of
0345                           7 x 7 = 49 towers, numbered from 0 to 48, and 
0346                           the corresponding histogram has 
0347                           ID = 200 + number of tower).
0348   Ntuple variables  ecal0 - ecal48 : provide the same information.
0350   Histograms  h300 - h339 : total energy deposit (in GeV) in any 
0351                           electromagnetic crystal tower or hadronic module 
0352                           (either in a sensitive or insensitive layer)
0353                           in one of the 40 nanosecond time slices: in other
0354                           words, histogram  300+I , where I = 0 - 39,
0355                           contains the total deposit energy between
0356                           I and I+1 nanoseconds after the "collision".  
0357                           (Notice that the time window considered, 
0358                            40 nanoseconds, is larger than the LHC 
0359                            bunch-crossing of 25 nanoseconds.)
0361   Histograms  h400 - h469 : energy profile (in GeV), summed over all layers
0362                           sensitive (plastic scintillator) and insensitive
0363                           (copper absorber), as a function of the radial
0364                           distance (in centimeter) from the beam axis 
0365                           ( ID histo = 400 + radial distance in cm ).
0367   Histogram  h4000 : total energy deposit (in GeV) in the sensitive parts
0368                     of either the electromagnetic or hadronic calorimeters. 
0369   Ntuple variable  edep provides the same information.
0371   Other ntuple variables are the following:  
0372        ---  elab : energy (in GeV) of the incident particle.
0373        ---  xpos, ypos, zpos : position (in mm) from where the projectile
0374                                has been shot.
0375        ---  edec, edhc : total energy deposit (in GeV) in the sensitive
0376                          parts of, respectively, the electromagnetic 
0377                          and hadronic calorimeters. Notice that their
0378                          sum  edec+edhc  coincides with  edep
0380   Notice that lateral profile (400-469) and time-slice (300-339) 
0381   histograms show purely Monte Carlo quantities, which cannot be 
0382   experimentally measured. 
0383   Please be careful that the range of the histograms has been chosen
0384   in such a way to contain most of the entries, but only few histograms
0385   fill a large fraction of that range, whereas the remaining majority
0386   fill only the first few bins (corresponding to lower energy), and,
0387   therefore, when plotted they look almost empty, but they are not,
0388   and the results are sensible. We suggest to plot the ntuple's variables,
0389   rather than the histograms, when the same information is available
0390   from the ntuple.
0393 9. Visualization / GUI
0394 -----------------------
0396  If you setup one of the following Geant4 environmental variables:
0397     G4VIS_USE_DAWN
0398     G4VIS_USE_VRML
0400  which correspond to the use of DAWN, VRML, and OPENGLX, respectively, 
0401  as visualization engine of Geant4, and set properly the corresponding 
0402   PATH  as well, it is then possible to visualize the detector and also 
0403  some events. 
0404  To do so, you have to run 
0405      >  ./CompositeCalorimeter
0406  without input file: you then see the detector; after that,
0407  you can select the particle gun and its energy, in the
0408  case you want something different from the the default 
0409  (which is a 100 GeV pi-), for example:
0410      Idle> /gun/particle e-
0411      Idle> /gun/energy 200 GeV
0412  and then run some events, for example:
0413      Idle> /run/beamOn 3
0415  The tracks that are shown include both charged and neutral particles 
0416  of any momentum: if you want instead only charged, or only neutral, 
0417  then you have simply to edit  src/ 
0418  at the end of the method  EndOfEventAction  and uncomment the line 
0419  where the condition on the charge is made (it should then be 
0420  straighforward to eventual add some other conditions, for example 
0421  if you want to see only those particles that satisfy certain 
0422  kinematic conditions). 
0424  Rather than to specify "by hand" the type of particle gun,
0425  its energy, and the number of events, it is possible to have
0426  a very simple GUI (graphical user interface) from which to make 
0427  such choices, between a limited set of possibilities, via menus.
0428  Such GUI is based on Motif XmCommand widget, but it would be 
0429  straightforward, eventually, to make the necessary changes 
0430  in order to use a different one.
0431  The only thing you need to do to get the GUI is to setup 
0432  the following Geant4 environmental variables:  
0434    G4UI_USE_XM=1
0435  Then, if you run the executable without specifying a macro file
0436  (like test.g4mac):
0437      >  $G4WORKDIR/bin/$G4SYSTEM/CompositeCalorimeter
0438  a window automatically pops out, with the menus where you
0439  can make your selection of particle type, energy, and number 
0440  of events to be run. 
0443 10. Classes Overview
0444 ---------------------
0446  This is a schematic overview of the classes defined in this example:
0448   CCalPrimaryGeneratorAction
0449   CCalPrimaryGeneratorMessenger
0450         User action for primaries generator.     
0452   CCalDetectorConstruction
0453   CCalAMaterial
0454   CCalDataSet
0455   CCalDetector
0456   CCalEcal
0457   CCalEcalOrganization
0458   CCalG4Able
0459   CCalG4Ecal
0460   CCalG4Hall
0461   CCalG4Hcal
0462   CCalGeometryConfiguration
0463   CCalHall
0464   CCalHcal
0465   CCalHcalOrganization
0466   CCalMagneticField
0467   CCalMaterial
0468   CCalMaterialFactory
0469   CCalRotationMatrixFactory
0470   CCalVOrganization
0471   CCalVisManager
0472   CCalVisualisable
0473   CCaloOrganization
0474   CCalutils
0475         Geometry and material definitions for the detector.
0476         Notice in particular that:
0477           CCalHall, CCalEcal, CCalHcal derive from CCalDetector;
0478           CCalG4Hall, CCalG4Ecal, CCalG4Hcal derive from the above 
0479              corresponding classes and from CCalG4Able;
0480           CCalEcalOrganization, CCalHcalOrganization derive from
0481              CCalVOrganization : each sensitive cell has an unique
0482              number for detector organization (this is a software
0483              ID not an hardware/electronic one).
0485   CCalHit
0486   CCalG4Hit
0487   CCalG4HitCollection
0488   CCalSDList
0489   CCalSensAssign
0490   CCalSensitiveConfiguration
0491   CCalSensitiveDetectors
0492   CCaloSD
0493         Hit and Sensitive Detectors. 
0494         Notice in particular that:
0495           CCalG4Hit derives from G4VHit and CCalHit;
0496           CCaloSD derives from G4VSensitiveDetector.          
0498   CCalActionInitializer
0499         User-action initialization.
0501   CCalAnalysis
0502         Analysis manager class.
0504   CCalRunAction
0505         User run action class.
0507   CCalEndOfEventAction
0508         User event action class.
0510   CCalStackingAction
0511         User Stacking action class.
0513   CCalSteppingAction
0514         User Stepping action class.