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Warning, /geant4/examples/advanced/STCyclotron/Macro/init_parameters.mac is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 #This macro file is where the user can set up the different parameters one can modify.
0003 /run/initialize
0005 # Set a very high time threshold to allow all decays to happen
0006 /process/had/rdm/thresholdForVeryLongDecayTime 1.0e+60 year
0008 ##############################################
0009 #
0010 # PART1: Set the values for the beam
0011 #
0012 /gps/particle proton     #incoming particles = proton
0013 /gps/direction 0 0 1     #oriented along the Z axis
0014 /gps/ene/type Mono       #monoenergetic
0015 /gps/ene/mono 18. MeV    #at 18 MeV
0016 /gps/pos/type Beam       
0017 /gps/pos/shape Circle    #the beam geometry is a circle
0018 /gps/pos/radius 3. mm    #of diameter of 3 mm
0019 #
0020 /setBeamCurrent/beamCurrent 30.E-6     #set the value of beam current in ampere
0021 /setTimeOfIrradiation/time 6.          # Set the irradiation time (in hours)
0022 #
0023 #
0024 #
0025 ##############################################
0026 #
0027 # PART 2 : Set the values for the Target
0028 #
0029 /changeTarget/diameter 6. mm
0030 /changeTarget/thickness 0.6 mm
0031 #control/execute Macro/Material/Target/Ni64_enriched_95.mac
0032 #
0033 #
0034 #
0035 ###############################################
0036 #
0037 # PART 3 : Set the values for the Foil
0038 #
0039 #/changeFoil/thickness 0.32 mm
0040 /changeFoil/thickness 0.32 mm
0041 #
0042 #
0043 #
0044 ##############################################
0045 # PART 4 : Set the edges of histograms
0046 #
0047 #Beam data
0048 /analysis/setFileName STCyclotron
0049 /analysis/h1/set 0  32  12. 19. MeV     #energy primary particles when reaching the target (in MeV). By default equal or lower than the beam energy.
0050 /analysis/h1/set 1  16  16. 19. MeV     #energy primary particles when reaching the foil (in MeV). By default equal or lower than the beam energy.
0051 /analysis/h1/set 2  72  0.0 18. MeV     #energy spectrum of primaries going out of the target (MeV)
0052 /analysis/h1/set 3  32  12. 19. MeV     #energy of primary particles when going out of the foil (MeV)
0053 /analysis/h1/set 4  30  185. 188. mm    #depth of isotope creation in the target.
0054 /analysis/h1/set 5  72  0. 18. MeV      #energy spectrum of positrons created in the target (MeV)
0055 /analysis/h1/set 6  72  0. 18. MeV      #energy spectrum of electrons created in the target (MeV)
0056 /analysis/h1/set 7  72  0. 18. MeV      #energy spectrum of gammas created in the target (MeV)
0057 /analysis/h1/set 8  72  0. 18. MeV      #energy spectrum of neutrons created in the target (MeV)
0058 /analysis/h1/set 9  72  0. 18. MeV      #energy spectrum of positrons created in the target via decay (MeV)
0059 /analysis/h1/set 10  72  0. 18. MeV     #energy spectrum of electrons created in the target via decay (MeV)
0060 /analysis/h1/set 11  72  0. 18. MeV     #energy spectrum of gammas created in the target via decay (MeV)
0061 /analysis/h1/set 12  72  0. 18. MeV     #energy spectrum of neutrons created in the target via decay (MeV)
0062 /analysis/h1/set 13  72  0. 18. MeV     #energy spectrum of nu_e created in the target via decay (MeV)
0063 /analysis/h1/set 14  72  0. 18. MeV     #energy spectrum of anti_nu_e created in the target via decay (MeV)
0064 #
0065 #
0066 /analysis/h2/setX 0  100 -7.5 7.5 mm    #beam intensity before hiting the target (mm)
0067 /analysis/h2/setY 0  100 -7.5 7.5 mm    #beam intensity before hiting the target (mm)
0068 /analysis/h2/setX 1  100 -7.5 7.5 mm    #beam intensity before hiting the foil (mm)
0069 /analysis/h2/setY 1  100 -7.5 7.5 mm    #beam intensity before hiting the foil (mm)
0070 /analysis/h2/setX 2  21 14.5 35.5       #radioisotopes produced
0071 /analysis/h2/setY 2  30 44.5 74.5       #radioisotopes produced
0072 /analysis/h2/setX 3  100 185. 188. mm   #depth = f(energy (MeV))
0073 /analysis/h2/setY 3  100 0. 19. MeV     #depth = f(energy (MeV))
0074 /analysis/h2/setX 4  100 -7.5 7.5 mm    #beam intensity going out from the target (mm)
0075 /analysis/h2/setY 4  100 -7.5 7.5 mm    #beam intensity going out from the target (mm)
0076 /analysis/h2/setX 5  100 -7.5 7.5 mm    #beam intensity going out from the foil (mm)
0077 /analysis/h2/setY 5  100 -7.5 7.5 mm    #beam intensity going out from the foil (mm)