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Warning, /geant4/examples/advanced/ICRP110_HumanPhantoms/ is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 #---------------------------------------#
0002 #-------------Select Phantom------------#
0003 #---------------------------------------#
0004 # Choose phantom sex (male or female)
0005 /phantom/setPhantomSex female
0006 /phantom/setScoreWriterSex female
0008 # Choose phantom section (head, trunk or full)
0009 /phantom/setPhantomSection head
0010 /phantom/setScoreWriterSection head
0012 #---------------------------------------#
0013 #------------Initialization-------------#
0014 #---------------------------------------#
0015 /run/initialize
0017 /control/verbose 1
0018 /tracking/verbose 0
0019 /run/verbose 0
0020 /event/verbose 0
0022 #---------------------------------------#
0023 #-------------Visualisation-------------#
0024 #---------------------------------------#
0025 # Visualize Phantom with OPENGL
0026 #  /control/execute openGLVis.mac
0027 #
0028 #---------------------------------------#
0029 #---------Radiation Environment---------#
0030 #---------------------------------------#
0031 # Call upon definition of primary beam
0032 /control/execute primary.mac
0033 #
0034 #---------------------------------------#
0035 #------Create Phantom Scoring Mesh------#
0036 #---------------------------------------#
0038 /score/create/boxMesh PhantomMesh
0040 #################################################################################
0041 #                                                                               #
0042 # The phantom voxels have dimensions (x,y,z) = (1.775, 1.775, 4.84)mm           #
0043 # and there are 299 voxels along x, 137 along y and 348 along z in              #
0044 # the full phantom. Mesh dimensions, however, are to be specified as            #
0045 # half-lengths.                                                                 #
0046 #                                                                               #
0047 # If the user is not building all 348 z-slices of the phantom, has to change    #
0048 # the boxSize in z and the nBins in z to match the geometry of                  #
0049 # the phantom in which they have simulated. Below, the mesh is defined for      #
0050 # a female partial head phantom with 45 single slices in z.                     #
0051 #                                                                               #
0052 ################################################################################# 
0054 /score/mesh/boxSize 265.3625 121.5875 108.9 mm
0055 /score/mesh/nBin 299 137 45
0056 /score/mesh/translate/xyz 0. 0. 0. mm 
0058 # Choose the quantity to score via mesh
0059 /score/quantity/energyDeposit energyDeposit
0061 # Close Scorer
0062 /score/close
0063 /score/list
0064 #
0065 #---------------------------------------#
0066 #----------Run Beam-On Command----------#
0067 #---------------------------------------#
0068 # Chooose number of events
0069 /run/beamOn 100
0070 #
0071 #---------------------------------------#
0072 #-------Visualising Scoring Mesh--------#
0073 #---------------------------------------#
0074 # You can also enter the below commands in the GUI
0075 # when running the simulation in interactive mode
0076 #
0077 #/score/drawProjection PhantomMesh energyDeposit
0078 #/score/drawProjection PhantomMesh doseDeposit
0080 #---------------------------------------#
0081 #----Dump Scoring Mesh Data to File-----#
0082 #---------------------------------------#
0083 /score/dumpQuantityToFile PhantomMesh energyDeposit PhantomMesh_Edep.txt