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EIC code displayed by LXR



Warning, /geant4/examples/advanced/CaTS/macros/time.mac is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /CaTS/verbose false
0002 /CaTS/dumpgdml true
0003 /CaTS/writeHits true
0004 /CaTS/fname NewHits_point
0005 /run/initialize 
0006 #
0007 # the scintillation process is needed even when we run on GPU but we don't put optical photons on the stack
0008 #
0009 /process/optical/scintillation/setStackPhotons false
0010 #
0011 # the Cerenkov process is needed even when we run on GPU but we don't put optical photons on the stack
0012 #
0013 #/process/activate  Cerenkov 
0014 /process/optical/cerenkov/setStackPhotons false
0015 /process/optical/rayleigh/verbose 0
0016 /process/optical/absorption/verbose 0
0017 /process/optical/boundary/verbose 0
0018 /random/setSeeds 7 38 
0019 /CaTS/enable_opticks true
0020 /CaTS/doAnalysis false
0021 /gun/particle e-
0022 /gun/energy 2 GeV
0023 /gun/position 0. 0. -105. cm
0024 /gun/direction 0. 0. 1.
0025 /run/beamOn 100