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0002                  Geant4 9.6 - patch-02 Release Notes
0003                  -----------------------------------
0005                                                               17 May 2013
0007 List of fixes included in this public patch since the public release 9.6.p01:
0009   o Error Propagation:
0010     -----------------
0011     + Introduced fixes for problem reports #1435, #1447, #1448 and #1453.
0012     + Fixed memory leak in G4ErrorPropagator::PropagateOneStep() for track
0013       creation at the first step. Addresses problem report #1466.
0014       Corrected composed printout. Removed unused data.
0016   o Event:
0017     -----
0018     + Ensure deletion of "angsigmayCmd1" G4UIcommand instance in destructor
0019       of G4GeneralParticleSourceMessenger, fixing minor memory leak.
0020     + Removed unused variables in G4AdjointPosOnPhysVolGenerator,
0021       G4AdjointPosOnPhysVolGenerator, G4GeneralParticleSource,
0022       G4SPSEneDistribution, and G4SPSRandomGenerator.
0024   o G3toG4:
0025     ------
0026     + Fixed missing inclusion of <assert.h> in G3Division source.
0028   o Geometry:
0029     --------
0030     + divisions:
0031       o Corrected G4PVDivisionFactory instance accessor.
0032       o Corrected composed cout in exceptions for G4ParameterisationBox
0033         and G4ParameterisationTrd.
0034     + magneticfield:
0035       o Updated numerical value of the neutron anomaly in G4Mag_SpinEqRhs.
0036       o Removed unused private data-members in G4Mag_UsualEqRhs and
0037         G4RKG3_Stepper.
0038     + solids/CSG:
0039       o Fix in G4Cons::DistanceToIn(p,v) for initialisation of 'dRmax'
0040         for the case of shape with Rmin1=Rmax1=0.
0041     + solids/specific:
0042       o Fix in G4ExtrudedSolid::IsSameLine() to use the perpendicular
0043         distance to a line when deciding, and not the y-intercept difference.
0044         Issue responsible for a problem observed in ATLAS in a Boolean
0045         subtraction composition.
0046       o Fix in calculation of normal in G4Tet::DistanceToOut(p,v,..) and
0047         SurfaceNormal(p).
0048       o Fix in G4Polycone::GetPointOnCone() for cases of shape with decreasing
0049         Z. Fixes cases of false report for overlaps detection.
0050         Added check with exception in constructor for polycone with
0051         rInner > rOuter for the same Z.
0052         Addressing problem report #1462.
0053       o G4TessellatedSolid: fixed problem with navigation in solids with
0054         concave surfaces. Addresses problem report #1456.
0055       o Removed unused private data member in G4TwistTrapParallelSide.
0057   o Global:
0058     ------
0059     + G4Pow: fixed bug in interpolation inside logA() and A13() methods,
0060       now interpolation is accurate at better than per mille level; in worse
0061       cases (x~1.45 or x~0.75) better than 2% level.
0062     + Minor changes to G4ConvergenceTester: output can now optionally be
0063       redirected a different stream (defaults is cout).
0064       Accessors are made public and check if data has been added.
0065     + Removed unused private members in G4JTPolynomialSolver.
0066     + Updated date and version for 9.6.p02.
0068   o Graphics Representations:
0069     ------------------------
0070     + HepPolyhedron: introduced 'spatialTolerance' constant, equal to 0.01*nm,
0071       allowing for creation of nm-sized objects.
0072       Addresses problem report #1452.
0074   o Electromagnetic Processes:
0075     -------------------------
0076     + Adjoint:
0077       o G4AdjointhMultipleScattering: use msc95 instead of obsolete msc90.
0078       o Removed unused variables detected with clang compilation warnings.
0079     + Muons:
0080       o G4MuPairProductionModel, G4MuBremsstrahlungModel: fixed rare case
0081         of division by zero in cross-section computation.
0082         Addressing problem report #1471.
0083     + Polarisation
0084       o G4PolarizedComptonCrossSection: removed unused class members.
0085     + Standard:
0086       o G4UrbanMscModel93/95/96: disabled 'sampleZ' option by default (this
0087         option enables/disables sampling of true step length); helps in
0088         removing rare cases of e+- interactions/decay on geometry boundary
0089         and observed zero step length; a minor (~0.1%) change in sampling
0090         calorimeter response is expected.
0091         Correctly use "static const" for const parameters (minor CPU
0092         speedup).
0093       o G4WentzelOKandVIxSection: use different screening parameter formula
0094         for e+- and other charged particles, improving agreement with data
0095         both for e+- and muons.
0097   o Generic Processes:
0098     -----------------
0099     + parameterisation:
0100       o Fixed MacOS Clang compiler warning for unused private variable in
0101         G4FastSimulationManagerProcess.
0102     + Scoring:
0103       o Set verbosity to false in G4ParallelWorldProcess for navigation
0104         in parallel and mass world, reducing warning messages. 
0105     + Transportation:
0106       o G4CoupledTransportation: corrected condition for warning message
0107         in AlongStepDoIt().
0108       o G4CoupledTransportation, G4Transportation: removed unnecessary
0109         static local variables.
0110       o Removed unused data members causing compilation warnings in
0111         MacOS clang.
0113   o Hadronic Processes:
0114     ------------------
0115     + cross_sections:
0116       o G4HadronFissionDataSet: always return zero (only HP may simulate
0117         fission as a separate process).
0118     + models/im_r_matrix:
0119       o Fix in G4MesonAbsorption for loss of optimisation shortcut.
0120         Addressing problem report #1416.
0121       o Fix in G4CollisionMesonBaryonElastic::IsInCharge(): method always
0122         returned false, effectively blocking meson-baryon elastic.
0123         Expect to change distributions. Addressing problem report #1415.
0124     + models/lll_fission:
0125       o Fixed MacOS Clang compiler warning for appending int to string
0126         in G4SmpWatt.
0127     + models/neutron_hp:
0128       o Fixed MacOS clang compiler warnings for unused private variables.
0129     + models/parton_string/diffraction:
0130       o Fix in G4FTFModel::PutOnMassShell() for K^+ Fe interactions at
0131         T=4.6748 GeV, resolving observed cases of loops in central collision
0132         due to sum of the excitation energy and energies of the ejected
0133         nucleons larger than the initial energy (energy-momentum
0134         non-conservation). Addressing problem report #1459.
0135     + models/qmd:
0136       o Fixed MacOS Clang compiler warnings for unused private variables in
0137         G4QMDCollision.
0138     + models/utils:
0139       o G4NuclearFermiDensity: removed unused data member.
0140     + stopping:
0141       o G4EmCaptureCascade: fixed array initialisation.
0142       o G4MuonMinusBoundDecay: improved muon capture rate data/lookup and
0143         calculation of bound muon decay rate.
0144         Corrected calculations and lookup of MuonCaptureRate in
0145         G4StopElementSelector. Addresses problem report #1457.
0147   o Parameterisations/gflash
0148     ------------------------
0149     + Fixed compilation warning in clang for unused data member in
0150       GFlashShowerModelMessenger.
0152   o Particles:
0153     ---------
0154     + Removed unused variable of thePDGiSpin from G4PDGCodeChecker.
0156   o Persistency:
0157     -----------
0158     + ascii:
0159       o Corrected problem in placement of an assembly in G4tgbVolume.
0160         Addressing problem report #1433.
0161       o Removed unused data member in G4tgbRotationMatrix.
0162       o Corrected composed text in exception in G4tgrSolidBoolean.
0163     + gdml:
0164       o Removed unused data member in G4STRead.
0165     + mctruth:
0166       o Removed unused data member in G4PersistencyCenter.
0168   o Physics Lists:
0169     -------------
0170     + Increased low limit from 10 eV to 100 eV in G4EmStandardPhysics_option4,
0171       to fix range of electrons at low energy.
0172     + G4EmLivermorePhysics: increased low limit to 100 eV and number of bins
0173       for tables to 220 to avoid problems in Livermore ionisation for
0174       electron stopping powers and ranges.
0176   o Track:
0177     -----
0178     + Fix in G4ParticleChange for velocity of neutrons and recoil in elastic
0179       scattering; correspondingly, fixed time of neutron hits in calorimeters.
0180       Addressing problem report #1451.
0181     + G4ParticleChangeForEloss, G4ParticleChangeForGamma: clean up
0182       computation of velocity (expected little performance improvement).
0184   o Tracking:
0185     --------
0186     + Fix in G4SteppingManager to allow for proper handling of multiple AtRest
0187       processes. Addressing problem report #1397.
0189   o Examples:
0190     --------
0191     + Updated reference outputs.
0192     + advanced/composite_calorimeter:
0193       o Fixed compilation error in main() for missing inclusion of
0194         G4UImanager header. Fixed compilation warnings for
0195         variables/parameters shadowing.
0196     + advanced/lAr_calorimeter:
0197       o Fixed bug in the primary generator, causing event abortion.
0198     + novice/N02:
0199       o ExN02PhysicsList: added ions. Addressing problem report #1444.
0201  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0203                              Technical Notes
0204                              --------------- 
0206   o  This patch should be applied on top of release 9.6.
0207   o  Technical notes distributed for release 9.6 are also applicable and
0208      valid for this patch.
0210 The code and rebuilt binary libraries for release 9.6.p02 are available
0211 through our "Download" Web page:
0214 Please refer to the Geant4 User Documentation:
0216 for further information about using Geant4.