Warning, /geant4/ReleaseNotes/Patch4.9.4-4.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0002 Geant4 9.4 - patch-04 Release Notes
0003 -----------------------------------
0005 13 April 2012
0007 List of fixes included in this public patch since the public release 9.4.p03:
0009 o Geometry:
0010 --------
0011 + Magnetic Field:
0012 o G4FieldTrack: added inline method to set the Rest Mass. Needed in
0013 order to reset this and keep reuse the same G4FieldTrack in a
0014 client across tracks.
0016 o Global:
0017 ------
0018 + G4Pow: reduced vector for factorial from 512 to 170 (result should be
0019 below DBL_MAX). Fixed computation of log(factorial).
0020 Added protection in powN() method for high exponent values.
0021 + Changed date for patch-04 to release 9.4.
0023 o Electromagnetic Processes:
0024 -------------------------
0025 + Standard:
0026 o G4UrbanMscModel92, G4UrbanMscModel93, G4UrbanMscModel95: added
0027 protection against big scattering angles for e+- (E > 20 MeV); the
0028 protection cuts tail of scattering angles to avoid artificial
0029 scattering of high energy e+-.
0030 o G4WentzelVIModel: fixed algorithm for sampling of single scattering
0031 along step.
0032 o G4WentzelOKandVIxSection: fixed incorrect angular limit for protons.
0033 Fixed screening function for low Z materials.
0034 o G4UniversalFluctuation: fixed sampling at small steps (below 10 um)
0035 in heavy media about shift in range of 3 MeV muons.
0036 o G4eCoulombScatteringModel: fixed initialisation of base class data
0037 in method SetLowEnergyLimit(). Fixed cross-section in compounds.
0039 o Hadronic Processes:
0040 ------------------
0041 + models/CHIPS:
0042 o G4QCaptureAtRest: added check on 4-momentum balance for violations
0043 of more than 2 GeV; repeat sampling again. Check baryon number of
0044 final state and take into account nuclear recoil at rest which is
0045 not produced as a final particle.
0047 o Track:
0048 -----
0049 + Fix to reset 'RestMass' in G4FieldTrackUpdator::Update() method
0050 as it is used to initialise each track by ParallelWorldScoringProcess.
0052 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0054 Technical Notes
0055 ---------------
0057 o This patch should be applied on top of release 9.4 or 9.4.p03.
0058 o Technical notes distributed for release 9.4 are also applicable and
0059 valid for this patch.
0061 The code and rebuilt binary libraries for release 9.4.p04 are available
0062 through our "Download" Web page:
0063 http://cern.ch/geant4/support/download.shtml
0065 Please refer to the Geant4 User Documentation:
0066 http://cern.ch/geant4/support/userdocuments.shtml
0067 for further information about using Geant4.