Warning, /geant4/ReleaseNotes/Patch4.9.4-1.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0002 Geant4 9.4 - patch-01 Release Notes
0003 -----------------------------------
0005 18 February 2011
0007 List of fixes included in this public patch since the public release 9.4:
0009 o Configuration:
0010 -------------
0011 + Configure script:
0012 o Fixed restoring of default settings for XercesC.
0013 Corrected duplication of text in setup dump.
0014 Addressing problem reports #1159 and #1160.
0015 + Darwin-g++.gmk: fix to avoid mixing of OpenGL X11 and framework.
0017 o Event:
0018 -----
0019 + Added resetting of 'abortRequested' flag at start of DoProcessing()
0020 in G4EventManager. Addressing to problem report #1169.
0022 o Geometry:
0023 --------
0024 + solids/CSG:
0025 o G4Cons: fix in DistanceToIn(p,v,..) to squared tolerance in comparison.
0026 Replaced calculation of the solution for the quadratic equation, to use
0027 safe formula, in order to avoid numerical errors when b is almost equal
0028 to sqrt(d). Addressing problem report #1153.
0030 o Global:
0031 ------
0032 + Extended length of internal arrays in G4Pow from 256 to 512.
0033 Allows to fix numerical problems observed in some ion/ion collision tests.
0034 + Use unsigned-int for table size type in G4PhysicsTable. Fixes a problem
0035 for data persistency.
0036 + Changed date for patch-01 to release 9.4.
0038 o Graphical Representations:
0039 -------------------------
0040 + Fixes to G4Visible operators against possible zero pointers and minor
0041 memory leaks. Fixed more minor Coverity reports.
0043 o Particles:
0044 ---------
0045 + Register BetaDecay for anti_neutron though anti_neutron keeps as "stable"
0046 with finite life-time, to avoid run-time warnings as reported by CMS.
0047 + Defined error codes for G4Exceptions.
0049 o Persistency:
0050 -----------
0051 + Fixed dumping of pressure and state for materials in ASCII module,
0052 and added enumeration of units.
0053 + Correction in G4GDMLWriteMaterials::MaterialWrite() to properly treat
0054 export of materials with single element defined as isotope composition.
0056 o physics_lists:
0057 -------------
0058 + G4EmStandardPhysics_option1: fixed missing line defining polar angle
0059 limit, responsible for significant CPU penalty in single scattering
0060 of muons.
0061 + Fix in QGSP_BERT_NOLEP and QGSP_QEL for missing inclusion of
0062 G4HadronQElasticPhysics header.
0063 + Corrected shielding physics-list to include correct header for HP
0064 hadron elastic. Addressing problem report #1166.
0066 o Low-energy Electromagnetic Processes:
0067 ------------------------------------
0068 + G4UAtomicDeexcitation, G4empCrossSection, G4teoCrossSection,
0069 G4VhShellCrossSection: fixed inefficiency in computation of ionisation
0070 cross-sections; added extra protections for limited usage of a model in
0071 applicability range.
0072 + Fixed Coverity defects for G4Penelope08 models, G4EMDataSet, G4ShellData
0073 and G4DNA classes.
0074 + Moved constructor and destructor to source in G4VEMDataSet.
0075 + Fixed memory leak in G4CrossSectionHandler.
0076 Fixed memory leaks at initialisation in several classes.
0078 o Standard Electromagnetic Processes:
0079 ----------------------------------
0080 + Muons:
0081 o G4ErrorEnergyLoss: fixed initialisation in constructor, addressing a
0082 problem identified on Windows.
0083 + Standard:
0084 o G4KleinNishinaModel: improved computation of kinematics.
0085 o G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel, G4UrbanMscModel90, G4UrbanMscModel92,
0086 G4UrbanMscModel93: use recommended method Value() to access transport
0087 cross section instead of obsolete GetValue().
0088 o G4IonCoulombScatteringModel, G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel,
0089 G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable: fixed Coverity warnings for data
0090 initialisation.
0091 o G4PEEffectFluoModel: fixed K-shell selection (was off by mistake).
0092 o G4MollerBhabhaModel: fixed expression for computation of positron dEdx
0093 according to PDG formula and original paper.
0094 + Utils:
0095 o G4VEmModel: reduced memory 2 times for element selectors data, as for
0096 ATLAS report. Fixed problem of de-excitation flags, allowing settings
0097 by user command.
0098 o G4LossTableManager: fixed problem happening at initilisation, for the
0099 case when Bremsstrahlung process is instantiated but not added to
0100 physics list.
0101 o G4EmCalculator, G4VAtomDeexcitation, G4EnergyLossMessenger: cleaned
0102 logic of activation of deexcitation and computation of ionisation
0103 cross-sections.
0104 o G4VEnergyLossProcess: fixed minor memory leak at initialisation.
0105 Fixed Coverity warnings in G4EnergyLossTables.
0107 o Hadronic Processes:
0108 ------------------
0109 + cross_sections:
0110 o G4NeutronCaptureXS: added protection for the case Ekin=0.
0111 o Added cross-section name to constructors, so that they can be retrieved
0112 for physics list print out.
0113 + models/cascade:
0114 o G4ElementaryParticleCollider: added protection sampleCMcosFor2to2(),
0115 against potential divide-by-zero. Addresses rare cases (~10^-7) of
0116 FP exceptions.
0117 + models/CHIPS:
0118 o Unlock inelastic h+p cross-sections below 1 GeV;
0119 K+ + p low energy inelastic CS blocking below 600 MeV/c.
0120 o Fix in photon-nuclear environment for Quasmons.
0121 o Added correct handling of splitting of target for (A>=2,Z=0).
0122 Added throwing of exception to signal NULL pointer.
0123 + models/de_excitation:
0124 o G4ParaFissionModel: fixed initialisation of G4Fragment (A,Z order),
0125 use G4NucleiProperties to access mass.
0127 o Generic Processes:
0128 -----------------
0129 + Cuts:
0130 o Added protection in G4ProductionCuts::SetProductionCuts() to check
0131 consistencies of size of given vector.
0132 o Defined error codes for G4Exceptions.
0133 + Management:
0134 o Defined error codes for G4Exceptions. Some code cleanup.
0135 + Parameterisation:
0136 o Added missing implementation of inlined method
0137 ProposePrimaryTrackFinalKineticEnergy() in G4FastStep.
0138 + Transportation:
0139 o G4UserSpecialCuts: fixed bug in energy tracking cut; changed order of
0140 checks: 1st energy tracking cut, 2nd track length, 3d time cut,
0141 4th range for charged particles with non-zero mass.
0142 Removed unnecessary string comparisons.
0143 o G4CoupledTransportation: added missing EndTracking() method to reset
0144 the activated navigator list.
0146 o Physics Lists:
0147 -------------
0148 + G4EmStandardPhysics_option1: fixed missing line defining polar angle
0149 limit, responsible for significant CPU penalty in single scattering of
0150 muons.
0151 + Fix in QGSP_BERT_NOLEP and QGSP_QEL for missing inclusion of
0152 G4HadronQElasticPhysics header.
0154 o Run:
0155 ---
0156 + G4RunManager: added protection for WIN32 against already existing
0157 directory when saving random seeds. Addressing problem report #1157.
0159 o Examples:
0160 --------
0161 + Updated reference outputs.
0162 + Fixed use of 3Vector in some advanced examples, causing compilation error.
0163 + advanced/composite_calorimeter, lAr_calorimeter:
0164 o Updated physics lists.
0165 + advanced/human_phantom, underground_physics:
0166 o Some code cleanup.
0167 + extended/biasing/ReverseMC01:
0168 o Added protection for unitialised mean&error in
0169 RMC01AnalysisManager::ComputeMeanEdepAndError().
0170 + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm5, TestEm7, TestEm11, TestEm12:
0171 o Minor cleanup of SS physics constructor.
0172 + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm9:
0173 o Added extra run with 20 GeV mu- into input macro TestEm9.in.
0174 + extended/eventgenerator/particleGun:
0175 o Fixed Aida file-option in HistoManager.
0176 + extended/medical/electronScattering, fanoCavity, fanoCavity2:
0177 o Minor cleanup of SS physics constructor.
0178 + extended/medical/electronScattering2:
0179 o Added physics builders from electronScattering example.
0180 + extended/optical/wls:
0181 o Added missing inclusion of <ctime> header in WLSRunAction, to allow
0182 for compilation on Windows.
0183 + extended/parameterisations/gflash:
0184 o Corrections in use of namespaces to allow for compilation on Windows.
0185 Some cleanup.
0186 + extended/persistency/P03:
0187 o Added batch.mac input macro, replacing use of OGL vis driver by ASCII.
0188 + extended/radioactivedecay/rdecay01:
0189 o Modified PhysicsList, setting ARM to false.
0190 o Print global time from SteppingVerbose.
0191 o Fixed Aida file-option in HistoManager.
0192 o Added macro Co60.mac.
0193 + novice/N02, N03:
0194 o Changed step-point size in visualization macro to 1.
0195 + novice/N05:
0196 o Fix in ExN05DetectorConstruction::SetProductionCuts() in array
0197 initialisation.
0200 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0202 Technical Notes
0203 ---------------
0205 o This patch should be applied on top of relese 9.4.
0206 o Technical notes distributed for release 9.4 are also applicable and
0207 valid for this patch.
0209 The code and rebuilt binary libraries for release 9.4 are available
0210 through our "Download" Web page:
0211 http://cern.ch/geant4/support/download.shtml
0213 Please refer to the Geant4 User Documentation:
0214 http://cern.ch/geant4/support/userdocuments.shtml
0215 for further information about using Geant4.