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Warning, /geant4/ReleaseNotes/Patch4.9.2-1.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0002                  Geant4 9.2 - patch-01 Release Notes
0003                  -----------------------------------
0005                                                             13 March 2009
0007 List of fixes included in this public patch since the public release 9.2:
0009   o Configuration:
0010     -------------
0011     + Configure script: corrected handling of G4LEDATA and G4LEVELGAMMADATA
0012       paths in generated configuration scripts.
0013       Addresses problem report #1037 and #1039.
0014     + common.gmk, globlib.gmk source/GNUmakefile: remove moc sources in clean
0015       targets.
0016     + Linux-g++.gmk: simplified Qt setup to conform to standard Qt installation.
0017     + Added -lXi to X11LIBS for Linux-g++, Linux-icc and WIN32-g++
0018       configurations, required for correct linkage with OpenInventor Coin3D
0019       libraries.
0021   o Digits_Hits:
0022     -----------
0023     + Fixed incorrect volume size for cylindrical parameterized volume used
0024       in various scorers.
0026   o Geometry:
0027     --------
0028     + navigation:
0029       o Fixed problem in G4BrentLocator::EstimateIntersectionPoint() responsible
0030         for rare cases of negative steps.
0031       o Added G4RegularNavigationHelper class, used by G4RegularNavigation for
0032         counting the number of step lengths in each voxel of the regular
0033         structure. Forgotten inclusion in 9.2.
0034       o Some code cleanup...
0035     + solids/specific:
0036       o Fix in G4Paraboloid::DistanceToOut(p,v,..) for the computation of
0037         normal to surface; added missing normalisation to unit, following
0038         remark in the Geometry Forum Hypernews posting #953.
0040   o Global:
0041     ------
0042     + Correction in management/GNUmakefile to CPPFLAGS, adding G4RF_DEBUG
0043       in case enabled.
0044     + Changed date for patch-01 to release 9.2.
0046   o Low-energy Electromagnetic Processes:
0047     ------------------------------------
0048     + Suppressed warning message in Penelope PhotoElectric process
0049       (G4PenelopePhotoElectric and G4PenelopePhotoElectricModel) from
0050       G4AtomicTransitionManager appearing for some elements (Oxygen, Fluorine).
0051     + Corrected energy limits in G4CrossSectionIonisationBornPartial.
0052     + Added proton case in G4CrossSectionExcitationMillerGreenPartial
0053       and added protection for water excitation energy.
0054     + Added 'kill particle without total energy deposit' feature for
0055       DNA charge change processes.
0056     + Added protections against FPE in G4hLowEnergyLoss.
0057     + Fixes problem report 953 (also report in Hypernews EM forum #893).
0058     + Fixed bug for ICRU73 ion model. 
0060   o Materials:
0061     ---------
0062     + G4MaterialStoppingICRU73: added 4 missing materials from ICRU'73.
0063     + G4SimpleMaterialStoppingICRU73: fixed typo in density of Mo. 
0065   o Hadronic Processes:
0066     ------------------
0067     + cross_sections:
0068       o Improvements for clearing of memory at end of application:
0069         + G4CrossSectionDataStore: added Clean() method; constructor and
0070           destructor no longer inline; added destruction of data sets;
0071           use std::vector instead of flat arrays.
0072         + G4CrossSectionDataSetRegistry: new singleton to keep pointers to
0073           cross-section data sets.
0074         + G4VCrossSectiondataSet: constructor and detructor no longer inline;
0075           added registration/deregistration mechanism.
0076     + management:
0077       o G4HadronicProcessStore: activated destruction of processes at
0078         application closure; added Clean() method and cleanup of model and
0079         cross section stores.
0080     + models/cascade:
0081       o Corrected absorption coefficient to be set to 1.0 instead of 0.2
0082         inside G4CascadSpecialFunctions. Small differences are observed for
0083         calorimeter observables in Bertini physics-lists, resulting in slightly
0084         wider lateral shower shapes.
0085     + models/chiral_inv_phase_space/interface
0086       o Added de-registration in destructor of G4QCaptureAtRest.
0087       o Added string decay destruction to G4ElectroNuclearReaction.
0088     + models/de_excitation:
0089       o Added smearing of Coloumb barriers for d, t, he3 and alpha particles.
0090       o Fix in G4FissionProbability for computation of EmissionProbability();
0091         returned value was wrong due to missing parenthesis in the
0092         implementation of the formula.
0093       o Fix to substitute 'hbar_Plank' with 'hbarc' in G4EvaporationProbability.
0094       o Fixed leaks in singleton classes in the util module.
0095       o Corrected some inlining of constructors/destructors for base classes
0096         and usage of virtual specification.
0097     + models/management:
0098       o G4HadronicInteractionRegistry: modified to conform to singleton
0099         definition.
0100       o G4HadronicInteraction, G4InelasticInteraction: made constructor,
0101         destructor and some other methods not inline.
0102     + models/photolepton_hadron/muon_nuclear
0103       o Added de-registration of G4MuNuclearInteraction process.
0104     + models/pre_equilibrium:
0105       o G4PreCompoundIon: fixed probability of light ion emission.
0106       o G4PreCompoundXXX: added decrease of Coulomb barrier for d, t, a, he3.
0107       o Some cleanup of comments and formatting...
0108     + stopping:
0109       o Activated registration/de-registration for all LHEP processes.
0110     + util:
0111       o G4StableIsotopes: filled in missing isotope names.
0113   o Generic Processes:
0114     -----------------
0115     + Optical:
0116       o Fix to G4OpBoundaryProcess to address problem report #1040.
0118   o Persistency:
0119     -----------
0120     + ascii:
0121       o Fix in delta theta for handling of G4Sphere, and renaming 'phiTotal'
0122         to 'phiDelta' for the relevant solids in G4tgbVolume implementation.
0123       o Bug fix in definition of delta angle for all solids with section in
0124         Phi in G4tgbVolume. Take into consideration tolerance.
0125     + gdml:
0126       o Fixed association of entities in nested loops for solids and materials.
0127       o Strip off white spaces from names G4GDMLWrite::GenerateName(), to avoid
0128         parsing problems in imported files.
0129       o Corrected treatment of brackets and indeces for matrices in
0130         G4GDMLEvaluator. Fixes problem report #1048.
0131       o Fix in G4GDMLStructure class for missing caching of auxiliary
0132         information from child modules, causing auxiliary information defined
0133         within separated modules to get lost and therefore not assigned to
0134         volumes. Fixes problem report #1049.
0135       o Changed post-fix"_refl" to "_PV" for placements made through the
0136         reflection-factory.
0137       o Added possibility to check overlaps by activating/de-activating the
0138         built-in surface check for placement and parameterised volumes.
0139         By default the overlap check is off. To activate it, use call to the
0140         parser 'SetOverlapCheck(true)' before reading the GDML file.
0141         Required for resolving overlap issues fixed above. 
0143   o Particles:
0144     ---------
0145     + Fixed values of masses for light ions.
0146     + Optimised G4IonTable::IsIon() implementation for usage of strings.
0148   o Physics Lists:
0149     -------------
0150     + G4HadronInelasticQBBC: use G4StringChipsParticleLevelInterface instead
0151       of obsolete G4StringChipsInterface.
0152     + G4MiscLHEPBuilder: create processes dynamically for proper deletion at
0153       the end of job.
0155   o Tracking:
0156     --------
0157     + Fixed issue in G4SteppingManager for the special cases of skipping voxel
0158       boundaries in G4RegularNavigation.
0160   o Visualization:
0161     -------------
0162     + Fixed problem in ratio and geometry on X/Xm/Qt/Win32 viewers.
0163       Now possible to pass XString like 400x600-0+0 to viewers, set position
0164       and location.
0165     + Corrected use of G4DEBUG with G4DEBUG_VIS_OGL in OpenGL-Qt code.
0167   o Examples:
0168     --------
0169     + advanced/brachytherapy:
0170       o Fixed compilation errors and warnings when G4ANALYSIS_USE is not set.
0171     + advanced/composite_calorimeter:
0172       o Fixed compilation warnings in CCalRunAction and CCalEndOfEventAction.
0173     + advanced/hadrontherapy:
0174       o Fixed a compilation warnings in HIIonLEP.
0175     + advanced/human_phantom:
0176       o Migrated GDML read setup to use embedded GDML reader as in Geant4 9.2.
0177       o Corrected URL for standard location of schema in all GDML files.
0178       o Use "OrganPos" and "OrganRot" as names for organs's transformations in
0179         ORNL files, as implied by code.
0180       o Fixed 'solids' tag in ORNLLeftLegBone.gdml files for male and female.
0181       o Fixed compilation warnings and updated README.
0182     + advanced/microbeam:
0183       o Correction in MicrobeamEMField to use logical '&&', not bit '&' in
0184         conditional statements.
0185     + advanced/nanobeam:
0186       o Correction in TabulatedField3D to use logical '&&', not bit '&' in
0187         conditional statements.
0188     + extended/medical/DICOM:
0189       o Added report on dose per voxel.
0190       o Fixed use pf class G4RegularNavigationHistory for counting of step
0191         lengths in voxels of the regular structure; forgotten inclusion in
0192         release 9.2.
0193     + extended/persistency/gdml/G02:
0194       o Guarded usage of G4UITCSH with G4UI_USE_TCSH flag, to allow for
0195         compilation on Windows.
0196       o Added visualization properties for world volume in DetectorConstruction
0197         to avoid run-time warning.
0198       o Corrected loading of default geometry with assembly, resolving some
0199         overlaps introduced by mistake.
0201  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0203                              Technical Notes
0204                              --------------- 
0206   o  This patch should be applied on top of release 9.2
0207   o  Technical notes distributed for release 9.2 are also applicable and
0208      valid for this patch.
0210 The code and rebuilt binary libraries for release 9.2 are available
0211 through our "Download" Web page:
0214 Please refer to the Geant4 User Documentation:
0216 for further information about using Geant4.