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Warning, /geant4/ReleaseNotes/Patch4.9.0-1.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0002                  Geant4 9.0 - patch-01 Release Notes
0003                  -----------------------------------
0005                                                            28 August 2007
0007 List of fixes included in this public patch since the public release 9.0:
0009   o Configuration:  (*)
0010     -------------
0011     + liblist.c: fixed problem affecting recent CygWin installations on
0012       Windows in parsing the buffer for the generation of
0013     + binmake.gmk: defined OUT internal variable specifying the proper
0014       compilation/linking option to Unix or Windows compilers: '-o '
0015       and '/Fe' respectively. Cleared <TAB> characters where not necessary.
0016     + SUN-CC.gmk: forced -xO2 as optimisation level.
0018   o Geometry:
0019     --------
0020     + magneticfield:
0021       o Fix to DistChord() method for Helical Steppers: adopt 'special' case
0022         also for Ang<2pi not only for Ang<pi; use cos() in place of tan(), to
0023         improve CPU performance.
0024       o In G4HelixMixedStepper added possibility to call different steppers
0025         for small steps and add some statistics how offen different steppers
0026         are called. Improved AdvanceHelix() to be able to make half step and
0027         full step in one call.
0028       o G4RKG3_Stepper: improved internal algorithm to use pre-computed values;
0029         the stepper now gives comparable CPU performance as ClassicalRK4.
0030       o Changed FatalException to EventMustBeAborted in AccurateAdvance()
0031         if proposed integration step is negative.  (*)
0032     + management:
0033       o Added dummy constructor and destructor to G4VPVParameterisation.
0034     + solids/BREPS:
0035       o Added missing initialisations of kCarTolerance in alternative
0036         constructors for G4BoundingBox3D, G4Curve, G4CurveRayIntersection,
0037         G4KnotVector. Addressing problem report #959.
0038     + solids/CSG:
0039       o G4Tubs: fixed bug in DistanceToOut(p,v,..) for negative value under
0040         sqrt() for the case of point p on the surface and v tangent to the
0041         surface. Responsible for rare cases of NaN.
0042     + solids/specific:
0043       o Fixes in G4Polyhedra::GetPointOnSurface():  (*)
0044         Correctly treat 'totalPhi' instead of 'endPhi' for the case of open
0045         shapes and 'twopi' for not open shapes.
0046         Introduced fix for the case when number of sectors (numSide) is equal
0047         to 1. At the origin of problems observed when checking overlaps for
0048         polyhedra solids defined as such.
0049       o Fixed dummy constructors of G4Polycone and G4PolyPhiFace for
0050         initialisation of 'edges' and 'corners'. Added workaround to
0051         initialisation of 'corners' vector in G4PolyconeSide class, to allow
0052         for object persistency with Root-I/O.
0053       o G4EllipticalCone:
0054         - DistanceToIn(p): corrected answer for p.z()<-zTopCut and for the
0055           point p on the surface.
0056         - DistanceToOut(p,v): now returning positive solution or zero when
0057           crossing the elliptical surface.
0058         - Fix in DistanceToOut(p) which was giving always zero.
0059         - Added some formulas on how to pre-calculate 'SemiAxis' and 'zheight'.
0061   o Global:
0062     ------
0063     + Changed date for patch-01 to release 9.0.
0065   o Graphics Representations:
0066     ------------------------
0067     + Corrected graphical description for G4EllipticalCone in HepPolyhedron
0068       and G4Polyhedron.
0069     + G4VGraphicsScene: Added default constructor and virtual destructor.
0071   o Intercoms:
0072     ---------
0073     + G4UIbatch:
0074       o Bug fixed for the treatment of the last line.
0075       o Added support for continued line by '\', '_'.
0076       o String after '#' is treated as comment.
0077       o White spaces at the head of a line are allowed.
0078       o Fixed problem on 32bit-Linux.
0079     + G4UImanager: fixed bug concerning invalid returned object.
0080     + Introduced "/control/getEnv" and "/control/echo" commands.
0082   o Electromagnetic Processes:
0083     -------------------------
0084     + Polarisation:
0085       o Removed/renamed obsolete methods and local variables in
0086         classes G4VPolarizedCrossSection, G4eplusPolarizedAnnihilation,
0087         and G4PolarizedAnnihilationModel to clear "shadow" warnings on SUN-CC.
0088     + Standard:
0089       o G4UniversalFluctuation: added protection such that no sampling of
0090         fluctuations is done if mean energy loss at the step is below minimal
0091         excitation energy of the media. The fix is important for cases of
0092         low-dense gases and very small steps.
0093     + Utils:
0094       o G4VEmModel: fixed SelectRandomAtom() method for the selection of
0095         elements in a compound material.
0096     + Xrays:
0097       o G4VXTRenergyLoss: fixed Valgrind run-time errors for wrong memory
0098         allocation by removing internal initialisation of Sandia table and
0099         using Sandia table from materials.
0101   o Hadronic Processes:
0102     ------------------
0103     + models/chiral_inv_phase_space:  (*)
0104       o G4QuasiFreeRatios: fixed DB filling (ID update), responsible for
0105         excessive growth of memory in long runs. Corrected indexing and
0106         computation of cos(theta).
0107     + models/neutron_hp:
0108       o G4NeutronHPThermalScattering: removed duplicate declaration of
0109         'dirName', already a class member, to clear compilation warning.
0110     + models/util:
0111       o G4KineticTrack: changed local variable names to clear compilation
0112         warnings on SUN-CC about hiding.
0113     + stopping:
0114       o Fixed signature of G4MuMinusCaptureCascade::DoCascade() expecting
0115         'const' as arguments for A and Z. Resolves linking problems on SUN-CC.
0117   o Visualization:
0118     -------------
0119     + Removed redundant method declarations and minor tidies.
0121   o Environments:
0122     ------------
0123     + Minor bug fixes to G4Py module; updated geometry wrappers and TestEm0
0124       example.
0126   o Examples:
0127     --------
0128     + advanced/medical_linac:
0129       o Fixed problem report #880 in DetectorConstruction class.
0130       o Updated macros; reviewed seed initialisation and modified to use
0131         default multiple-scattering class instead of MultipleScattering52.
0132     + advanced/microbeam:
0133       o Improved dose calculation in the code in order to take into account
0134         small energy deposits by any particle around the phantom edge voxels,
0135         by suppressing a selection condition on the PostStep. The total result
0136         of the dose calculation does not change significantly.
0137       o Added protection against scattering at large angles in collimators.
0138       o Suppressed field manager in zones with zero field.
0139       o Use 'kUndefined' optimization in cell phantom implementation.
0140       o Changed number of incident alpha particles in microbeam.mac.
0141     + advanced/underground_physics:
0142       o Added missing header file G4hIonisation.hh to DMXPhysicsLists
0143         translation unit.
0144       o Added G4StepLimiter to physics list as correction of migration
0145         required since Geant4 release 7.0.
0146     + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm7:
0147       o Updated README for physics-list names.
0148     + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm8:
0149       o Fixed PAI physics constructors: energy loss processes should be
0150         active post step.
0151       o Create VisManager only for interactive session, improved destructor
0152         of Em8DetectorConstruction class.
0153     + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm10:
0154       o Create VisManager only for interactive session, improved destructor
0155         of Em10DetectorConstruction class.
0156     + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm13:
0157     + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm14:
0158       o SteppingAction : modify logic to take into account low energy packages.
0159     + extended/medical/fanoCavity:
0160       o Use 'fUseDistanceToBoundary' in physics-list for 'emOptions'. Cleanup.
0161     + extended/medical/GammaTherapy:
0162       o Provide possibility to change cuts between runs.
0163     + extended/radioactivedecay/exrdm:
0164       o Removed obsolete hadronic builders and use only QGSP_BIC,
0165         QGSP_BIC_HP, QGSP_BERT, QGSP_BERT_HP instead.
0166     + novice/N02:
0167       o Fixed implementation of ExN02MagneticField class in way field is set.
0170  (*) Fixes also included in the patched release 8.3.p01.
0172  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0174                              Technical Notes
0175                              --------------- 
0177   o  This patch should be applied on top of release 9.0
0178   o  Technical notes distributed for release 9.0 are also applicable and
0179      valid for this patch.
0181 The code and rebuilt binary libraries for release 9.0 are available
0182 through our "Download" Web page:
0185 Please refer to the Geant4 User Documentation:
0187 for further information about using Geant4.