Warning, /geant4/ReleaseNotes/Patch4.8.1-2.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0002 Geant4 8.1 - patch-02 Release Notes
0003 -----------------------------------
0005 10 November 2006
0007 List of fixes included in this public patch since the public release 8.1.p01:
0009 o Geometry:
0010 --------
0011 + management
0012 o Added empty virtual method CheckOverlaps() to G4VPhysicalVolume to
0013 allow for proper overloading from subclasses. Implementation returns
0014 always 'false', which is the case for replicas.
0016 o Global:
0017 ------
0018 + Corrected inclusion of CLHEP headers in wrapper files
0019 G4SystemOfUnits.hh and G4PhysicalConstants.hh.
0021 o Electromagnetic processes:
0022 -------------------------
0023 + standard:
0024 o Fixed energy non-conservation in G4PAIModel for positrons. Fix also
0025 concerning 'Tmax' for electrons and positrons: 'Tmax' is defined
0026 now for each particle independently.
0027 o Fixed problem of positron zero incident energy in G4eeToTwoGammaModel.
0028 o Added extra protection inside G4BetheBlochModel.
0029 o Fixed problems and add comments in the classes prototype Coulomb
0030 elastic scattering: G4CoulombScattering, G4CoulombScatteringModel,
0031 G4eCoulombScatteringModel. Set default limit on scattering angle to
0032 zero.
0033 + utils:
0034 o G4VEnergyLossProcess: made LambdaPhysicsVector() method protected.
0035 o G4ionEffectiveCharge: added protection for NULL pointer to material.
0037 o Hadronic Processes:
0038 ------------------
0039 + models/coherent_elastic:
0040 o Introduced NaN check inside G4HadronElastic, G4ChargeExchange, and
0041 G4UHadronElasticProcess.
0042 o Removed HP data from G4UHadronElasticProcess (it is set in physics
0043 lists); added low energy threshold of 20 MeV in G4HadronElastic for
0044 QElastic. For any particle with kinetic energy below 10 KeV, the
0045 primary particle is returned unchanged and no scattering is sampled.
0046 This prevents situations of low-energy neutrons scattering forever,
0047 and reduces precision in computing scattering for low-energy hadrons.
0048 + models/utils:
0049 o Reduced warning output from G4Fragment on negative excitation energy;
0050 a maximum of 10 warnings is printed now.
0051 o G4Fancy3DNucleus:ChoosePositions(): correctly use std::vector.
0052 Correction addressing problem report #887 on WIN32/VC8.
0053 o Removed meaningless 'const' qualifier from return type of method
0054 G4Fancy3DNucleusHelper().
0056 o Particles:
0057 ---------
0058 + Fixed bug in G4ParticleDefinition constructor causing not filling quark
0059 contents when G4VERBOSE is not set.
0060 + Fixed bug in k2(1770) decay. Addresses problem report #894.
0062 o Persistency:
0063 -----------
0064 + Get Rid of useless forward declarations in G4MCTEvent and
0065 G4MCTGenParticle header files. Clearing compilation warnings on
0066 icc-9.X compilers.
0068 o Track:
0069 -----
0070 + Made G4StepPoint::operator=() inline for optimisation.
0072 o Physics Lists:
0073 -------------
0074 + G4HadronElasticPhysics: added explicit inclusions of data headers
0075 in the header file.
0077 o Configuration:
0078 -------------
0079 + Linux-icc: updated setup to support Intel icc compiler 9.X series.
0080 + liblist.c: added .dylib search for list of libraries.
0081 Addressing problem report #885.
0082 + architecture.gmk: added variables for commands: echo, cat, cut, sed;
0083 to be eventually overloaded in system dependent configurations.
0084 Overloaded variables for WIN32-VC to force usage of the original
0085 CygWin built-in commands. Use standard 'echo' command for Darwin-g++.
0086 Replaced system commands with variables defined at architecture level
0087 in source/GNUmakefile.
0089 o Examples:
0090 --------
0091 + Updated reference outputs.
0092 + advanced/underground_physics
0093 o Fixed bug: removed uninitialized 'UserLimitsForXenon'.
0094 + extended/analysis/AnaEx01
0095 o Corrected text in README for AIDA setup.
0097 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0099 Technical Notes
0100 ---------------
0102 o This patch should be applied on top of release 8.1.p01
0103 o Technical notes distributed for release 8.1 are also applicable and
0104 valid for this patch.
0106 The code and rebuilt binary libraries for release 8.1.p02 are available
0107 through our "Source Code" Web page:
0108 http://cern.ch/geant4/support/download.shtml
0110 Please refer to the Geant4 User Documentation:
0111 http://cern.ch/geant4/support/userdocuments.shtml
0112 for further information about using Geant4.