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Warning, /geant4/ReleaseNotes/Patch4.7.0-1.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0002                  Geant4 7.0 - patch-01 Release Notes
0003                  -----------------------------------
0005                                                            23 February 2005
0007 List of fixes included in this public patch since the public release 7.0:
0009   o Configuration:
0010     -------------
0011     + Fix in Configure script for unnecessary check on setting of
0012       CLHEP_BASE_DIR to /usr, /usr/local on Linux platforms.
0014   o Event:
0015     -----
0016     + Fixed bug on binning in G4SPSRandomGenerator.
0017     + Fixed reset of histogram energy limits in G4SPSEneDistribution.
0018     + Restored the inheritance to G4VPrimaryGenerator for the
0019       G4GeneralParticleSource class.
0021   o Geometry:
0022     --------
0023     + solids/specific:
0024       o Use new polynom approximations based on new solver based on
0025         Jenkins-Traub algorithm, for twisted-box and twisted-trap.
0026       o Fixed bug in the usage of 'fmod' and adopt special treatment for
0027         'parallel' events in G4TwistedBoxSide and G4TwistedTrapSide.
0029   o Global:
0030     ------
0031     + Added polynom-solver class G4JTPolynomialSolver implementing the
0032       Jenkins-Traub algorithm for real polynomial root finding. To be used
0033       by the twisted-trap shape for precise computation of intersections.
0035   o Interfaces:
0036     ----------
0037     + Minor fix in GNUmakefiles to remove unnecessary definition of G4TMPDIR.
0039   o Parameterisations:
0040     -----------------
0041     + Fix in GFlashHitMaker for treatment of detector sensitivity in the
0042       'gflash' module.
0044   o Particles:
0045     ---------
0046     + Fix in G4UnknownParticle to make it non-static, in order to avoid
0047       unnecessary linking without its definition in the physics list.
0049   o Electromagnetic processes:
0050     -------------------------
0051     + standard:
0052       o Fix in UniversalFluctuation: setting proper constants for probLim 
0053         and minimum energy-loss, to improve simulation of energy loss in
0054         thin absorbers.
0055       o Fix in MultipleScattering for function SetSamplez().
0056       o Add extra protection to G4PAIModel to fix cases of NaN observed
0057         in production for ALICE. 
0058     + utils:
0059       o Bug fix to avoid crash in the inactivation of e- ionisation.
0060       o Added protection on the value of effective charge to ensure energy
0061         loss for low energy ions.
0062       o Fixing initialisation problem for ion beam observed in CMS.
0064   o Hadronic Processes:
0065     ------------------
0066     + models/chiral_inv_phase_space/body:
0067       o Fixed problem of inconsistency between masses of hadrons and nuclear
0068         fragments and masses defined in Geant4. Conversion of the CHIPS hadrons
0069         to Geant4  secondaries uses now a kinetic energy of the particle, so
0070         Geant4 automatically puts particles on the mass shell.
0071       o Complete usage of the existing nuclear mass approximation of Geant4
0072         [including M(Z,N)_G4>m_p*Z+m_n*N].
0073       o Improvement in G4QEnvironmemt in the usage of FinalStateInteraction
0074         A few cases of the secondary particles below mass shell have been
0075         corrected. 
0077   o Management of processes:
0078     -----------------------
0079     + Fix in G4ProcessManager to correct ordering of processes.
0081   o Run:
0082     ---
0083     + Fix in G4RunManager and G4RunManagerKernel to correctly reset static
0084       pointers in the case when RunManager is deleted.
0085     + Updated date to run-manager.
0087   o Visualization:
0088     -------------
0089     + HepRep: minor fix for compilation problem on the obsolete gcc-2.95.2.
0091   o Physics lists:
0092     -------------
0093     + hadronic:
0094       o Fixed compilation problems on gcc-3.4.X compiler series:
0095         Added explicit 'typename' keywords to template class declarations.
0096         Use 'this' pointer to access data-members of base class for
0097         unqualified names in physics-lists inline definitions.
0099   o Examples:
0100     --------
0101     + Updated reference outputs.
0102     + electromagnetic/TestEm1
0103       o HistoManager: added protection for the creation of the analysis
0104         factory. File extension is fileType.
0105       o HistoMessenger: new command 'setFileOption'.
0106     + electromagnetic/TestEm3
0107       o Fix in SteppingAction to correct the energy flow.
0108       o Added new macros linac.mac and geant3/linac.dat.
0109     + novice/N02
0110       o PhysicsList: added usage of G4StepLimiter (as commented line).
0111     + novice/N03
0112       o Fix in SteppingAction: sum stepLength of charged particle even
0113         if edep=0.
0115  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0117                              Technical Notes
0118                              --------------- 
0120   o  This patch should be applied on top of release 7.0.
0121   o  Technical notes distributed for release 7.0 are also applicable and
0122      valid for this patch.
0124 The code and rebuilt binary libraries for release 7.0 are available through
0125 our "Source Code" Web page:
0127 Please refer to the Geant4 User Documentation:
0129 for further information about using Geant4.