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Warning, /geant4/ReleaseNotes/Patch4.10.6-3.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0002                  Geant4 10.6 - patch-03 Release Notes
0003                  ------------------------------------
0005                                                           6 November 2020
0007 List of fixes included in this public patch since the public release 10.6.p02:
0009   o Analysis:
0010     --------
0011     + Fixed definition of UI commands in G4AnalysisMessenger (for 2D and
0012       3D histograms).
0013     + Updated to g4tools 5.0.6:
0014       o Changed usage of Google style fonts.
0015       o Fixed compilation warnings on clang-10.
0017   o Event:
0018     -----
0019     + Fixed misleading error message in G4SPSPosDistribution.
0020       Addressing problem report #2275.
0022   o Global:
0023     ------
0024     + Re-instate static pointer for 'masterG4coutDestination' in
0025       G4coutDestination with proper symbol exporting on Windows
0026       (necessary for MT builds). Restores trapping of G4cout from
0027       workers in Qt GUI.
0028     + Updated date and version for 10.6.p03.
0030   o Intercoms:
0031     ---------
0032     + Added StoL() method in G4UImessenger for parsing string to long int.
0033       Addressing problem report #2276.
0035   o Interfaces:
0036     ----------
0037     + Added fix in G4Qt to properly set GL on Windows (see Forum topic #3144).
0039   o Persistency - gdml:
0040     ------------------
0041     + Fixed treatment of loops. Addressing problem report #2273.
0043   o Processes - Hadronic:
0044     --------------------
0045     + cross_sections:
0046       o G4CrossSectionElastic, G4CrossSectionInelastic: fix for ions and
0047         anti-ions, where the max energy of applicability of the (elastic and
0048         inelastic) cross-sections must scale with the absolute baryonic number;
0049         however, the cross-sections objects are often shared between the
0050         different types of ions (d, t, He3, alpha, and genericIon), therefore
0051         we scale by a large value (256, safely larger than the number of
0052         nucleons of the heaviest nuclides).
0053     + models/de_excitation:
0054       o G4NuclearLevelData: more safe initialisation of data in MT mode, use
0055         mutex locks only within each method, whithout calls to other methods.
0056       o G4ExcitationHandler: call to G4NuclearLevelData to initialise data for
0057         levels for all elements possibly involved in the geometry.
0058       o G4FermiFragmentsPoolVI: use old interface to nuclear levels.
0059     + models/particle_hp:
0060       o G4ParticleHPInelastic, G4ParticleHPInelasticData: improved error
0061         message in the case that both G4PARTICLEHPDATA and the related
0062         particle-specific environmental variable (e.g. G4PROTONHPDATA) are
0063         not defined. The recommendation is to define only G4PARTICLEHPDATA.
0064     + models/parton_string/diffraction:
0065       o G4FTFModel: quasi-elastic is not applied any longer when the target
0066         nucleus has one nucleon and the projectile hadron is not an ion. This
0067         avoids to double count elastic scattering (as reported by NA61/SHINE
0068         in 158 GeV/c proton interactions on liquid hydrogen).
0069         Addressing problem report #2274.
0070     + models/parton_string/hadronization:
0071       o G4VLongitudinalStringDecay: fix in ProduceOneHadron() method, to remove
0072         an inconsistency in the treatment of low-mass strings with respect to
0073         the method G4QGSMFragmentation::FragmentString(). As consequence of
0074         this inconsistency, interactions with fewer intra-nuclear collisions
0075         were favored, therefore producing fewer secondary hadrons.
0076       o G4QGSMFragmentation : proper exit in the method FragmentString()
0077         when the string mass is below the threshold.
0078     + models/parton_string/qgsm:
0079       o G4BaryonSplitter: removed inexisting in Geant4 excited hyperon states
0080         (Sigma* and Xi*).
0082   o Run:
0083     ---
0084     + Fix for rndmSaveThisEvent() not properly working in multi-threaded mode.
0085       Addressing problem report #2278.
0086     + Allow setting of seeds with 'long' values for '/random/setSeeds'
0087       UI command. Addresses problem report #2276.
0089   o Visualization:
0090     -------------
0091     + Fixed compilation warnings on clang-10 in gMocren and gl2ps.
0093   o Examples:
0094     --------
0095     + advanced/brachytherapy
0096       o Added missing call to "/run/initialize" in VisualisationMacro.mac.
0097     + advanced/purging_magnet
0098     + advanced/STCyclotron
0099       o Fixed README.
0101  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0103                              Technical Notes
0104                              --------------- 
0106   o  This patch should be applied on top of release 10.6 or 10.6.p01/p02.
0107   o  Technical notes distributed for release 10.6 are also applicable and
0108      valid for this patch.
0110 The code and rebuilt binary libraries for release 10.6.p03 are available
0111 through the Geant4 "Download" Web page.
0113 Please refer to the Geant4 User Documentation for further information about
0114 using Geant4.