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Warning, /geant4/ReleaseNotes/Patch4.10.4-1.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0002                  Geant4 10.4 - patch-01 Release Notes
0003                  ------------------------------------
0005                                                                28 February 2018
0007 List of fixes included in this public patch since the public release 10.4:
0009   o Configuration:
0010     -------------
0011     + CMake:
0012       o Added c++17 to C++ standards against which Geant4 can be compiled,
0013         as experimental build. Will require a minimum CMake version 3.8 to
0014         enable, but this is not checked.
0015       o Updated URL for downloads to use dedicated server alias.
0016     + GNUMake:
0017       o Disabled obsolete linker flag for static libraries in Darwing-clang.gmk.
0019   o Analysis:
0020     --------
0021     + Fixed self-consistency in headers (missing #include) in
0022       G4BaseAnalysisManager and G4PlotManager.
0024   o Digits-Hits:
0025     -----------
0026     + G4ScoringMessenger, G4ScoreQuantityMessenger: UI command returns an error
0027       message if a command is refused due to incorrect parameter(s).
0029   o Error Propagation:
0030     -----------------
0031     + Fixed self-consistency in headers (missing #include) in G4ErrorMatrix,
0032       G4ErrorRunManagerHelper and G4ErrorSymMatrix.
0034   o Event:
0035     -----
0036     + G4GeneralParticleSourceMessenger, G4ParticleGunMessenger: UI command
0037       returns an error message if a command is refused due to incorrect
0038       parameter(s).
0039     + Added deprecation warning for '/gun/ionL' UI command.
0040     + Fixed self-consistency in G4SPSRandomGenerator header (missing #include).
0042   o Externals:
0043     ---------
0044     + CLHEP: in MixMaxRng::modadd(), fixed guard for assembly code to protect
0045       builds on 32-bit systems.
0047   o Geometry:
0048     --------
0049     + management:
0050       o Fixed self-consistency in G4VVolumeMaterialScanner header (missing
0051         #include).
0052     + navigation:
0053       o Fix for momentum value in G4PathFinder::SetChargeMomentumMass();
0054         where magnitude square was passed instead of magnitude.
0055         Addressing problem report #2037.
0056     + solids/CSG:
0057       o Fixed typo in G4Trd::GetPointOnSurface() for the area settings.
0058       o Correction in G4UPara wrapper in ComputeDimensions() to add explicit
0059         cast for the solid type to parameterise.
0060     + solids/specific:
0061       o Added missing initialisation of two data-members in copy-ctor and
0062         assignment operator of G4ExtrudedSolid. Addressing problem report #2016.
0063         Removed redundant data initialistion in G4ExtrudedSolid constructors.
0065   o Global:
0066     ------
0067     + G4MTcoutDestination blocks G4cout from worker threads while application
0068       is in G4State_Init instead of G4State_Idle.
0069     + Added SetVerbosity() method in G4StateManager and notify state change.
0070     + Fixed self-consistency in G4ReferenceCountedHandle header (missing
0071       #include). Added missing #ifdef guard in G4CacheDetails header; code
0072       formatting.
0073     + Updated date and version for 10.4.p01.
0075   o Intercoms:
0076     ---------
0077     + G4UIcommand, G4UImanager: additional implementation for adding a
0078       mechanism of carrying back error message from the messenger if a command
0079       is rejected due to the target class or the messenger.
0081   o Interfaces:
0082     ----------
0083     + G4UIQt: fix to remove parameters from popup in Qt interface when
0084       autocompleting command line. Take into account of '\n' character for
0085       command guidance in help tree.
0087   o Materials:
0088     ---------
0089     + Re-enable user-defined material properties in G4MaterialPropertiesTable
0090       and G4MaterialPropertiesIndex. Addressing problem report #2030.
0091     + G4OpticalSurface: moved static methods to source.
0092     + Fixed self-consistency in headers (missing #include) in G4ElementTable
0093       and G4MaterialTable.
0095   o Parameterisations - gflash
0096     --------------------------
0097     + Fixed self-consistency in GVFlashHomoShowerTuning header (missing
0098       #include).
0100   o Persistency - gdml
0101     ------------------
0102     + Updates to G4GDMLWriteSolids and G4GDMLWriteMaterials for changes in
0103       G4Material[Const]PropertiesTable for addressing problem report #2030.
0104     + Fixed self-consistency in G4GDMLAuxStructType header (missing #include).
0106   o Processes - Electromagnetic:
0107     ---------------------------
0108     + dna:
0109       o G4DNAMolecularMaterial: allow GetDensityTableFor() and
0110         GetNumMolPerVolTableFor() methods to be accepted at G4State_Init
0111         rather than G4State_Idle.
0112       o Fixed self-consistency in headers (missing #include) in G4IosFlagsSaver,
0113         G4KDNode, G4MoleculeIterator and G4LEPTSDiffXS. Fixed spurious
0114         definition of G4IT namespace in G4ITMultiNavigator header.
0115     + lowenergy:
0116       o Fixed self-consistency in G4ecpssrFormFactorMixsModel header
0117         (missing #include).
0118     + polarisation:
0119       o G4StokesVector: moved static inline method to the source.
0120     + standard:
0121       o G4PairProductionRelModel: fixed misuse of G4Pow (A13(..) should be used
0122         instead of Z13(..)); added initialisation of an element cache before
0123         sampling of final state. Partially addressing problem report #2017.
0124     + utils:
0125       o G4EmParametersMessenger: use G4Exception for warnings instead of G4cout,
0126         review G4State for UI commands and signal the RunManager about
0127         modification of physics if a command is issued in Idle state.
0128       o G4EmParameters, G4VEmProcess, G4VEnergyLossProcess: define the same
0129         default values for few internal members.
0130       o G4EmParameters, G4EmParametersMessenger: fixed printout format and
0131         added lock and protection in commands defining physics per region.
0132     + xrays:
0133       o G4VXTRenergyLoss: extended XTR angle limit up to 250/gamma,
0134         on ATLAS request.
0135       o Moved few static and virtual methods from inline to source.
0136         Code cleanup.
0137       o Fixed self-consistency in G4VTRModel header (missing #include).
0139   o Processes - Generic:
0140     -------------------
0141     + biasing:
0142       o G4ImportanceConfigurator: introduced mutex to protect instantiation
0143         of the biasing process against a thread-race in MT mode and clearing
0144         data in destructor. Addressing problem report #1945.
0145     + management:
0146       o G4ProcessManager: added method GetProcess(name) to return a pointer to
0147          a process from its name.
0148       o The following UI commands are now forbidden for 'G4State_GeomClosed' or
0149         'G4State_EventProc' application states:
0150         - /process/activate
0151         - /process/inactivate
0152         - /particle/process/activate
0153         - /particle/process/inactivate
0154       o G4ProcessManagerMessenger, G4ProcessTableMessenger: UI command returns
0155         an error message if a command is refused due to incorrect parameter(s).
0156     + parameterisation:
0157       o Fixed self-consistency in G4FastSimulationVector heade
0158         (missing #include).
0160   o Processes - Hadronic:
0161     --------------------
0162     + models/cascade:
0163       o G4NucleiModel: replaced use of obsolete std::bind2nd with std::bind.
0164     + models/de_excitation:
0165       o Fixed self-consistency in G4ChatterjeeCrossSection header (missing
0166         #include). Fixed #ifdef guard in G4StatMFMacroBiNucleon header.
0167     + models/fission:
0168       o Fixed self-consistency in G4LLNLFission header (missing #include).
0169         Added missing #ifdef guards in G4fissionEvent header.
0170     + models/im_r_matrix:
0171       o Fixed self-consistency in headers (missing #include) in
0172         G4CrossSectionBuffer, G4DeltaNstarBuilder and G4NNstarBuilder.
0173     + models/particle_hp:
0174       o Fixed self-consistency in headers (missing #include) in
0175         G4FFGEnumerations, G4FPYNubarValues, G4ParticleHPAngularP and
0176         G4ParticleHPHash.
0177     + models/parton_string/management:
0178       o Fixed self-consistency in G4VertexCode header (missing #include).
0179     + models/parton_string/qgsm:
0180       o Fixed self-consistency in G4SPPartonInfo header (missing #include).
0181     + models/radioactive_decay:
0182       o G4RadioactiveDecay, G4RadioactiveDecayBase: added check that
0183         environment variable G4RADIOACTIVEDATA is pointing to correct
0184         directory. Moved check from G4RadioactiveDecay::LoadDecayTable()
0185         to constructor. Addresses problem report #1942.
0186     + util:
0187       o G4StableIsotopes: moved static member function definitions to
0188         source file.
0189       o Fixed self-consistency in headers (missing #include) in DumpFrame,
0190         G4GHEKinematicsVector and G4ping.
0192   o Run:
0193     ---
0194     + G4RunManagerKernel: application state is set to G4State_Init while
0195       application is in RunInitialization().
0196       Updated banners by adding last two general papers.
0197     + Fixed self-consistency in G4FastSimulationVector header
0198       (missing #include).
0200   o Visualization:
0201     -------------
0202     + modeling:
0203       o Fixed self-consistency in G4AttValueFilterT header (missing #include).
0204     + OpenGL:
0205       o G4OpenGLStoredSceneHandler: removed call to glDrawBuffer(GL_FRONT),
0206         which seems to cause problems for the case of display list memory
0207         being exceeded.
0209   o Examples:
0210     --------
0211     + basic/B5:
0212       o Added missing filling of row n-tuple in EventAction.
0213     + extended/hadronic/Hadr04:
0214       o NeutronHPphysics: use pManager->GetProcess(processName).
0215     + extended/medical/electronScattering2:
0216       o Removed unused instantiation of G4ScoringManager.
0217     + extended/physicslists/extensibleFactory:
0218     + extended/physicslists/factory:
0219     + extended/physicslists/genericPL:
0220       o Corrected GNUmake script.
0221     + extended/physicslists/shared:
0222       o Corrected copy script.
0224  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0226                              Technical Notes
0227                              --------------- 
0229   o  This patch should be applied on top of release 10.4.
0230   o  Technical notes distributed for release 10.4 are also applicable and
0231      valid for this patch.
0233 The code and rebuilt binary libraries for release 10.4.p01 are available
0234 through our "Download" Web page.
0236 Please refer to the Geant4 User Documentation for further information about
0237 using Geant4.