Warning, /geant4/ReleaseNotes/Patch4.10.3-1.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0002 Geant4 10.3 - patch-01 Release Notes
0003 ------------------------------------
0005 24 February 2017
0007 List of fixes included in this public patch since the public release 10.3:
0009 o Configuration:
0010 -------------
0011 + CMake:
0012 o Updated data-sets to G4PhotonEvaporation-4.3.2 and
0013 G4RadioactiveDecay-5.1.1.
0015 o Analysis
0016 --------
0017 + Restored clean-up of Root empty files in MT mode.
0019 o Geometry:
0020 --------
0021 + solids/Boolean:
0022 o Return normal from solid being subtracted, in case point is located
0023 outside in G4SubtractionSolid::SurfaceNormal().
0024 o Code formatting and minor cleanup in G4IntersectionSolid.
0025 + solids/CSG:
0026 o Use radius differences and hypot to improve precision in G4Torus.
0027 Addressing problem report #1931.
0028 o Fix in GetCubicVolume() and GetSurfaceArea() for G4CutTubs, to make
0029 use of the cached values. Addressing problem report #1943.
0030 o Removed redundant code/checks in G4Orb::SurfaceNormal().
0031 + solids/specific:
0032 o Correction in G4UExtrudedSolid to signature for CalculateExtent().
0033 Fixes issue of undefined symbol if extruded-solid not included in the
0034 list of VecGeom wrappers to activate.
0035 + volumes:
0036 o Correction in G4NavigationHistory default constructor to use
0037 GetLevels() instead of GetNewLevels() from G4NavigationHistoryPool,
0038 to favor re-use of already allocated space.
0040 o Global:
0041 ------
0042 + Removed obsolete G4SubString code used internally in G4String, as no
0043 longer necessary and also including unnecessary and buggy operators.
0044 Addressing problem report #1864.
0045 + Updated date and version for 10.3.p01.
0047 o Intercoms:
0048 ---------
0049 + Added "/control/useDoublePrecision" UI command to extend to 17 digits
0050 precision printout for the current parameter values.
0051 Addressing problem report #1921.
0053 o Interfaces:
0054 ----------
0055 + G4UIQt: added missing check for pointer deletion.
0056 Addressing problem report #1933.
0058 o Materials:
0059 ---------
0060 + Removed debug printout from G4MaterialPropertiesTable destructor.
0061 Addressing problem report #1944.
0063 o Particles:
0064 ---------
0065 + Fixed calculation of neutrino mass in G4MuonRadiativeDecayWithSpin.
0066 Addressing problem report #1928.
0067 + Added class G4AdjointElectronFI.
0069 o Physics Lists
0070 -------------
0071 + constructors/decay:
0072 o G4RadioactiveDecayPhysics: simplified list of EM parameters.
0073 Switch on storing of all internal conversion data vector for correct
0074 gamma deexcitation modeling in radioactive decay.
0075 + constructors/electromagnetic:
0076 o Added 'setCerenkov/ScintillationStackPhotons' commands to
0077 G4OpticalPhysicsMessenger and use them in G4OpticalPhysics.
0078 + constructors/hadron_inelastic:
0079 o Fixed printing of setup for transition energy region between FTFP
0080 and BERT to happen only from master thread.
0081 + constructors/limiters:
0082 o Fixed printing of setup parameter for nureon tracking cuts to happen
0083 only from master thread.
0084 + lists:
0085 o G4PhysListFactory: added single scattering EM option (need to add
0086 "__SS" to the reference physics list name for activation).
0088 o Processes - Electromagnetic:
0089 ---------------------------
0090 + adjoint:
0091 o Correction for cases of FPE in G4AdjointForcedInteractionForGamma.
0092 + dna:
0093 o Prevent a crash when calling G4ITTrackingManager::EndTracking() from
0094 the UserTimeStepAction::PostTimeStepAction.
0095 o Added missing call to tracking-manager.
0096 o Code cleanup in G4KDNode and G4KDMap.
0097 + utils:
0098 o Fixed typo in G4EmParametersMessenger. Addressing problem report #1929.
0100 o Processes - Hadronic:
0101 --------------------
0102 + models/de_excitation:
0103 o G4LevelManager, G4NuclLevel, G4LevelReader: reduce memory for description
0104 of a level: each two integer parameters are packed into one integer value;
0105 use only one set of probabilities of transition independently on use-case
0106 (HEP or radioactive decay). Fill internal conversion coefficients into the
0107 data structure only if a flag SetStoreAllLevels() is set to true; in the
0108 last case, more memory required per isotope (~8 times).
0109 o G4LevelManager: fixed unpacking of spin.
0110 o G4LevelReader: fixed Ra228 problem; read all levels from a data file.
0111 Fixed U235[0.076] problem: if value of alpha (relative probability of the
0112 internal conversion) is 10^10, then assume that internal conversion will
0113 go via outer levels and gamma emission has zero probability; internal
0114 conversion is forced independently on other flags.
0115 o G4NucLevel: in TransitionType, use % operator to correctly strip off
0116 leading digit.
0117 o G4GammaTransition: sample e- with kinetic energy corresponding to
0118 transition between nuclear levels, ignoring atomic effects, when internal
0119 conversion data are not filled but sampling e- emission is selected.
0120 In SampleDirection(), fix to avoid only zero polarization returned;
0121 return back sampling when initial state has angular moment but its
0122 polarisation is random; also fix in order to comply with instructions in
0123 G4PolarizationTransition for the call order and to properly initialize
0124 the nuclear polarization.
0125 Use SetExcitationEnergy() method of G4Fragment for keeping excitation
0126 energy exact as in the database and avoid rare cases of event
0127 non-reproducibility; added SetVerbose() method.
0128 Fixed multipolarity based on the updated data-set.
0129 Added control on printout; fixed thread unsafe check.
0130 o G4PhotonEvaporation, G4GammaTransition: improved sampling and kinematics
0131 for internal conversion. Added internal conversion in G4PhotonEvaporation
0132 even if the data are not stored.
0133 o G4PolarizationTransition: fix for computation of polarisation and
0134 multi-polarity. Fix in SetGammaTransitionData().
0135 Added SetVerbose() method; added protection from extra verbosity.
0136 o G4ExcitationHandler: moved Dump() printout within Initialise()
0137 method; print info if evaporation channels are changed.
0138 Added local data member to control verbosity level.
0139 o G4ExcitationHandler, G4PhotonEvaporation: use floating level number.
0140 o G4DeexPrecoParameters: changed default time limit from 0.01 s to
0141 1 microsecond. By default use uniform angular distribution in CM
0142 system of precompound decay. Extended Dump() printout; make new data
0143 structure the default. By default, use uniform angular distribution
0144 in CM sytem of precompound decay.
0145 Changed minimum excitation energy now set to 10 eV (was 100 eV).
0146 o G4VEvaporation: added extra const access method.
0147 o G4Evaporation: added data member to control verbosity level.
0148 o Fixed case of event non-reproducibility due precision lost in
0149 Lorentz transformations.
0150 o G4LevelReader: in the case of broken file structure or absence of
0151 a data file a fatal exception is issued.
0152 Addressing problem report #1942.
0153 + models/im_r_matrix:
0154 o G4VScatteringCollision: fixed memory leak in MT-mode.
0155 Addressing problem report #1905.
0156 + models/radioactive_decay:
0157 o G4ITDecay: in constructor, make G4PhotonEvaporation a class member
0158 and initialize only once to avoid memory churn.
0159 Added check on Z, A, excitation energy in order to be sure that
0160 correlated gamma may be sampled; reset 4-momentum at rest when previous
0161 nucleaus is reused; use floating level index when a new ion is created.
0162 o G4RadioactiveDecay: temporarily switched off correlated gamma emission,
0163 to limit observed event non-reproducibility violations.
0164 + models/util:
0165 o G4Fragment: minor cleanup of check on excitation energy of a ground
0166 state. Added method SetExcEnergyAndMomentum() allowing to preserve
0167 excitation energy value without precision lost; 4-momentum is
0168 recomputed. Added missing class member and accesors/modifiers for
0169 floating levels number.
0170 o Added control on printout in G4PolynomialPDF.
0172 o Run:
0173 ---
0174 + Modifications to fix bug with reverse track splitting.
0175 Added function ResetDidOneAdjPartReachExtSourceDuringEvent() to
0176 G4AdjointSimManager and use it in G4AdjointPrimaryGeneratorAction.
0177 + Fixed printing of banner to happen only from master thread.
0179 o Tracking:
0180 --------
0181 + Modification in G4AdjointSteppingAction for fixing bug with reverse
0182 track splitting.
0184 o Visualization:
0185 -------------
0186 + management:
0187 o Fix in G4VisCommandsViewer to have '/vis/viewer/interpolate' to work
0188 on Windows.
0189 + OpenGL:
0190 o Fixed bug in ScaledFlush.
0191 + OpenInventor:
0192 o G4OpenInventorXtExtendedViewer: added viewer button for Wireframe/Solid
0193 switching. Added workaround to prevent empty second page in PS and PDF
0194 output (due to superimposed scene).
0195 + RayTracer:
0196 o G4RTXScanner: changed XA_RGB_BEST_MAP to XA_RGB_DEFAULT_MAP.
0198 o Data sets:
0199 ---------
0200 + Patched data set for nuclides properties G4PhotonEvaporation-4.3.2:
0201 o Corrected correlated_gamma files for the uncorrect setting of the
0202 multipolarity E0 as -1. Now considering E0,E1,M1, as 1,2,3,.....
0203 The value of = is for unkown.
0204 o Corrected correlated_gamma files z64.a148,z64.a149,z64.a150,z81.a194
0205 for problem of order of level index.
0206 + Patched data set for radioactive-decay, G4RadioactiveDecay-5.1.1:
0207 o Correction of negative Q value for metastable 190+X level in z77.a194.
0208 o Correction of z38.a85 (Sr-85) with input data from DDEP.
0209 Addressing problem report #1922.
0211 o Examples:
0212 --------
0213 + Updated reference outputs.
0214 + advanced/hadrotherapy:
0215 o Fixed field setup; corrected physics-list.
0216 Addressing problem report #1879.
0217 + extended/exoticphysics/ucn:
0218 o Reduced verbosity.
0219 + extended/medical/dna/pdb4dna:
0220 + extended/medical/dna/wholeNuclearDNA:
0221 o Fixed compilation problem when Qt is enabled.
0223 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0225 Technical Notes
0226 ---------------
0228 o This patch should be applied on top of release 10.3.
0229 o Technical notes distributed for release 10.3 are also applicable and
0230 valid for this patch.
0232 The code and rebuilt binary libraries for release 10.3.p01 are available
0233 through our "Download" Web page.
0235 Please refer to the Geant4 User Documentation for further information about
0236 using Geant4.