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0002                  Geant4 10.1 - patch-01 Release Notes
0003                  ------------------------------------
0005                                                             27 March 2015
0007 List of fixes included in this public patch since the public release 10.1:
0009   o Configuration:
0010     -------------
0011     + CMake:
0012       o Added support for compiling against c++1y standard for GNU and Clang
0013         compilers. Added support for compiling against c++11 standard for
0014         Intel 15 compiler. 'c++0x' is used for compilers with partial support
0015         (even if 'c++11' is allowed), reserving 'c++11' for fully supported
0016         cases.
0017       o Corrected search path for X11 libraries to ensure location of Xquartz
0018         libs on MacOSX. Addressing problem report #1683.
0019       o Added external USolids library to static linkage list.
0020         Addressing problem report #1725.
0021       o Ensure that system/compiler is correctly set for GNUMake compatibility
0022         on MacOSX.
0024   o Analysis:
0025     --------
0026     + Fixed G4AnalysisManager::IsActive(), now taken into all Hn & Pn managers.
0027     + Fixes in the Root files output to be compatible with ROOT 6.02/x.
0028     + Fixed reading XML ntuples with a column of a vector type; tools do not
0029       support direct use of ntuple_bindings with a vector, use of a temporary
0030       sub-ntuple is needed.
0031     + Fixed resetting histograms.
0033   o Digits & hits:
0034     -------------
0035     + Fix in CMake script of 'scorer' module for missing dependency on
0036       external library.
0037     + Added calls to G4VisManager::BeginDraw2D() and  G4VisManager::EndDraw()
0038       in G4VScoreColorMap to speedup drawing of texts and color chart.
0039       Revised Draw() DrawColumn() methods in G4ScoringBox and G4ScoringCylinder
0040       to speed up drawing primitive scorers attached to the scoring meshes.
0042   o Event:
0043     -----
0044     + Fix to reduce performance penalty in MT mode when using GPS with low
0045       energy primaries. Addressing problem report #1706.
0047   o Externals:
0048     ---------
0049     + USolids:
0050       o UPolycone: fix in InsideSection() for points(0,0,z). Fix in
0051         SetOriginalParameters(), in case of presence of 'rings' structures
0052         constructed by (r,z) corners.
0053         Use canonical form for operator=(). Code cleanup and formatting.
0054       o Added special DistanceAway() method for Inside() in order to fix
0055         precision problem in calculation of DistanceToSide() in UPolyconeSide.
0056       o Fixed typo in copy-ctor and assignment operator for UTubs.
0057       o Renamed ExceptionSeverity struct to UExceptionSeverity in UUtils to
0058         avoid possible clashes with external libraries.
0059       o UTrap: fix in SafetyToIn/SafetyToOut() for implementations which were
0060         reverted.
0061       o Fixed triangularisation method AddGeneralPOlygoneFacets() in
0062         UExtrudedSolid by avoiding flat triangles.
0063       o Added warning message to UTriangularFacet constructor if Area is 0;
0064         i.e. case of flat triangle.
0066   o G3toG4:
0067     ------
0068     + Fix to CMake script to include missing dependency on external library.
0070   o Geometry:
0071     --------
0072     + biasing:
0073       o Set G4IStore and G4WeightWindowStore as thread-local singletons to
0074         avoid data races when accessing iterators.
0075         Use const references for string in argument for constructor and
0076         accessor.
0077     + magneticfield:
0078       o Small refinements in G4FieldTrack: added method to access rest mass
0079         and avoid division by zero for unit direction.
0080     + navigation:
0081       o G4ErrorPropagationNavigator: revised implementation of ComputeStep(),
0082         to avoid calling G4Navigator::ComputeSafety().
0083         Addresses problem report #1679.
0084       o G4PathFinder: pass to equation of motion relevant properties of current
0085         particle: latest charge state, PDG spin value, momentum and rest mass
0086         of current particle. Fix in calls to ComputeSafety() to correctly
0087         use length as argument.
0088         Increased maximum number of navigators from 8 to 16.
0089         Addressing problem report #1696.
0090     + solids/CSG:
0091       o Fixed typo in copy-ctor and assignment operator for G4Tubs and G4OTubs.
0092       o Fix in temporary class G4OTubs to include symbol in library in any case.
0093     + solids/specific:
0094       o Fixed triangularisation method AddGeneralPOlygoneFacets() in
0095         G4ExtrudedSolid by avoiding flat triangles. Added warning message to
0096         G4TriangularFacet constructor if Area is 0; i.e., case of flat triangle.
0097         Addressing problem report #1703.
0098       o Added special DistanceAway() method for Inside() in order to fix
0099         precision problem in calculation of DistanceToSide() in G4PolyconeSide.
0100       o Fix in SetOriginalParameters() for G4Polycone and G4Polyhedra, in case
0101         of presence of 'rings' structures. Addressing problem report #1705.
0102       o Use canonical form for operator=() in G4PolyconeHistorical and
0103         G4PolyhedraHistorical.
0104     + volumes:
0105       o G4NavigationHistoryPool: moved printout from the destructor to
0106         dedicated Print() method.
0107       o Avoid post-increment in G4NavigationLevelRep::AddAReference().
0108       o Use canonical form for copy-ctor and operator=() in G4GRSSolid,
0109         G4GRSVolume, G4LogicalBorderSurface and G4LogicalSkinSurface.
0111   o Generic Processes:
0112     -----------------
0113     + Biasing:
0114       o G4ImportanceProcess, G4WeightCutOffProcess, G4WeightWindowProcess:
0115         made static thread-local variables into simple class data members.
0116         Use const reference for string in argument in SetParallelWorld().
0117     + Management:
0118       o Fixed logic in G4ProcessManager::SetProcessOrderingToSecond() to make
0119         sure the process is always set before the process that has ordering
0120         index 1.
0121     + Transportation:
0122       o G4Transportation, G4CoupledTransportation: in AlongStepGetPIL(),
0123         initialize restMass with G4DynamicParticle (as is used in DoIt()),
0124         not with G4ParticleDefinition. Resolves inconsistent kinematics
0125         when dynamic mass is measurably different from "PDG" mass.
0127   o Global:
0128     ------
0129     + Define support for c++11 thread_local keyword on Intel-icc compiler
0130       version 15.
0131     + Define G4THREADSLEEP(tick) macro in G4Threading header.
0132     + Updated date and version for 10.1.p01.
0134   o Graphics Representations:
0135     ------------------------
0136     + G4VisAttributes: removed unnecessary check in operator<<().
0137       Fixing compilation warning on clang.
0139   o Interfaces:
0140     ----------
0141     + G4UIQt: fixed problem when displaying the first time the help tree.
0142       The guidance label was not shown.
0144   o Materials:
0145     ---------
0146     + G4Material, G4NistManager, G4NistMaterialBuilder, G4IonisParamMat:
0147       introduced NTP_Temperature=20C; set this temperature as default for 
0148       all materials instead of STP_Temperature. No effects in results expected.
0149       Addressing problem report #1704.
0150     + G4Material, G4Element, G4Isotope: make arguments of stream operators const.
0152   o Particles:
0153     ---------
0154     + Added missing gamma-gamma, omega-gamma modes to EtaPrime and updated
0155       braching ratio. Addressing problem report #1713.
0157   o Physics Lists:
0158     -------------
0159     + constructors/electromagnetic:
0160       o G4EmStandardPhysics_option4, G4EmStandardPhysicsWVI: disable
0161         'DisplacementBeyondSafety' option; result of electron scattering
0162         benchmark demonstrate some degradation of accuracy with this option
0163         enabled. Use step limitation option 'fUseDistanceToBoundary' instead.
0164       o G4EmStandardPhysicsWVI: added angular limit to WentzelVI model
0165         in order to provide correct backscattering.
0166         Addressing problem report #1702. For more information see:
0167         S. H. Kim et al., IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., vol. 62, no. 2, 2015.
0168     + constructors/hadron_elastic:
0169       o G4HadronElasticPhysics: replaced Chips neutron elastic cross-section
0170         with default, according to fix in cross_sections module for Chips
0171         neutron elastic cross-section.
0172     + constructors/limiters:
0173       o Fix in G4ParallelWorldProcess to correctly use method
0174         SetProcessOrderingToSecond().
0175     + lists:
0176       o INCLXXPhysicsListHelper: avoid use of G4NeutronTrackingCut
0177         for *_HP physics-lists.
0179   o Processes - Electromagnetic:
0180     ---------------------------
0181     + dna:
0182       o Explicitly initialise to zero TLS pointers in G4KDNode and G4ITFinder
0183         to allow for compilation on Linux/clang-3.5.
0184     + highenergy:
0185       o G4eeToHadronsModel: fixed kinematics in ISR gamma emission; added
0186         check on energy balance. Addressing problem report #1716.
0187       o G4eeTo3PiModel: increased majoranta for sampling of 3-body final state;
0188         fixed bug in sampling.
0189     + standard:
0190       o G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel, G4UrbanMscModel,G4WentzelVIModel,
0191         G4WentzelVIRelModel, G4UniversalFluctuation: redefine random engine
0192         pointer in StartTracking() method to address problem reported by CMS.
0193         G4UniversalFluctuation: switch to use G4Random::GetTheEngine() to
0194         simplify code.
0195       o G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel: return back to version of 10.0 with two
0196         fixes; trivial Coverity report, added protection against precision loss
0197         for small angle calculation, to ensure same backscattering results.
0198       o G4KleinNishinaModel: fixed very rare crash happening when de-excitation
0199         module is active and de-excitation energy is slightly larger than
0200         available energy; now secondary energy is slightly modified to keep
0201         energy balance instead of deleting secondary particle.
0202         G4PEEffFluoModel: use the same pattern as G4KleinNishinaModel for
0203         de-excitation products.
0204     + utils:
0205       o G4EmParametersMessenger: allow to set CSDA range flag only in the
0206         PreInit state to avoid crash in store/retrieve tables.
0207       o G4VEnergyLossProcess, G4VEmProcess, G4VMultipleScattering: allow for
0208         storing of physics table only from master thread.
0209       o G4VEmProcess: fixed printout at initialisation for the case when a
0210         process is shared between different particles.
0211         Fixed crash in printout for verbose level > 2.
0212       o G4VEmModel, G4VEmFluctuationModel: switch to use
0213         G4Random::GetTheEngine() to simplify code.
0214         Redefine random engine pointer in G4VEmModel::StartTracking() method
0215         to address problem reported by CMS.
0216       o G4EmCalculator: fixed minor defect reported by Coverity.
0218   o Processes - Hadronic:
0219     --------------------
0220     + cross_sections:
0221       o Fix in G4ComponentGGHadronNucleusXsc to work for H target.
0222       o Removed obsolete (wrong) checks for particle types in IsIsoApplicable()
0223         in Chips cross sections.
0224       o Workaround in G4CrossSectionFactory<T,2>::Instantiate() to allow for
0225         compilation on clang-3.5 on Linux, for initialisation of TLS pointer.
0226     + models/coherent_elastic:
0227       o G4DiffuseElastic: fix for low-energy neutrons.
0228         Fix in theta_cms momentum transfer transformation.
0229         Fix for rare numerical error (sqrt of negative argument).
0230       o G4NuclNuclDiffuseElastic: fix for 700 MeV Be-ions scattering in Be.
0231         Addressing problem report #1691.
0232     + models/de_excitation:
0233       o G4VGammaDeexcitation::GenerateGamma(): take into account atomic bond
0234         energy for computation of transition energy and kinematics in the case
0235         of internal conversion. 
0236       o G4VGammaDeexcitation, G4DiscreteGammaDeexcitation, G4PhotonEvaporation:
0237         changed default set of parameters: ICM disabled; time limit for isomere
0238         production is set to DBL_MAX; sampling of gamma decay of long-lived
0239         isomere levels is performed as it was in Geant4 9.6 assuming decay at
0240         rest and making correction for energy balance (in that case momentum
0241         balance is not guaranteed); binding energy is taken into account in the
0242         case of ICM enabled. These modifications should provide correct sampling
0243         of the decay time for all type of levels, energy balance in hadronic
0244         interactions, and event reproducibility of hadronic transport.
0245       o G4VGammaDeexcitation, G4PhotonEvaporation: propagate vacant shell number
0246         after internal convertion allowing to enable  atomic de-excitation in
0247         radioactive decay.
0248       o Enabled ICM by default in G4NeutronRadCapture.
0249       o G4GEMProbability: added protection to avoid numerical problem seen
0250         in FTF_BIC physics-list where a nucleus get excited to 8 GeV.
0251       o G4DiscreteGammaTransition return back correction on shell number
0252         to avoid assert failure in simplified calorimeter.
0253       o G4ContinuumGammaDeexcitation: fixed Coverity report.
0254     + models/lend:
0255       o Fixed Coverity defect in G4GIDI_map.
0256     + models/neutron_hp:
0257       o Removed unnecessary code in G4NeutronHPInelasticCompFS.
0258         Addressing problem report #1710.
0259       o Fixed Coverity defects.
0260       o Corrected CMake script.
0261     + models/qmd:
0262       o Fixed Coverity defects in G4QMDGroundStateNucleus and G4QMDNucleus.
0263     + models/particles_hp:
0264       o Enabled reading of data file that has a signature of evaluation name.
0265       o Corrected CMake script.
0266     + models/parton_string:
0267       o Fix for rare crash in G4LundStringFragmentation in the case of
0268         anti-sigma+ capture at rest on hydrogen.
0269     + stopping:
0270       o G4HadronStoppingProcess, G4MuonMinusBoundDecay: fixed time of muon 
0271         nuclear capture secondaries. Addressing problem report #1695.
0272       o Define index in the model cathalog inside PreparePhysicsTable() to
0273         avoid bad interference with EM physics.
0275   o Run
0276     ---
0277     + Print message for deletion of G4NavigationHistoryPool only if the
0278       verbose level is set to 2.
0280   o Track
0281     -----
0282     + Fixed FieldTrackUpdator to pass magnetic moment and PDG spin.
0283       Addressing problem report #1696.
0285   o Visualization:
0286     -------------
0287     + Fix in CMake scripts for missing dependency on external library.
0288     + gMocren:
0289       o Fixed bug in G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler for checking of string lengths.
0291   o Examples:
0292     --------
0293     + Updated reference outputs.
0294     + advanced/air_shower:
0295       o Set defaults for GPS in master thread.
0296     + advanced/brachytherapy:
0297       o Removed unnecessary instantiation of GPS in master thread.
0298     + advanced/ChargeExchangeMC:
0299       o Bug fix for online histogram redrawing and easy online histogram
0300         showing from a dedicated menu bar (in graphical mode).
0301     + advanced/gammaknife:
0302       o Moved GPS defaults to master thread.
0303     + advanced/hadrontherapy:
0304       o Corrected definition of steppers in LaserDrivenBeamLine
0305         (nvar=8 only for Electric field).
0306       o Removed/reduced size of maps files and updated README.
0307     + advanced/human_phantom:
0308       o Removed unnecessary instantiation of GPS in master thread.
0309     + advanced/microbeam:
0310       o Added protection against loops on very low-energy particles.
0311     + advanced/radioprotection:
0312     + advanced/xray_telescope:
0313       o Removed unnecessary instantiation of GPS in master thread.
0314     + basic/B4:
0315       o Fixed accessing 'gapHit'. Addressing problem report #1714.
0316       o Fixed documentation.
0317     + extended/biasing/B03:
0318       o B03PhysicsList: properly use SetProcessOrderingToSecond() method
0319         for G4ParallelWorldProcess.
0320     + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm3:
0321       o Fixed formatting in .README.
0322     + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm5:
0323       o Run: added forgotten fill of projectile scattering angle
0324         for printed output (printed value was zero).
0325     + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm8:
0326       o DetectorConstruction: removed local pointer to sensitive detector
0327         in order to avoid race condition.
0328     + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm16:
0329       o Run: fixed computation of max gamma energy for MT mode.
0330     + extended/eventgenerator/particleGun:
0331       o Fixed formatting in .README.
0332     + extended/exoticphysics/channeling:
0333       o Moved GPS defaults to master thread.
0334     + extended/exoticphysics/ucn:
0335       o Fixed files description for Doxygen.
0336     + extended/medical/electronScattering:
0337       o Corrected plot 6 filling, the distance from scattering foil to
0338         detector was wrong.
0339     + extended/optical/wls:
0340       o Added global mutex for primary generation as application modifies
0341         GPS polarization/time
0342     + extended/parameterisations/gflash:
0343       o Removed unnecessary instantiation of GPS in master thread.
0344     + extended/persistency/gdml/G03:
0345       o Corrected visualization commands in read/write input macros.
0346       o Updated README.
0348  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0350                              Technical Notes
0351                              --------------- 
0353   o  This patch should be applied on top of release 10.1.
0354   o  Technical notes distributed for release 10.1 are also applicable and
0355      valid for this patch.
0357 The code and rebuilt binary libraries for release 10.1.p01 are available
0358 through our "Download" Web page:
0361 Please refer to the Geant4 User Documentation:
0363 for further information about using Geant4.