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0002                  Geant4 10.0 - patch-02 Release Notes
0003                  ------------------------------------
0005                                                            13 June 2014
0007 List of fixes included in this public patch since the public release 10.0.p01:
0009   o Configuration:
0010     -------------
0011     + CMake:
0012       o When static libraries are used, wrap G4physicslists library with flags
0013         suitable to import whole archive. Implemented for GNU, Clang and Intel
0014         compilers. Other compilers require further checks on flags and how to
0015         apply to single library. Functionality needed to support global
0016         registration of templated factories.
0017       o Fixup usage of shared/static builtin libraries. Ensure that shared
0018         builtins do not get linked to static. Added new component 'static'
0019         allowing user to select static Geant4 libraries if they are available.
0020       o Provide advanced option to select thread local storage model when
0021         building multithreaded. Supported default mode: initial-exec model.
0022       o Added zlib and g3tog4 to list of features that --has-feature
0023         recognizes and can query.
0024       o Added -DG4FPE_DEBUG to GNU/Clang flags for Debug build mode.
0025     + GNUMake:
0026       o Force loading of symbols for templated libraries in physics_lists
0027         module for global libraries.
0028         Defined LDFLAGS for Linux and Darwin targets accordingly.
0029       o Replaced old win32def tool for extracting symbols definitions for
0030         DLLs build on Windows with genwindef used also in CMake.
0032   o Analysis:
0033     --------
0034     + Fixed implementation of compound commands in G4H[1,2,n]Messenger classes
0035       using new G4AnalysisUtilities::Tokenize() function.
0036       This allows to pass multi-word strings within "".
0037       Addressing problem report #1616.
0038     + Fixed G4H2ToolsManager::SetH2YAxisTitle: set title to y-axis and not
0039       x-axis. Addressing problem report #1620.  
0040     + Do not allow creating objects with empty names.
0041       Addressing problem report #1579.
0042     + Do not remove Root base file if ntuples are in use.
0043       Addressing problem report #1633.
0044     + Fixed H1, H2 functions to access xmin, xmax and width 
0045       (do not apply function and unit to return values).
0046     + Fixed bug in /analysis/h1/setAscii command.
0048   o Digits_Hits:
0049     -----------
0050     + Fix the angle factor in G4PSSphereSurfaceFlux to keep it always
0051       positive. Addressing to Bug Report #1479.
0052     + G4ScoringMessenger: fixed broadcast parameters of commands that should
0053       be used only by the master thread. Addressing problem report #1554.
0054     + G4PSCylinderSurfaceCurrent: removed unnecessary printout. 
0055       Addressing problem report #1610.
0056     + Added missing dependency to graphics_reps in scorer module.
0058   o Environments:
0059     ------------
0060     + pyG4EllipticalCone: added missing return in CreateEllipticalCone()
0061       method. Addressing problem report #1586.
0062     + Fixed compilation error on pyG4Polycone.
0063       Addressing problem report #1544.
0064     + Configure script: physics list is changed to be always turned on.
0065       Addressing problem report #1546.
0067   o Externals:
0068     ---------
0069     + clhep:
0070       o Removed deprecated 'register' qualifiers in implementation of
0071         CLHEP classes.
0072     + zlib:
0073       o Fixed compilation warnings from clang-3.4 for unused variables.
0074       o Removed deprecated 'register' storage class specifier in source files.
0076   o G3toG4:
0077     ------
0078     + Removed inline specification for G3VolTableEntry::operator==()
0079       in sorce file.
0081   o Geometry:
0082     --------
0083     + divisions:
0084       o Added missing dependency to graphics_reps.
0085     + magneticfield:
0086       o Moved G4FieldTrack::LoadFromArray() to .cc and removed non-necessary
0087         thread-local static data local to the function.
0088         Fixes crash experienced when upgrading to clang-3.4 on MacOSX.
0089         Addressing problem reports #1603, #1619, #1628.
0090       o Fixed assignment operator for G4FieldTrack, and improved printing.
0091         Fix in SetChargeAndMoments() to use corrected method
0092         SetChargesAndMoments() from G4ChargeState. Revised constructors to
0093         add pdg-spin as last argument (with default -1).
0094       o G4ChargeState: fixed order of arguments in constructor making spin
0095         3rd argument (was 2nd) and making all arguments mandatory; fixing
0096         use of SetChargeMoments() by G4FieldTrack, with addition of spin to
0097         arguments.
0098       o Fix in G4MagIntegratorDriver::OneGoodStep() for use of variable not set.
0099     + management:
0100       o Fixed operator=() signature in G4LogicalSurface.
0101       o Get rid of deprecated 'register' storage class specifier in code.
0102     + navigation:
0103       o Added method in G4PathFinder for end of track, needed to signal
0104         G4TransportationManager to use 'ordinary' navigator.
0105       o G4Navigator: corrected saving/restoring of 'navigator state'.
0106         Revised SetupHierarchy() to reduce extra cost due to handling the
0107         case of nested parameterisations.
0108       o PropagatorInField: when setting up a new intersection-locator 
0109         pass pointer to the current Navigator.
0110       o Get rid of deprecated 'register' storage class specifier in code.
0111     + solids/CSG:
0112       o Fixed proper handling of polyhedron pointer in solids, to avoid memory
0113         leak for visualization of parameterised volumes.
0114     + solids/specific:
0115       o Fixed proper handling of polyhedron pointer in solids, to avoid memory
0116         leak for visualization of parameterised volumes.
0117       o Fixed signature of assignment operator to G4Polycone, G4Polyhedra,
0118         G4GenericPolycone and G4VCSGfaceted.
0119       o Added protection in generic constructor of G4Polyhedra for the case
0120         when improper number of sides is given as input.
0121       o Get rid of deprecated 'register' storage class specifier in code.
0122     + solids/usolids:
0123       o Fixed DistanceToOut() for UTubs, UCons, USphere, UVSCGfaceted and
0124         UPolycone,  DistanceToOut() return normal even for concave faces.
0125       o Fixed DistanceToOut() for UPolycone in case of points starting on
0126         the Surface or on the Internal Surface. Improved convexity algorithm
0127         in DistanceToOut() for UPolycone for points leaving +/-Dz.
0128       o Corrected Implementation of SafetyFromInside() for UPolycone,
0129         skipping internal Z sections.
0130       o Implementation of auxiliary methods in UTubs and UCons:
0131         SafetyFromInsideR(), SafetyFromOutsideR(),SafetyToPhi().
0132         These methods are used in Polycone for SafetyfromInside()
0133         calculations. SafetyFromInside() and SafetyFromOutside() are changed
0134         in order to avoid duplications.
0135       o Fix to DistanceToIn() for UBox in case of points located on edges.
0136       o Fixed handling of polyhedron pointer in G4USolid.
0137       o Fixed use of inline keyword for methods defined in .cc files in UTrd,
0138         UVCSGfaceted and UVoxelizer.
0139       o Moved findComponentFastest() to be a method of UVoxelizer and changed
0140         to FindComponentFastest().
0141       o Removed unused SaveVectorToExternalFile() methods in UUtils, also
0142         causing cyclic dependency with UVector3.
0143     + volumes:
0144       o Minor cleanup and optimisation to G4EnhancedAllocator.
0145       o Corrected signature of operator=() for G4LogicalBorder/SkinSurface.
0146       o Code cleanup in G4GeometryWorkspace and G4GeometryWorkspacePool.
0147       o Get rid of deprecated 'register' storage class specifier in code.
0149   o Global:
0150     ------
0151     + Correction in G4Exp::G4Expf() to remove 2nd order term contribution
0152       repeated twice by mistake. Correction included in VDT 0.3.7 library.
0153     + Minor refinements to G4Poisson.
0154     + Fix in G4SimplexDownhill header to proper define header guard.
0155     + Get rid of deprecated 'register' storage class specifier in code.
0156     + Updated date and version for 10.0.p02.
0158   o Intercoms:
0159     ---------
0160     + G4GenericMessenger: introducing three additional methods to make class
0161       compliant to release 10. Addressing problem report #1580.
0162       Corrected inclusion protection flag in G4GenericMessenger.hh.
0163       Addressing old problem report #1527.
0164       Fixed case of core dump when GetCurrentValue() method is invoked
0165       for a command defined by DeclareMethod().
0166     + Fixed treatment of double-quotes in G4UImanager::ForeachS().
0167       Addressing problem report #1614.
0169   o Interfaces:
0170     ----------
0171     + G4UIterminal: fixed the problem that some commands could not be processed;
0172       use substr() instead of () operator for the comparison of substrings.
0174   o Materials:
0175     ---------
0176     + G4Material, G4Element: define default names and symbols for elements
0177       and isotopes when loaded from NIST and not explicitly defined by users.
0178       Fixes exporting of names in GDML when writing detector description.
0179     + G4Material: corrected initialisation of pointers in fake default
0180       constructor per use of persistency. Corrected typo in printout for
0181       duplicate materials in function InitializePointers().
0182     + G4MaterialPropertyTable: fixed race condition problem.
0183       Addressing problem report #1590.
0185   o Persistency:
0186     -----------
0187     + ascii:
0188       o G4tgbGeometryDumper: directly use G4ThreeVector methods for SymAxis
0189         for dumping G4Para parameters.
0190     + gdml:
0191       o Correction to G4GDMLRead::Read() for the case when schema validation
0192         is turned off, to disable initialisation of schema validation in the
0193         parser and allow for standalone parsing off-network.
0194       o Corrected potential memory leak in G4GDMLReadSolids.
0195       o Added comparison operator for 3-vector key in 'vertexMap' in
0196         G4GDMLWriteSolids for export of tessellated solid.
0197         Addressing problem report #1573.
0198       o Corrected dump of 'phi' and 'theta' for G4Trap and G4Para in writer.
0199         Addressing problem report #1602.
0200       o Corrected minor Coverity defect in G4GDMLParser for uninitialised
0201         'strip' flag in constructors.
0202       o Get rid of deprecated 'register' storage class specifier in code.
0204   o Physics Lists:
0205     -------------
0206     + builders
0207       o OrderingParameterTable: processes "AnnihToMuMu" and "AnnihToHad"
0208         should not be active AtRest. Addressing problem report #1598.
0209       o Fixed memory leak in G4FTFBuilder.
0210     + lists:
0211       o Set cut on proton to zero to simulate all recoils from elastic
0212         scattering in HP physics-lists (FTFP_BERT_HP, QGSP_BIC_HP,
0213         QGSP_BERT_HP and in INCLXXPhysicsListHelper).
0215   o Processes - Electromagnetic :
0216     ---------------------------
0217     + Adjoint:
0218       o G4VAdjointReverseReaction: added protection against potential infinite 
0219         loop; if cross-section correction exceeds 100 the total cross-section
0220         is set to zero.
0221     + DNA:
0222       o Fixed compilation warnings and errors on MacOS/clang-3.4
0223         for c++11 standard.
0224       o Corrected typo in DLL import flag in G4DNAWaterDissociationDisplacer.
0225     + Low Energy:
0226       o Bug fix in G4PenelopePhotoElectric effect (no fluorescence in MT mode).
0227     + Polarisation:
0228       o G4PolarizationMessenger: fixed Coverity report on non-initialized
0229         members.
0230     + Standard:
0231       o G4CoulombScattering: use G4IonCoulombScatteringModel for ions by
0232         default.
0233       o G4IonCoulombScatteringModel: fixed warning from G4ParticleTable;
0234         fixed final state generation and scattering off Hydrogen.
0235       o G4WentzelOKandVIxSection: fixed mass of recoil for Hydrogen target.
0236       o G4WentzelVIModel: changed order of displacement and angular 
0237         deflection (second order effect).
0238       o G4GammaConversion: switch default number of bins from 77 to 140.
0239     + Utils:
0240       o G4EnergyLossMessenger: fix to enable re-initialisation of physics
0241         after all de-excitation commands.
0242       o G4LossTableMananger: fiz to do not recompute x-section if a process
0243         is shared between particle and anti-particles.
0244         Minor change of ionisation for charm and bottom mesons.
0245       o G4VMultipleScattering - fixed old problem of displacement handling;
0246         setting minimum displacement to 0.05 nm (Bohr radius).
0247       o G4EmModelManager: fixed cuts for single scattering models;
0248         use "cut for protons".
0250   o Processes - Generic:
0251     -------------------
0252     + Cuts:
0253       o Fixed Coverity defects in G4VRangeToEnergyConverter.
0254     + Management:
0255       o Fix for G4WrapperProcess not correctly forwarding call to wrapped
0256         process with SetMasterProcess() in multi-threading mode.
0257         Addressing problem report #1625.
0258     + Phonon:
0259       o Removed inline keywords in methods in
0260         and make coherent use of G4 types.
0261     + Transportation:
0262       o Fixed time in case of zero step in G4CoupledTransportation.
0263         This caused a 'going back in time' error, when a zero step occurred
0264         in particular at the boundary of a parallel world volume when scoring.
0265         Addressing problem report #1017.
0266       o Corrected AlongStepDoIt() methods of G4Transportation and 
0267         G4CoupledTransportation, to adapt it to corrected signature for
0268         G4FieldTrack constructors, which now take PDG spin; modified to use
0269         different constructor for G4FieldTrack (no Velocity) and adapted to
0270         revised signature of G4ChargeState constructor.
0271       o Fixed Coverity defect in G4UserSpecialCuts.
0273   o Processes - Hadronic:
0274     --------------------
0275     + models/binary_cascade:
0276       o G4BinaryCasacde: improved calculation of mass, and of correction for
0277         outgoing particles by always using GetIon() method; addresses potential
0278         crash for p+d seen in d+H in BIC.
0279       o G4{Proton,Neutron} protect against negative index into buffer.
0280     + models/cascade
0281       o Fixed implementation of G4CascadeParameters singleton to follow
0282         canonical format. Addressing problem report #1557.
0283       o G4InuclNuclei:fix case of floating-point exception in
0284         setExcitationEnergy() for zero Ekin.
0285       o Fix for memory leak in secondaries in G4IntraNucleiCascader.
0286         Addressing problem report #1584.
0287       o Removed non-existing modules from dependency list in CMake script.
0288     + models/coherent_elastic:
0289       o Get rid of deprecated 'register' storage class specifier in code.
0290     + models/inclxx:
0291       o Fixed use of inline keyword in G4INCLClusteringModelIntercomparison.
0292     + models/lend:
0293       o Fixed wrong usage of IonTable in G4LENDManager.
0294       o Relaxed fatal energy CheckLevel in G4LENDFission.
0295       o Fixed use of GetIon() from G4ParticleTable, obsolete since 10.0.
0296       o Fixed compilation warnings detected by clang-3.4 compiler.
0297     + models/neutron_hp:
0298       o Fixed deletion of maps in G4NeutronHPFFFissionFS destructor.
0299         Do not call G4PhysicsTable::clearAndDestroy() in destructors of 
0300         G4NeutronHPCaptureData, G4NeutronHPElasticData, G4NeutronHPFissionData
0301         G4NeutronHPInelasticData. Because G4PhysicsTable content are manged by
0302         allocators
0303       o Fixed bug in kinematics of residual nucleus in G4NeutronHPCaptureFS.
0304       o Fixes for minor memory leaks and code simplification for better
0305         stability.
0306       o Fixed problem on single temperature data file in class
0307         G4NeutronHPThermalScattering.
0308         Fixed compilation warning message from clang3.4 and gcc-4.9.0.
0309       o Reset isotope pointer to the target G4Nucleus object of reaction in
0310         G4NeutronHPCapturem G4NeutronHPElastic, G4NeutronHPFission and
0311         G4NeutronHPInelastic.
0312     + models/parton_string:
0313       o Set the minimum energy to apply Reggeon-Cascade at 2 GeV
0314         (it was wrongly set to 5 GeV in G4 9.6.ref03, causing the bump at
0315         5 GeV in the calorimeter visible energy of FTFP_BERT physics list).
0316         It affects the calorimeter energy response of the physics list
0317         FTFP_BERT(_HP), only for showers of hadrons between 4 and 5 GeV.
0318       o Extended the vectors CandAQ, CandQ of G4FTFAnnihilation
0319         in the case of one quark - anti-quark string, in order to correctly
0320         handle antiproton - proton and antineutron - neutron annihilations.
0321         Prepared also for Anti_Delta-- and Delta++ annihilation.
0322         It is expected to affect only antiproton annihilations, with
0323         negligible effects on the simulation of hadronic showers.
0324       o G4LundStringFragmentation: fixed rare crashes in the case of
0325         anti_sigma+ capture at rest on hydrogen; and added protections
0326         against vector access outside the allowed range.
0327         Negligible effects on the simulation of hadronic showers.
0328       o Fix to remove 'inline' qualifier from methods in G4VParticipants
0329         and G4PomeronCrossSection source files, responsible for run-time
0330         errors for undefined symbols in library on clang-3.4 compiler.
0331     + stopping:
0332       o G4MuMinusCapturePrecompound: added simplified model for capture in
0333         deuterium and in He4; reduced number of trials to find neutrino
0334         4-momentum from 1000 to 100; added protection 1 keV for negative
0335         excitation energy, and substituted FatalException by JustWarning.
0336       o Fixes for Coverity defects in G4MuonMinusCaptureAtRest and
0337         G4AntiNeutronAnnihilationAtRest.
0339   o Readout:
0340     -------
0341     + Fixed Coverity defects.
0343   o Track:
0344     -----
0345     + Fixed G4FieldTrackUpdator to energy/momentum passed to field
0346       integration: first set rest mass, then update kinetic energy.
0347       The problem affects propagation in multiple geometries.
0348     + Fixed memory leak in G4Step::SetPre/PostStepPoint().
0349       Addressing problem report #1583.
0351   o Visualization:
0352     -------------
0353     + externals:
0354       o Fixed bad text in G4OpenGL2PS action.
0355     + management:
0356       o Get rid of deprecated 'register' storage class specifier in code.
0357     + FukuiRenderer:
0358       o Fixed compilation warnings detected by clang-3.4 compiler.
0359     + OpenGL:
0360       o Fix in G4OpenGL to allow for compilation with only Qt driver on Linux
0361         in case 'glu'h' is missing. Addressing problem report #1618.
0364   o Examples:
0365     --------
0366     + Updated reference outputs.
0367     + extended/medical/DICOM:
0368       o Reshuffled code for printout in DicomHandler::CheckFileFormat().
0369     + extended/field/field04:
0370       o Corrected mismatch for delete/new of fFp pointer array in Clear().
0371       o Corrections for crashes in MT mode.
0372     + extended/persistency/gdml/G01:
0373       o Correction to solids.gdml for 'para' solid, where angle unit was
0374         missing.
0375       o Added GDML sample mat_nist.gdml showing how to load a NIST material,
0376         although format is not part of the GDML schema yet (i.e. expected
0377         warning in schema validation).
0379  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0381                              Technical Notes
0382                              --------------- 
0384   o  This patch should be applied on top of release 10.0 or 10.0.p01.
0385   o  Technical notes distributed for release 10.0 are also applicable and
0386      valid for this patch.
0388 The code and rebuilt binary libraries for release 10.0.p02 are available
0389 through our "Download" Web page:
0392 Please refer to the Geant4 User Documentation:
0394 for further information about using Geant4.