Warning, /geant4/ReleaseNotes/Patch.11.0-3.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0002 Geant4 11.0 - patch-03 Release Notes
0003 ------------------------------------
0005 16 September 2022
0007 List of fixes included in this public patch since the public release 11.0.2:
0009 o Configuration
0010 -------------
0011 + CMake:
0012 o Update extraction of include paths from VecGeom to use imported target
0013 property. Addressing problem report #2485.
0015 o Geometry:
0016 --------
0017 + management:
0018 o Added protection in G4GeometryManager for Open/CloseGeometry() to
0019 be executed only by master thread. Addressing problem report #2502.
0021 o Global:
0022 ------
0023 + Commented out debug printout in G4ThreadLocalSingleton method.
0024 + Updated date and version for 11.0.3.
0026 o Parameterisations:
0027 -----------------
0028 + gflash:
0029 o GFlashHitMaker: fix to make it compatible with command-based scorer.
0031 o Particles:
0032 ---------
0033 + Fixes for transportation of hypernuclei and anti-hypernuclei: in G4Ion,
0034 set (forgotten) 'isGeneralIon' to false for hypernuclei and
0035 anti-hypernuclei, to avoid they get assigned same processes as
0036 'GenericIon'.
0037 In G4DoubleHyperDoubleNeutron and G4AntiDoubleHyperDoubleNeutron, added
0038 (forgotten) call to SetDecayTable(), to have the decay table defined for
0039 these particles.
0040 In G4ParticleDefinition, protect methods GetNumberOfLambdasInHypernucleus()
0041 and GetNumberOfAntiLambdasInAntiHypernucleus() against baryonic resonances
0042 with high spins (such as N(2220), N(2250) and their anti-particles) which
0043 have 8-digits PDG codes, but which are not hypernuclei or anti-hypernuclei.
0045 o Physics Lists:
0046 -------------
0047 + constructors/electromagnetic
0048 o G4GammaGeneralProcess: fixed problem of Compton scattering selection
0049 in the low energy interval < 150 keV.
0051 o Processes - Electromagnetic:
0052 ---------------------------
0053 + utils
0054 o G4EmExtraParametersMessenger: fixed typo.
0055 Addressing problem report #2492.
0057 o Processes - Generic:
0058 -------------------
0059 + cuts
0060 o G4VRangeToEnergyConverter: fixed static methods to provide correct
0061 initialisation of energy limits.
0063 o Processes - Hadronic:
0064 --------------------
0065 + models/particle_hp
0066 o G4ParticleHPInelastic, G4ParticleHPCapture, G4ParticleHPFission,
0067 G4ParticleHPElastic, G4ParticleHPThermalScattering: replaced the
0068 threshold used for checking the absolute energy non-conservation from
0069 DLB_MAX (implying no checking at all) to 350 GeV (this value allows for
0070 cases where the residual nucleus is not produced, even when super-heavy
0071 nuclides are involved).
0072 o G4ParticleHPContAngularPar: added protections against evaluations of
0073 arrays at negative index (-1), fixing rare reproducibility problems.
0074 + models/parton_string
0075 o Fixes to get isotropic distributions in annihilations at rest: in
0076 G4DiffractiveSplitableHadron, set proper parton index.
0077 In G4DiffractiveExcitation, in the CreateStrings() method, take into
0078 account that strings are created in G4FTFAnnihilation; by default, the
0079 method CreateStrings() creates a string from a wounded nucleon/hadron,
0080 but this is not needed in the case of annihilation.
0081 In G4FTFAnnihilation, removed splitting of hadron; fixed bugs in the
0082 calculations of kinematical properties; set quark momenta at string
0083 ends, to properly account for string order on rapidity.
0084 o G4VSplitableHadron: changed the method Splitting() from "protected" to
0085 "public" (needed to change the status of SplitableHadron in
0086 G4FTFAnnihilation, to get isotropic distributions in annihilations
0087 at rest).
0089 o Track:
0090 -----
0091 + G4Step: added ResetPre/PostStepPoint() methods to replace a StepPoint
0092 without deleting the previous object.
0094 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0096 Technical Notes
0097 ---------------
0099 o This patch should be applied on top of release 11.0 series.
0100 o Technical notes distributed for release 11.0 are also applicable and
0101 valid for this patch.
0103 The code and rebuilt binary libraries for release 11.0.3 are available
0104 through the Geant4 "Download" Web page.
0106 Please refer to the Geant4 User Documentation for further information about
0107 using Geant4.