Warning, /geant4/ReleaseNotes/Patch.11.0-1.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0002 Geant4 11.0 - patch-01 Release Notes
0003 ------------------------------------
0005 8 March 2022
0007 List of fixes included in this public patch since the public release 11.0:
0009 o Configuration
0010 -------------
0011 + CMake:
0012 o Adding missing G4ptl and G4tasking libraries to link list in
0013 geant4-config script. Addressing GitHub PR#37.
0015 o Analysis:
0016 --------
0017 + Fix in notifying about closing file in G4GenericAnalysisManager.
0019 o Externals:
0020 ---------
0021 + Fix in CMAke script to export built-in PTL include directory to include
0022 path list for use of geant4-config.
0024 o Geometry:
0025 --------
0026 + solids/Boolean:
0027 o In G4MultiUnion, added alternative signature for AddNode() taking a
0028 pointer to solid. Added 'const' qualification to transformation passed
0029 as argument. Addressing problem report #2457.
0031 o Global:
0032 ------
0033 + G4String: provide overload G4String::operator[](int) to workaround MSVC
0034 compiler error C2666. Addressing problem report #2463.
0035 + Updated date and version for 11.0.1.
0037 o Intercoms:
0038 ---------
0039 + Check and set proper argument types for each individual argument when
0040 G4GenericMessenger::DeclareMethod() is used.
0041 Addressing problem report #2420.
0043 o Materials:
0044 ---------
0045 + G4MaterialPropertiesTable: set G4MaterialPropertyVector verbosity to 1.
0046 + G4DensityEffectData: fixed typos in the density effect data table for 8
0047 materials; the most significant fix is for G4_Tm; of minor entity for
0048 G4_Be, G4_Mg, G4_Fe, and G4_Y. Addressing problem report #2423.
0049 + G4SandiaTable: fixed compilation warning on unused variable.
0051 o Persistency:
0052 -----------
0053 + ASCII:
0054 o Corrected wrong automatic conversion degree-radian for G4Polycone phi
0055 angle parameter. Based on GitHub PR#36.
0057 o Physics Lists:
0058 -------------
0059 + constructors/electromagnetic
0060 o G4EmStandardPhysics_option3: use options providing more accurate
0061 simulation without loss of CPU performance: set RangeFactor to 0.03;
0062 use 'SafetyPlus' step limitation instead of 'DistanceToBoundary'.
0063 Significantly improving fanoCavity results.
0065 o Processes - Electromagnetic:
0066 ---------------------------
0067 + low-energy
0068 o G4MicroElecInelasticModel_new: changed interpolate() method; making a
0069 choice between log-log, lin-log, and lin-lin interpolations and added a
0070 protection for zero input energy. When sampling transition, the choice
0071 is implemented for transition from atomic level and Fermi level.
0072 Should fix rare crash observed in this model.
0073 o Prefer pointer to 'const G4Material' where possible.
0074 o G4hIonEffChargeSquare, G4PenelopeRayleighModel,
0075 G4PenelopeRayleighModelMI: fixed compilation warning on unused variable.
0076 + standard
0077 o G4UniversalFluctuation: introduced new protected method SampleGlandz(),
0078 which provides sampling of non-Gauss fluctuations; improved arithmetics;
0079 same results as in release 11.0.0.
0080 o G4UrbanFluctuation: reorganized version of fluctuation model from
0081 release 10.7 in SampleGlandz() method.
0082 o G4UniversalFluctuation, G4UrbanFluctuation: use the same fw=4 and a0=42
0083 parameters of the model providing similar fluctuation results for small
0084 steps in thin layers as in version 10.7.
0085 Addressing problem report #2466.
0086 o G4LossFluctuationDummy: new class with zero fluctuations.
0087 o G4UrbanMscModel: minor optimisation of arithmetics. Removed multiple
0088 initialisation of the cache data structure and possible data race.
0089 o G4CoulombScattering: for single scattering used in restricted interval
0090 of large angles, use 'fEmIncreasing' type of cross-section shape.
0091 + utils
0092 o G4VEmProcess: fixed methods where implementation is based on assumption
0093 that the lambda table is defined for full energy range:
0094 LambdaPhysicsVector(..), CrossSEctionPerVolume(..), FindLambdaMax(..).
0095 No change is expected for the default physics configuration; fix mainly
0096 affecting positron annihilation processes at high energies.
0097 o G4VMscModel, G4VEmProcess: move few methods and header files from
0098 header to source in order to reduce dependencies between packages.
0099 o G4EmParametersMessenger: added forgotten UI command to enable
0100 polarisation.
0101 o Added info in 'setMaxBetaChange' command description.
0102 + xrays
0103 o Fix in 'MaxBetaChange' value in Cerenkov process.
0104 Addressing problem report #2456.
0105 o G4Scintillation: removed unused 'YieldFactor' declarations.
0106 Addressing problem report #2470.
0108 o Processes - Generic:
0109 -------------------
0110 + cuts
0111 o G4VRangeToEnergyConverter: fixed construction/destruction of static
0112 data.
0113 + optical
0114 o Removed G4lrint/G4lint to calculate angle bin for Davis/LBNL LUT;
0115 fixes crash when angle = 0.
0117 o Processes - Hadronic:
0118 --------------------
0119 + cross_sections
0120 o G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS: correct treatment of the cross-sections
0121 of light anti-nuclei on hydrogen target. This relies on the isospin
0122 symmetry assumption, according to which the properties of the reactions
0123 between anti-proton and light nuclei are equivalent to those between
0124 light anti-nuclei and hydrogen.
0125 + models/coherent_elastic
0126 o G4AntiNuclElastic: correction in SampleInvariantT() method of the
0127 highest momentum transfer (which was causing the cosine of the polar
0128 angle in the center-of-mass system to be larger than 1 in some cases).
0129 Addressing problem report #2204.
0130 + models/inclxx
0131 o G4INCLXXInterface: fixed treatment of kaon0, anti_kaon0, kaon0L, and
0132 kaon0S. In current reference physics lists, INCLXX is never used for
0133 handling kaons, although it is capable of doing so, but at process-
0134 level or in custom physics lists one could observe crashes when trying
0135 to use INCLXX for neutral kaon projectiles. The change fixes this
0136 misbehavior.
0138 o Run
0139 ---
0140 + Fixed missing 'AnnihToTauTau' entry from default physics list ordering
0141 that would cause a fatal exception if 'EmExtra' is used with
0142 PositronToMuMu=True.
0143 + Adding verbosity control to some printouts to standard output.
0144 Addressing problem report #2397.
0146 o Tasking
0147 -------
0148 + Fixing number of seeds to be generated for the case when seeds from
0149 master are seeded only once per task.
0150 + Adding verbosity control to some printouts to standard output.
0151 Addressing problem report #2397.
0153 o Examples:
0154 --------
0155 + extended/medical/fanoCavity
0156 + extended/medical/fanoCavity2
0157 o Make PhysicsLists coherent with main physics_list library.
0158 + extended/optical/OpNovice
0159 o Fixed incorrect call to G4MaterialPropertiesTable::AddProperty().
0160 Added comments explaining use.
0163 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0165 Technical Notes
0166 ---------------
0168 o This patch should be applied on top of release 11.0.
0169 o Technical notes distributed for release 11.0 are also applicable and
0170 valid for this patch.
0172 The code and rebuilt binary libraries for release 11.0.1 are available
0173 through the Geant4 "Download" Web page.
0175 Please refer to the Geant4 User Documentation for further information about
0176 using Geant4.