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0002                   Geant4 10.1-beta-01 Release Notes
0003                   ---------------------------------
0005                                                             27 June 2014
0007                  Migration Notes & Main New Features
0008                  -----------------------------------
0010   o Multi-threading:
0011     + Adoption of c++11 standard in conjunction with new CLHEP version 2.2.
0012   o Reduction of memory leaked at exit with application of new pattern for
0013     singletons dynamically allocated.
0014   o A bug fix in the fragmentation of hadronic strings used by the FTF model
0015     (G4LundStringFragmentation) affects the simulation of hadronic showers:
0016     more neutral and less charged pions are now produced, increasing the
0017     electromagnetic component, which makes the showers more compact and
0018     with higher energy response.
0019   o New data sets G4EMLOW-6.39, PhotonEvaporation-3.1 and
0020     G4RadioactiveDecay-4.1 are required.
0023  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0025                              Technical Notes
0026                              --------------- 
0028   o Official platforms:
0029     + Linux, gcc-4.4.7.
0030       Tested on 64 bits architectures (Intel or AMD) with the Scientific
0031       Linux CERN 6 (SLC6) distribution (based on RedHat Linux Enterprise 6).
0032       Versions of Geant4 have also been compiled successfully on other
0033       Linux distributions, Debian, Suse or other RedHat systems.
0034     + MacOSX 10.9, gcc-4.2.1, clang-3.4
0035        * For multi-threading on MacOSX, -clang- compiler has to be used.
0036     + Windows/7 with Visual C++ 11.0 (Visual Studio 2012)
0037        * Multi-threading mode currently -not- supported on Windows.
0039   o More verified configurations:
0040     + Linux, gcc-4.7.2, gcc-4.8.1, gcc-4.9.0
0041     + Linux, Intel-icc 14.0.
0042     + Windows, Visual C++ 12.0.
0044   o Geant4 10.1-beta-01 has been tested using CLHEP-
0046  Please refer to the Geant4 User Documentation:
0048  for further information about using Geant4.
0050  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0052 List of features and fixes included in this Beta release since 10.0.p02:
0054   o Configuration:
0055     -------------
0056     + CMake:
0057       o Added -DG4USE_STD11 compilation flag when c++11 is selected at
0058         configuration time for capable compilers.
0059       o Updated version of data sets: G4EMLOW-6.39,
0060         PhotonEvaporation-3.1 and G4RadioactiveDecay-4.1.
0061         Updated tags for 10.1-beta.
0063   o Analysis:
0064     --------
0065     + Added new CreateNtupleTColumn() functions for ntuple columns of vectors
0066       in G4AnalysisManager.
0067     + Added interface classes G4VAnalysisReader and G4VRNtupleManager for
0068       reading, and their Root specializations: G4RootAnalysisReader,
0069       G4RootRNtupleManager. Introduced independent numbering of warnings
0070       from reader.
0071     + Use G4Threading::IsMultithreadedApplication() instead of  
0072       G4AnalysisManagerState::IsMT() (now removed); this function fixes files
0073       clean-up at the end of sequential application built against
0074       multi-threaded libraries.
0075     + Added typedefs and functions for accessing iterators over H1, H2,
0076       Ntuples. Added G4AnalysisManager functions to access FirstIds.
0077     + Updated to g4tools version 1.9.4 (see History_tools).
0079   o Digits & Hits:
0080     -------------
0081     + Added Merge() methods to G4ScoringManager and G4VScoringMesh, needed
0082       for multi-threading. 
0083     + Changed method names in G4VScoringMesh and derived classes.
0084     + Added missing options in command-based scorers in G4ScoreQuantityMessenger
0085       and G4ScoreQuantityMessengerQCmd.
0086     + Added protoype cloning mechanism for sensitive-detectors, needed for
0087       multi-threaded mode.
0089   o Event:
0090     -----
0091     + First implementation of memory reduction mechanism in multi-threading
0092       mode. Adapted General Particle Source classes.
0093     + G4AdjointPrimaryGenerator: added splitting of forward gamma primaries to
0094       improve convergence of Reverse-Montecarlo.
0096   o Externals:
0097     ---------
0098     + Updated CLHEP module to development version
0099       o Converted statics and globals to const, thread-local or atomic
0100         to improve thread safety.
0101       o Introduced CLHEP_THREAD_LOCAL and CLHEP_ATOMIC_INT_TYPE macros
0102         thread_local and atomic<int> keywords.
0103       o Fixed compilation warnings on clang and gcc-4.9 compilers for
0104         MTwistEngine.
0106   o Geometry:
0107     --------
0108     + navigation:
0109       o Fix in G4MultiNavigator to properly set 'fIdNavLimiting' index to
0110         navigator limiting the step, if only one navigator limits the step.
0111       o G4PropagatorInField: added new method GetCurrentEquationOfMotion().
0112       o Added internal method RecheckDistanceToCurrentBoundary() for
0113         G4SafetyHelper, G4Navigator and G4PathFinder, for checking a proposed
0114         displacement (new position) to see if it is in mother, and a proposed
0115         new direction to find potential backtrack to return to mother volume,
0116         or distance to new exit.
0117     + solids/Boolean:
0118       o Enabled G4MultiUnion wrapper.
0119     + solids/usolids:
0120       o Added UMultiUnion construct.
0121     + volumes:
0122       o Introduced pool G4NavigationHistoryPool for storage and reuse of
0123         navigation history levels collections.
0124         Disabled use of G4EnhancedAllocator in G4NavigationHistory accordingly.
0125       o Corrected implementation of copy-constructor and assignment-operator
0126         for G4NavigationHistory, to provide exact copy for size of the
0127         histories-level vector.
0128       o Use G4Allocator for dynamic allocations of G4NavigationHistory objects.
0130   o Global:
0131     ------
0132     + G4MTcoutDestination: by default ignores the printout during the
0133       initialization of each thread, as they are identical to each other and
0134       thus redundant.
0135     + Introduced G4SetPinAffinity() function (available only for LINUX): 
0136       "locks" a pthread to the given CPU index. This will be used by run
0137       category as an option to improve performance on high-core counts CPUs.
0138     + New utility function G4Threading::IsMultithreadedApplication() 
0139       and G4Threading::SetMultithreadedApplication(bool) used to specify which
0140       type of kernel is instantiated indipendently by build type (e.g. to
0141       distinghuish application migrated to MT or still using sequential run
0142       manager).
0143     + Define G4ThreadLocal to be 'thread_local' in case C++11 standard is
0144       used (enabled through use of flag G4USE_STD11); directly adopt CLHEP
0145       classes in such a case instead of G4MT* wrappers, if keyword is
0146       supported.
0147     + Added forward of cout and cerr in MT to master G4coutDestination
0148       if setup in client derived classes. To be used by special
0149       sessions (e.g. GUI) that want to intercept thread cout/cerr.
0150     + G4Physics2DVector::Retrieve(): added extra protection to fix
0151       Coverity reports in classes which are using 2-D vector.
0152     + Changed date for release 10.1-beta.
0154   o Graphical Representations:
0155     -------------------------
0156     + Introduced operator<< for const reference G4AttDefs map.
0157       Deprecated const pointer equivalent.
0159   o Intercoms:
0160     ---------
0161     + G4UIparameter: improved dignostic message of CandidateCheck().
0162     + Introducing "/control/cout/ignoreInitializationCout" UI command to
0163       omit G4cout from threads during initialization, as they should
0164       be identical to the masther thread.
0165     + Introducing new UI commands /control/doif and /control/getVal.
0166     + Extended use of "/control/macroPath" UI command to now also apply to
0167       macros called inside a loop.
0168     + Removed unnecessary source file, as all symbols are inlined.
0170   o Interfaces:
0171     ----------
0172     + G4UIQt:
0173       o Changed help tree splitter from vertical to horizontal.
0174         Added method to display text in HTML.
0175       o Changed help display to render parameters in a QTableView.
0176       o Changed window expanding policy. Now when expanding main window, it
0177         will keep the size of the viewer.
0178       o When choosing "pick" icon, it will now apply picking to true.
0179       o Fixed a Qt function that was only defined for Qt5.
0181   o Materials:
0182     ---------
0183     + New classes G4UCNMaterialPropertiesTable and G4UCNMicroRoughnessHelper
0184       for microroughness probability values and calculation of microroughness
0185       in materials.
0186     + G4SandiaTable: make run time methods const, as materials are shared
0187       between threads; added new methods GetSandiaCofWater(),
0188       GetWaterEnergyLimit() and GetWaterCofForMaterial().
0189     + G4Material: improved material printout. Addressing problem report #1563.
0190     + Make G4Material copy constructor private.
0191     + Replaced size_t with int type for 'fNumberOfIsotopes' in G4Element
0192       and 'fNumberOfComponents' and 'fNumberOfElements' in G4Material.
0193       Adapted code accordingly.
0194     + G4NistmaterialBuilder: added new material G4_lBr, as STP Bromine is
0195       mainly liquid while in NIST DB it is described as a gas.
0196       Data taken from:
0197       Addressing problem report #1607.
0199   o Particles:
0200     ---------
0201     + Updated particle properties to PDG-2013.
0202     + Added G4Exception in G4ElectronOcuppancy::AddElectron()
0203     + Compute life time from mass width for pi0 and sigma0.
0204       Addressing problem report #1570.
0205     + Fixed lack of Cl35 ground state in G4NuclideTable2.
0206       Fixed lack of "*std::log(2.0)" in some comparison of threshold time.
0207     + Fix in G4ExcitedMesonConstructor (missing pi + eta mode in DecayTable).
0208     + G4PhaseSpaceDecayChannel takes in to account mass width of daughter
0209       particles and gives the dynamical mass according to Breit-Wigner
0210       distribution. Added daughters_width in G4VDecayChannel.
0211       Addressing problem report #1629.
0212     + Fixed bug for mass width in G4VDecayChannelFillDaughters.
0213     + Added new constructor in G4DynamicParticle.
0214     + Fixed Coverity defects.
0216   o Physics Lists:
0217     -------------
0218     + Builders:
0219       o In all builders do not create a new instance of G4PreCompoundModel
0220         and G4ExcitationHandler to reduce number of its instances.
0221       o Avoid deleting models cross-sections in destructors of builders.
0222       o Convert G4INCLXXPiKBuilder to G4INCLXXPionBuilder.
0223         Set the maximum energy for G4INCLXXPionBuilder to 20 GeV.
0224         Added G4QGSPKaonBuilder.
0225       o Added G4QGSPLundStrFragmProtonBuilder outfitting QGSP model with
0226         G4LundStringFragmentation (instead of the G4QGSMFfragmentation);
0227         this appears to give better agreement with data at the energies above
0228         100GeV (tested for proton+C).
0229         Set minimum energy for G4QGSPLundStrFragmProtonBuilder at 100GeV.
0230     + Constructors:
0231       o electromagnetic:
0232         - G4EmDNAPhysics_option1: added new constructor for DNA physics.
0233         - G4EmLowEPPhysics: added G4LowEWentzelVIModel.
0234         - G4EmLowEPPhysics, G4EmStandardPhysics_option3,
0235           G4EmStandardPhysics_option4, and G4EmLivermoreStandardPhysics:
0236           cleanup gamma and e- models instantiation.
0237       o gamma_lepto_nuclear:
0238         - Switched on muon-nuclear by default.
0239         - Implemented thread safe UI messenger.
0240           Addressing problem report #1606.
0241         - G4BertiniElectroNuclearBuilder: fixed case of double deletion.
0242       o hadron_elastic:
0243         - G4HadronHElasticPhysics: use G4NuclNuclDiffuseElastic model
0244           instead of the Gheisha-based G4HadronElastic for all ions.
0245           Improved version of elastic, used temporarily only in FTFP_BERT_TRV
0246           as playground before becoming the default in all physics lists.
0247         - Fixed cases of inline static methods in G4HadronElasticPhysics.
0248       o hadron_inelastic:
0249         - Modified switching energies and models in HadronPhysicsINCLXX.
0250         - Added constructor for NuBeam and Shielding.
0251       o ions:
0252         - Reuse G4PreCompoundModel and not create a new local in ion physics
0253           classes, should reduce memory churn.
0254       o limiters:
0255         - G4StepLimiterPhysics: fixed minor memory leak reported by Coverity.
0256     + Lists:
0257       o Added experimental physics lists ShieldingM and NuBeam.
0258       o FTFP_BERT_TRV: use (temporary) G4HadronHElasticPhysics in order
0259         to allow testing of improvements in elastic.
0260       o FTFP_BERT_HP, QGSP_BIC_HP, QGSP_BERT_HP: set cut on proton to 
0261         zero to simulate all recoils from elastic scattering.
0263   o Electromagnetic Processes:
0264     -------------------------
0265     + DNA:
0266       o Modified G4DNAChampionElasticModel to read high precision differential
0267         cumulated cross-section.
0268       o Modified calculation of secondary kinetic for fast code.
0269         Updated chemistry.
0270       o Changed to faster method interpolation in G4DNABornIonisationModel .
0271       o G4ITSafetyHelper: force temporary usage of G4PathFinder.
0272       o Added interface class G4ITTimeStepper.
0273       o Added G4DNABornAngle and G4DNARuddAngle generators; ionisation models
0274         switch to use angular generator interface.
0275       o Switched to DNAion for Si in G4DNAGenericIonsManager.
0276       o Added Si to G4DNARuddIonisationExtendedModel.
0277         Updated G4DNAIonisation and G4DNARuddIonisationExtendModel for
0278         G4GenericIon usage.
0279       o Avoid usage of molecule iterators as pointers.
0280       o Fixes for Coverity defects.
0281       o Requires new data-set G4EMLOW version 6.39.
0282     + Low Energy:
0283       o Added new model class G4LowEWentzelVIModel.
0284       o G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel: added low-energy cross-section for water.
0285       o G4IonParametrisedLossModel, G4LivermoreIonisationModel: added
0286         G4DeltaAngle generator for angular distribution.
0287       o Added new class for ionisation cross-section model from Miranda et al.
0288         Updated G4empCrossSection and G4UAtomicDeexcitation accordingly.
0289       o Make G4AtomicTransitionManager become pure singleton shared between
0290         threads, with all run time methods const; Initialise() method to be
0291         called in the beginning of the run.
0292         Adapted classes accordingly.
0293     + Polarisation:
0294       o G4PolarizationMessenger: fixed Coverity report on non-initialized
0295         members.
0296     + Standard:
0297       o Removed method SampleDisplacement() in G4UrbanMscModel; code moved
0298         inside SampleScattering().
0299       o G4WentzelOKandVIxSection, G4WentzelVIRelXSection, G4WentzelVIModel,
0300         G4WentzelVIRelModel, G4eCoulombScatteringModel,
0301         G4hCoulombScatteringModel: added Boolean flag to identify in
0302         physics-list if multiple and single scattering are combined or not.
0303       o G4WentzelOKandVIxSection: fixed initialisation for low-energy model
0304         (this model is not combined with single scattering); fixed small
0305         inaccuracy for sampling.
0306       o G4WentzelVIModel, G4WentzelVIRelModel, G4WentzelOKandVIxSection, 
0307         G4eCoulombScatteringModel: revised and make consistent definition
0308         of min and max scattering angle for single scattering mode.
0309         Small optimisation to address some CPU penalty.
0310         Removed unused class members
0311       o G4WentzelVIModel: changed single scattering factor from 1.5 to 1.25.
0312         Added possibility to compute second momentum. Code cleanup.
0313       o G4BraggModel, G4BraggIonModel: added spin correction.
0314       o G4UniversalFluctuations: adapted code to allow for vectorised use of
0315         random engine for CPU performance improvement; no change to algorithms.
0316       o G4UrbanMscModel: modified ComputeGeomPathLength() method to provide one
0317         single return statement for easier printouts.
0318         Modification in order to improve timing by 1-14%, depending on the
0319         setup and cut. Made correction to improve efficiency in 'UseSafety'
0320         mode. Code cleanup.
0321       o G4DeltaAngle: added implementation of SampleDirectionForShell() virtual
0322         method; improved sampling.
0323       o G4eCoulombScatteringModel, G4hCoulombScatteringModel,
0324         G4IonCoulombScatteringModel: updated initialisation of vector of cuts;
0325         cut for recoil can be changed via '/run/setCut' command.
0326       o G4PAIModel, G4PAIModelData: improved cout.
0327       o Fixes for Coverity defects.
0328    + Utils:
0329       o G4VMultipleScattering: added possibility to build extra table for a
0330         model. Minor cleanup for post-safety computation.
0331         Introduced mechanism of displacement at geometry boundary default.
0332       o G4VEmModel, G4VEmFluctuationModel: defined different pattern to access
0333         to random generator for sequential and MT modes in order to save CPU
0334         in derived classes.
0335       o G4EmCorrections, G4EmElementSelector, G4VEmModel, G4VEmProcess,
0336         G4VEnergyLossProcess, G4VMultipleScattering, G4ionEffectiveCharge:
0337         general cleanup including: removed old commented code; use std::min
0338         and std::max instead of "if" where possible; use G4Log; reduced number
0339         of divisions.
0340       o Fix in G4VMscModel::ComputeSafety() pass 2nd parameter to
0341         G4SafetyHelper for optimisation. Added default for 2nd parameter,
0342         compatible with G4SafetyHelper.
0343       o G4VEnergyLossProcess: for sub-cutoff regime added upper limit when
0344         calling G4SafetyHelper.
0345       o G4VSubCutProducer, G4LossTableManager, G4VEnergyLossProcess: added new
0346         interface to allow for production of delta-electrons below production
0347         threshold.
0348       o G4EnergyLossMessenger, G4EmProcessOption: added extra flag and UI
0349         command "/process/em/deexcitationIgnoreCut" allowing to disable check
0350         on production threshold by deexcitation module.
0351       o G4VEnergyLossProcess, G4VEmProcess, G4VMultipleScattering: fix for
0352         cases of crash in G4WrapperProcess in sequential mode.
0353         Addressing problem report #1594.
0354       o G4EmSaturation: updated class design, VisibleEnergyDeposition() method
0355         become virtual allowing application of user alternative algorithms.
0356         Added protection to throw exception if e- or proton are not defined
0357         when used in VisibleEnergyDeposition(). Do not instantiate G4Electron
0358         and G4Proton by default in InitialiseBirksCoefficient().
0359         Moved check on existence of e- and proton from run time to
0360         initialisation (i.e. it is now done only once).
0361       o G4EmProcessOptions, G4EnergyLossMessenger: added interface methods and
0362         UI command '/process/msc/DisplacementBeyondSafety'.
0363       o G4LossTableManager: helper classes are instantiated only if user
0364         requests via access method.
0365         Minor change to modifiers. Changed initialisation of G4EmSaturation
0366         class to work in MT mode.
0367       o G4LossTableManager, G4VEnergyLossProcess, G4VEmProcess: improved
0368         initialisation; moved modifiers for parameters from inline to source
0369         and added extra check on parameter value; throw warnings if parameters
0370         are out of range.
0371       o Fixes for Coverity defects.
0373   o Generic Processes:
0374     -----------------
0375     + Management:
0376       o Added new process type for UCN processes in G4ProcessType.
0377     + Optical:
0378       o Implemented full UNIFIED reflectivity probabilities when a dichroic
0379         surface reflects.
0380       o G4OpWLS, G4OpRayleigh: always rebuild the integral-table in
0381         BuildPhysicsTable() method.
0383   o Hadronic Processes:
0384     ------------------
0385     + Made pointers to G4ParticleDefinition use const.
0386     + cross_sections
0387       o Fixed use of inline keyword for methods defined inside
0388         G4ElectroNuclearCrossSection.
0389       o Minor reshuffling of some variables to calculate some variables only
0390         when used to prevent overflows.
0391       o Added protection in destructor of G4ElectroNuclearCrossSection
0392         against NULL pointer entries in cache.
0393       o G4KokoulinMuonNuclearXS does not call anymore explicitly
0394         clearAndDestroy() for the cross-section table, as the underlying
0395         physics vectors are managed by allocators.
0396       o G4ChipsHyperonElasticXS : avoid to exclude Sigma+ in the set of
0397         hyperons which can be treated by Chips elastic scattering.
0398       o G4ChipsAntiBaryonElasticXS: include anti_Omega- in GetPTables().
0399     + management
0400       o G4HadronicProcess: added method GetHadronicInteractionList() allowing 
0401         access to the list of registered models, removed obsolete access methods
0402         to G4EnergyRangeManager.
0403       o G4HadronicProcessStore: changed to become G4ThreadLocalSingleton,
0404         allowing for automatic destruction of hadronic models cross-sections.
0405         Correction in Clear() for stopping processes being deleted twice (once
0406         because are registered as normal processes and once are registered as
0407         extra processes).
0408         Added printout information for deuteron, triton, He3 and alpha.
0409       o G4EnergyRangeManager: some cleaned up; instead of c-array, models
0410         pointers are now stored in STL vectors.
0411     + models/abla
0412       o Added model-description methods to the interface.
0413       o Fixes for Coverity defects.
0414     + models/binary_cascade
0415       o Extended model-description to cover de-excitation model.
0416     + models/cascade
0417       o Added new pi-nucleon 2-body angular distributions: G4PipP2PipPAngDst,
0418         G4PimP2PimPAngDst, G4Pi0P2Pi0PAngDst and G4PimP2Pi0NAngDst.
0419         Below 2.6 GeV, distributions taken from SAID phase shift calculations
0420         with Coulomb phase removed. Above 2.6 GeV, taken from data.
0421       o G4NucleiModel, G4CascadeCoalescence, G4CascadeInterface: moved static
0422         members which use envvars into const data, and initialize them in ctors.
0423       o G4PreCompoundDeexcitation: attempt to use shared instance of
0424         PreCompound by fetching from hadronic registry.
0425     + models/coherent_elastic
0426       o Added new dipole model class G4LEHadronProtonElastic.
0427       o New class G4hhElastic, implementation of the qQ-model with springy
0428         Pomeron for hadron-hadron elastic scattering.
0429       o G4LEnp, G4LEpp: added SampleInvariantT() method and inheritance
0430         from G4HadronElastic; implemented SampleT() method in G4LEnp.
0431         Fix in G4LEpp for incorrect use data array, used GetInvariantT()
0432         inside ApplyYourself().
0433       o G4NuclNuclDiffuseElastic: fix to nuclear radius (which was zero),
0434         Fixed deletion in destructor.
0435       o Fix in G4DiffuseElastic.
0436     + models/de_excitation
0437       o Added ModelDescription() to G4ExcitationHandler.
0438     + models/im_r_matrix
0439       o Do not delete physics vector explictly in destructors since they are
0440         managed by allocators in G4XResonance, G4XAnnihilationChannel,
0441         G4XNNElasticLowE, G4XnpElasticLowE and G4XnpTotalLowE.
0442       o Fixed out of bound error in G4DetailedBalancePhaseSpaceIntegral,
0443         reported by Coverity.
0444     + models/inclxx
0445       o Updated to INCL++ v5.2_rc2: extending INCL++ up to 15-20 GeV incident
0446         energy. A few improvements, minor bug fixes and speed-ups.
0447       o Fix: avoid negative Fermi energies for delta resonances.
0448       o Fixed crash in p+He2 reactions.
0449     + models/lend
0450       o Protection for potential division by zero in tpia_misc and
0451         tpia_kinetics.
0452     + models/lepto_nuclear
0453       o Reuse G4PreCompoundModel and G4ExcitationHandler and not instantiate
0454         locally as new; do not delete objects which following
0455         G4HadronicInteraction interface to avoid double deletion.
0456     + models/management
0457       o Added DeExciteModelDescription() to G4VPreCompoundModel and provided
0458         default implementation.
0459       o G4HadronicInteractionRegistry: added new method FindAllModels().
0460       o G4HadronicInteraction: removed unnecessary dependency on
0461         G4ReactionDynamics.
0462     + models/parton_string
0463       o Fix in G4VPartonStringModel, occuring when debugging with residual
0464         nucleus mass number equal to zero.
0465         Improved code to treat an ExcitedString when it is a hadron stored as
0466         a track of the ExcitedString; needed for a correct processing of
0467         quark-exchange processes in FTF model.
0468       o Fix on the positions of the increment of the variables "StateQ++" and
0469         "StateAQ" in G4LundStringFragmentation. This fix increases the
0470         production of neutral pions, while decreasing the production of
0471         charged pions. Therefore it affects the simulation of hadronic
0472         showers by increasing the electromagnetic component, which makes 
0473         the showers more compact and with higher energy response. 
0474     + models/pre_equilibrium
0475       o Added DeExciteModelDescription() to G4PreCompoundModel.
0476     + models/radioactive_decay
0477       o G4RadioactiveDecayMode: added double beta- decay and double beta+
0478         decay to enum
0479       o G4RadioactiveDecay: added dummies for double beta- decay and double
0480         beta+; long ground state lifetimes with no decay scheme.
0481         Addressing problem report #1560.
0482         Requires new data set RadioactiveDecay-4.1.
0483     + models/rpg
0484       o G4RPGInelastic: defined GHADLISTSIZE, now needed after removal of
0485         class G4ReactionDynamics.
0486     + processes
0487       o Added new G4UCN* processes and utility classes.
0488     + stopping
0489       o G4HadronStoppingProcess: in destructor do not de-register if Boolean
0490         flag G4HadronicProcess::deRegister is true, this is needed to cope
0491         with the modified thread-local-singleton G4HadronicProcessStore.
0492     + util
0493       o Removed obsolete G4ReactionKinematics and G4ReactionDynamics classes.
0495   o Run
0496     ---
0497     + Introduced pin affinity functionalities.
0498     + Use G4Threading::SetMultithreadedApplication(true) if a
0499       G4MTRunManagerKernel is instantiated.
0500     + Increase verbosity in case of NULL process-manager pointer in
0501       multi-threaded mode.
0502     + Modified G4AdjointSimManager, G4AdjointSimMessenger and
0503       G4AdjointPrimaryGeneratorAction to add forward primary splitting
0504       for Reverse MonteCarlo.
0505     + Explicitly invoke deletion of new G4NavigationHistoryPool instance
0506       in G4RunManagerKernel at job's end.
0507     + Fixes for Coverity defects.
0509   o Tracking
0510     --------
0511     + Corrections in G4AdjointSteppingAction and G4AdjointTrackingAction
0512       to have the treatment of adjoint and forward tracks in the same event.
0514   o Visualization:
0515     -------------
0516     + management:
0517       o Introduced G4VGraphicsSystem::fileWriter to allow special informational.
0518       o Added run ID to G4Atts of user drawn trajectories.
0519       o Added '/vis/touchable/dump' command; dumping G4Atts to G4cout.
0520       o Added parameter to '/vis/scene/add/axes' command to suppress
0521         annotations.
0522       o /vis/specify and /vis/scene/add/logicalVolume: added flag for
0523         drawing/suppressing axes.
0524       o G4VisCommands: Fixed deprecated call to GetAttDefs.
0525       o Fix for NULL pointer in G4VSceneHandler.
0526     + modeling:
0527       o Introduced G4TouchableDumpScene and G4PseudoScene.
0528       o G4TrajectoriesModel: Add run ID.
0529       o G4PhysicalVolumeModel: improved constructor.
0530     + DAWN:
0531       o DAWNFILE declared as G4VGraphicsSystem::fileWriter.
0532     + gMocren:
0533       o Fixed memory leak in G4GMocrenFile. Addressing problem report #1585.
0534       o gMocren declared as G4VGraphicsSystem::fileWriter.
0535     + HepRep:
0536       o HepRep and HepRepFile declared as G4VGraphicsSystem::fileWriter.
0537     + OpenGL:
0538       o Improvements to class design and some bug fixes for picking.
0539       o Some Qt fixes and improvements.
0540       o Improved protection of pointers.
0541       o G4OpenGLImmediateSceneHandler: split AddPrimitivePreamble() in three
0542         functions to avoid dynamic_cast. Gaining up to 20% speedup in drawing.
0543       o G4OpenGLViewer: time optimization in printEPS() for Immediate mode;
0544         saving 70-80% in drawing time on batch drawing, 10-20% when printing
0545         with a screen viewer.
0546         Manage bad file name case (missing directory) in printGl2PS().
0547       o G4OpenGLQtViewer: added ability to change the color of text in
0548         DrawText().
0549       o New Viewer parameters info panel.
0550       o G4OpenGLQtViewer: fixed problem in viewer/set parameters.
0551       o Speed improvements by avoiding a dynamic_cast.
0552     + OpenInventor:
0553       o G4OpenInventorXtExaminerViewer: adjusted dimensions of viewer aux
0554         window; implemented look-ahead for better tracking of trajectory
0555         animation; implemented mouse-over readout for trajectories.
0556     + VRML:
0557       o VRML1/2File declared as G4VGraphicsSystem::fileWriter.
0558     + XXX:
0559       o G4XXXFile declared as G4VGraphicsSystem::fileWriter.
0561   o Data Sets:
0562     ---------
0563     + G4EMLOW-6.39:
0564       o Added sigmadiff_cumulated_elastic_e_champion_hp.dat
0565         and corresponding macro.
0566       o added sigmadiff_cumulated_ionisation_e_born_hp.dat and
0567         sigmadiff_cumulated_ionisation_p_born_hp.dat.
0568       o Updated electron inelastic files for Si (microelec).
0569       o Added cross-section shell data by Miranda et al. (2014).
0570       o Added sigma_ionisation_(b,be,li)_rudd.dat, sigma_ionisation_p_rudd.dat
0571         (up to 1 GeV), sigma_ionisation_si_rudd.dat and fluor_Bearden data to
0572         dna module.
0573     + PhotonEvaporation-3.1:
0574       o Corrections of of +X, +Y, ... levels for compliance with latest
0575         isomer list.
0576       o 212Bi (z83.a212, line 8): change strength of gamma transition
0577         (415.272 keV to ground state) from 4.4 to 0.4.
0578         Addressing problem report #1565.
0579     + G4RadioactiveDecay-4.1:
0580       o Corrections for X,Y,Z,W and A levels.
0581       o Added observationally stable (very long lifetime) ground states to 20
0582         nuclides: 4 are thought to decay by alpha emission, 6 by double beta+
0583         decay and 10 by double beta- decay.
0584         G4RadioactiveDecay now recognizes double beta- and double beta+ decays,
0585         but currently does nothing when they occur.
0587   o Examples:
0588     --------
0589     + Updated reference outputs, macros and scripts.
0590     + advanced/air_shower
0591       o Follow migration of MT-ready GPS code.
0592     + advanced/amsEcal
0593       o Added protection in RunAction against division by zero.
0594         Addressing problem report #1522.
0595     + advanced/gammaknife
0596       o Follow migration of MT-ready GPS code.
0597     + advanced/gammaray_telescope
0598       o Prepare code for migration to multi-threading.
0599       o Removed deprecated RO geometry.
0600     + advanced/human_phantom
0601       o Follow migration of MT-ready GPS code.
0602     + advanced/underground_physics
0603       o Migrated code to multi-threading.
0604     + advanced/xray_fluorescence
0605       o Migrated code to multi-threading.
0606       o Completed migration to g4tools (removed AIDA dependency).
0607     + advanced/xray_telescope
0608       o Migrated code to multi-threading.
0609       o Follow migration of MT-ready GPS code.
0610       o Added definition of muons and short-lived.
0611       o Revised method book() of analysis singleton.
0612     + extended/analysis
0613       o Use physics list FTFP_BERT in AnaEx01,02,03. 
0614         Removed custom PhysicList class from shared.
0615       o Create two ntuples in AnaEx02,03 instead of one in order to
0616         demonstrate how to do this with all tools.
0617     + extended/common
0618       o Removed fPrintModulo from ExG4EventAction01 and fSetPrintModuloCmd
0619         from ExG4EventAction01Messenger, now obsolete.
0620     + extended/common/analysis
0621       o Updated for changes in analysis category: ntuple columns of vectors
0622         (disabled), changes in ntuple_booking. Updated to g4tools-1.10.0.
0623       o Added typedefs and functions for accessing iterators over H1, H2,
0624         Ntuples.
0625       o Imported tools/hbook/*.f files from analysis examples.
0626     + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm1
0627       o DetectorConstruction: define heavy water vapor starting from isotopes.
0628       o Removed printout from second thread in macro.
0629       o Introduced function Run::EndOfRun().
0630       o Removed PhysicsList::SetCuts().
0631       o Simplified PhysicsList and its messenger, accordingly.
0632       o PhysicsList: added "emlowenergy" option.
0633     + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm2
0634       o Introduced function Run::EndOfRun().
0635       o Added "emlowenergy" option for EM physics.
0636       o Removed PhysicsList::SetCuts().
0637     + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm3
0638       o Enabled multi-threading; implemented required migration.
0639       o Added "emlowenergy" option for EM physics.
0640       o Removed PhysicsList::SetCuts().
0641     + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm5
0642       o Introduced function Run::EndOfRun().
0643       o Added "emlowenergy" option for EM physics.
0644       o Removed PhysicsList::SetCuts().
0645       o PhysicsList, PhysicsListMessenger: removed local cuts commands.
0646       o Added possibility to change number on threads though 2nd parameter
0647         in command line.
0648     + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm6
0649       o Suppressed EventAction and its messenger.
0650     + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm7-9
0651       o Added "emlowenergy" option for EM physics.
0652       o Removed SetCuts() method and corresponding UI commands,
0653         applied code guidelines.
0654     + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm11
0655       o Introduced function Run::EndOfRun().
0656       o HistoManager: removed hbook.
0657       o Set "ToBeBroadcasted == false" for UI commands that modify physics
0658         list and detector since these should be executed only by master.
0659       o Removed SetCuts() method and corresponding UI commands,
0660         applied code guidelines.
0661     + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm12
0662       o Enabled multi-threading; implemented required migration.
0663       o Added "emlowenergy" and dna_option1 in physics-list.
0664       o Removed SetCuts() method and corresponding UI commands,
0665         applied code guiedlines.
0666     + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm13-14
0667       o Removed SetCuts() method and corresponding UI commands,
0668         applied code guidelines.
0669     + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm15
0670       o Removed PhysicsList::SetCuts().
0671     + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm16
0672       o Suppressed EventAction and its messenger.
0673     + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm18
0674       o Removed PhysicsList::SetCuts().
0675     + extended/eventgenerator/exgps
0676       o Migrated to use of built-in physics list.
0677         Use QGSP_BIC physics list to avoid dependency on data.
0678       o Removed 'drawTracks' and 'printModulo' commands and adapted macro files
0679         to use the equivalent built-in macro commands.
0680       o Implemented changes needed for MT-ready GPS, substantially reducing
0681         memory footprint in nulti-threaded mode.
0682     + extended/eventgenerator/HepMC/MCTruth
0683       o Changes to comply with coding conventions.
0684     + extended/eventgenerator/pythia/decayer6
0685       o Removed custom physics-list.
0686       o Fixed order of instantiating Vis/UI.
0687       o Replaced use of std::cerr with G4cerr.
0688     + extended/exoticphysics/channeling
0689       o New example showing how channeling of 400 GeV/c protons in bent
0690         Si crystal can be simulated in Geant4.
0691     + extended/exoticphysics/phonon
0692       o Fix in CMake script to copy data in build directory.
0693     + extended/exoticphysics/ucn
0694       o New example demonstrating the functionality of UCN physics.
0695     + extended/g3tog4
0696       o Moved data directory in clGeometry.
0697     + extended/hadronic/FissionFragment
0698       o New example to exercise fission fragmentation.
0699     + extended/hadronic/Hadr00
0700       o HistoManager: added histogram with cross-section per volume.
0701     + extended/hadronic/Hadr02
0702       o Applied code guidelines and code cleanup.
0703     + extended/hadronic/Hadr03
0704       o Enabled multi-threading; implemented required migration.
0705       o Defined a stucture for nuclear channel data.
0706       o Use G4HadronElasticPhysicsHP in physics-list.
0707       o Histograms: changed numbering scheme. Added histo of atomic mass.
0708       o EndOfRun: introduced optional print and UI command to control it.
0709       o Register RunMessenger in RunAction instead of Run.
0710     + extended/hadronic/Hadr04
0711       o Pass primary kinematic to Run.
0712       o NeutronHPphysics: check for pre-existing processes.
0713     + extended/hadronic/Hadr06
0714       o New example to survey energy deposition and particle's flux
0715         from an hadronic cascade.
0716     + extended/medical/electronScattering
0717       o Migration to multi-threading.
0718       o Removed PhysicsList::SetCuts().
0719     + extended/medical/electronScattering2
0720       o Fixed memcheck errors: foil thickness now defined in Detector
0721         constructor.
0722       o Allow for selection of physics-list option4.
0723       o Follow migration of MT-ready GPS code.
0724       o Applied code guidelines; added G4EmLowEPPhysics.
0725     + extended/medical/fanoCavity
0726       o Fix to proper initialisation of members in RunAction class.
0727     + extended/medical/GammaTherapy
0728       o Applied code guidelines.
0729     + extended/optical/LXe
0730       o Removed shared process pointers between threads.
0731     + extended/optical/WLS
0732       o Follow migration of MT-ready GPS code.
0733     + extended/parallel/MPI
0734       o Added first version of G4RunMerger and G4ScorerMerger.
0735       o New CMake configuration.
0736     + extended/parameterisations/gflash
0737       o Follow migration of MT-ready GPS code.
0738     + extended/persistency
0739       o Applied code guidelines.
0740     + extended/radioactivedecay/rdecay01
0741       o Enabled multi-threading; implemented required migration.
0742     + extended/visualization
0743       o Migrated 'userVisAction' example to multi-threading (based
0744         on basic/B1 example).
0746  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------