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Warning, /geant4/CHANGELOG/Patch4.9.2-2.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0002                  Geant4 9.2 - patch-02 Release Notes
0003                  -----------------------------------
0005                                                             28 August 2009
0007 List of fixes included in this public patch since the public release 9.2.p01:
0009   o Configuration:
0010     -------------
0011     + Configure script: 
0012       o Rewritten check on make/gmake on WIN32-VC systems to avoid problems
0013         with cygwin and Matlab.
0014       o Added check to build Qt driver only when Qt UI module is built;
0015         reordered moc checks and added cross-check on moc version.
0016         Added safety reset of OpenGL QT build and use variables.
0017       o Commented out echo compatibility warning.
0018         Addresses problem report #1067.
0019     + Corrections in analysis.gmk for AIDA setup on Windows.
0020     + Improved non-standard setup for Qt on Linux, Mac and Windows.
0021     + Removed "-lcxa -lunwind" LOADLIBS addition in Linux-icc.gmk,
0022       no longer necessary since icc version 11.0.083.
0023     + Added -arch_multiple option to LDFLAGS in Darwin-g++.gmk to force more
0024       diagnostics for wrong architecture errors at link stage.
0025     + binmake.gmk: moved definition of TARGOBJEXT to place not dependent
0026       on G4EXLIB, such that the extension is defined when no lib is present
0027       (change required for upgrading exercisers in testing).
0029   o Digits_Hits:
0030     -----------
0031     + Replaced usage of non-Standard calls to sprintf() with ostringstream,
0032       to fix compilation errors reported by gcc-4.4.0 compiler.
0034   o Environments:
0035     ------------
0036     + G4Py: updated configuration scripts and some minor fixes.
0038   o Event:
0039     -----
0040     + Minor changes to G4GeneralParticleSourceMessenger to now use full range
0041       of predefined units for length, energy and angle.
0042     + Fixed gcc-4.4.0 compilation warning message for non-initialised variable
0043       in G4SPSEneDistribution.
0045   o Geometry:
0046     --------
0047     + magnetic_field:
0048       o Minor enhancement in G4ChordFinder::ApproxCurvePointS() in order to
0049         speedup Brent locator.
0050       o Added 3rd term of BMT equation (Spin x Beta x Efield) to
0051         G4EqEMFieldWithSpin, as reported in the Emfield Hypernews Forum
0052         posting #155.
0053       o Moved renormalization of spin from G4EqEMFieldWithSpin and
0054         G4Mag_SpinEqRhs to G4ClassicalRK4 and G4SimpleHeum.
0055       o Added Spin propagation errors to the criteria for 'OneGoodStep' in
0056         G4MagIntegratorDriver; not added it yet to the decision logic.
0057       o Some code cleanup and formatting.
0058     + management:
0059       o Added explicit initialisation of min/max extent in method
0060         BuildReplicaVoxels() in G4SmartVoxelHeader.
0061       o Adopt 'const' references for strings as arguments/return-values in
0062         G4LogicalSurface. Some minor cleanup...
0063     + navigation:
0064       o Fix in G4Navigator::ComputeStep() for the computation of rotation of
0065         the 'LocalExitNormal' in cases when DistanceToOut() returns non-valid
0066         normal for optical photons in rotated solids.
0067         Addresses problem report #1059.
0068       o Fix in G4PathFinder: a geometry is at a boundary if its step is within
0069         tolerance of the minimum step for any defined geometry.
0070       o Enhancement to the 'FB_intersects' algorithm in order to speedup Brent
0071         locator.
0072       o Fix in the usage of the geometrical tolerance in G4VIntersectionLocator
0073         in method AdjustementOfFoundIntersection().
0074       o Fix in G4PropagatorInField::SetNavigator() to forward new navigator to
0075         G4VIntersectionLocator.
0076       o Added method BuildContainerSolid() taking a solid as argument to
0077         G4PhantomParameterisation and added protection to GetMaterialIndex()
0078         for zero index.
0079     + solids/CSG:
0080       o Introduced to DistanceToIn(p,v) splitting of the distance for point
0081         very far from intersection area and big difference between solid
0082         dimensions and distance to it; resolves issue observed on 64 bits
0083         systems. Affected solids: G4Tubs, G4Cons, G4Sphere, G4Orb.
0084         Addresses problem report #1022.
0085     + solids/specific:
0086       o G4Ellipsoid:
0087         - Fixes in Inside(p) and in DistanceToIn(p,v) for points
0088           located on the curved surface within tolerance. Final fix for issue
0089           reported in problem report #1050 and concerning warnings reported by
0090           grid_test.
0091         - Introduced to DistanceToIn(p,v) splitting of the distance for
0092           point very far from intersection area and big difference between
0093           solid dimensions and distance to it; resolves issue observed on
0094           64 bits problem. Also addressing problem report #1022.
0095         - Fix to DistanceToIn(p,v) in the calculation of the roots of
0096           the quadratic equation and in DistanceToOut(p,v) in the calculation
0097           of the normal on cut surfaces. Final fix for problem report #1022.
0098         - Adopt pre-computed half-tolerance values for optimisation.
0099       o G4PolyconeSide: added protection in method Normal().
0100         Addressing problem report #1073.
0101       o Corrected typo in base implementation of GetSurfaceArea() in
0102         G4VCSGfaceted, which was erroneously returning cubic volume estimation.
0103         Addresses problem report #1062.
0104       o Relaxed error in G4TessellatedSolid::Inside(p) to warning,
0105         for excess of max trials and anomalous conditions in distance
0106         calculation. Added more printout information when error condition is
0107         detected.
0108     + volumes:
0109       o Get rid of unnecessary call to Reset() in G4NavigationHistory
0110         destructor.
0111       o Some code formatting.
0113   o Global:
0114     ------
0115     + Some improvements to G4String and G4SubString implementation of
0116       operators and comparison stub functions, to reduce generation of
0117       temporaries. Removed obsolete static hash(s) method in G4String.
0118     + Changed date for patch-02 to release 9.2.
0120   o Particles:
0121     ---------
0122     + Ascertain that the absolute of the argument to boost is <1.0
0123       in G4MuonRadiativeDecayChannelWithSpin.
0125   o Standard Electromagnetic Processes:
0126     ----------------------------------
0127     + Muons: added protection against numerical problem due to negative
0128       value of transfered energy in G4MuPairProductionModel.
0130   o Hadronic Processes:
0131     ------------------
0132     + cross_sections:
0133       o G4IonsKoxCrossSection, G4IonsShenCrossSection, G4TripathiCrossSection,
0134         G4TripathiLightCrossSection: added protections against numerical
0135         exceptions. Added simple check that cross-section is positive and
0136         removed not optimal control in G4TripathiLightIonCrossSection class.
0137         Added default constructor and destructor to G4TripathiCrossSection.
0138       o G4GGNuclNuclCrossSection: updated Glauber-Gribov cross section for ions.
0139       o G4CrossSectionDataSetRegistry: fixes for better memory management.
0140     + models/neutron_hp:
0141       o Fixed bug in IC electron emissions for G4NeutronHPPhotonDist and
0142         G4NeutronHPInelasticCompFS.
0143     + models/parton_string:
0144       o Fix in G4SPBaryon for anti-baryon: a diquark & quark was given instead
0145         of anti-diquark & antiquark; note the reverse order, too.
0146         Fixes problems with incident anti-baryons, e.g. anti-proton,
0147         manifesting in problems with forming hadrons.
0148       o Changed pt sampling in G4LundStringFragmentation to avoid near endless
0149         loop; this should improve overall performance slightly.
0150         Addresses problem report #1066. Affected G4VLongitudinalStringDecay,
0151         where SampleQuarkPt() is implemented; added new optional argument of
0152         max Pt to SampleQuarkPt().
0153       o Modifications in G4GammaParticipants and G4QGSParticipants for
0154         applying QGSC from zero energy.
0155     + models/qmd:
0156       o Fixed bug in gamma (mass zero) participants in G4QMDCollision.
0157       o Changed object data member to pointer in G4QMDReaction.
0158     + models/rpg:
0159       o Removed global variables (pointers to static particle definitions) in
0160         G4RPGInelastic and replaced with local array. Fixing issues of wrong
0161         order for static initialization.
0162     + processes:
0163       o Fix to address problem report #1056: cross section data set now are
0164         created dynamically in G4PhotoNuclearProcess, G4ElectronNuclearProcess
0165         and G4PositronNuclearProcess.
0166       o Moved inline constructor and destructors to source in class
0167         G4PositronNuclearProcess.
0169   o Generic Processes:
0170     -----------------
0171     + Cuts:
0172       o Added missing implementation of GetParticleType() in
0173         G4VRangeToEnergyConverter.
0174       o Replaced usage of std::abs() with std::fabs() where appropriate.
0175     + Optical:
0176       o Fix in G4OpBoundaryProcess for complex index of refraction: resample
0177         the reflectivity every time for DielectricMetal, and do not re-calculate
0178         normal to facet; also fixed possible infinite loop by resetting iTE and
0179         iTM inside GetReflectivity().
0180       o Added exception for cases where invalid normal is returned;
0181         following problem report #1060.
0183   o Persistency:
0184     -----------
0185     + gdml:
0186       o Defined missing copy constructor and operator=() to G4GDMLMatrix
0187         internal class, to avoid cases of memory corruption when handling
0188         matrices.
0189       o Correction in materials and solids tags for allowing parsing of
0190         definitions within the tag scope; possibility foreseen by the schema.
0191       o Correction in G4GDMLWriteSolids::BooleanWrite() in order to handle
0192         cases of nested displaced solids given to both operands in a Boolean
0193         operation (ATLAS use case).
0194       o Renamed flag for maximum number of transformations applied to a solid
0195         and moved to G4GDMLWriteSolids base class.
0196       o First virtual layer for custom writer classes; added empty default
0197         constructor and virtual destructor to classes in new inheritance chain.
0198       o Restricted usage of loops only for placement of volumes. Now correctly
0199         handling most common use-case of multiple copies of the same
0200         volume/solid through loop statement. Addressing problem report #1063.
0202   o Physics Lists:
0203     -------------
0204     + Fix to address problem report #1056: all cross section data sets are
0205       created dynamically and no longer member of the class.
0206       Fix in G4HadronInelasticQBBC: cross sections are created dynamically
0207       not by value, fission only instantiated for HP.
0208     + Inline constructor and destructors are moved to source for classes:
0209       G4VNeutronBuilder, G4VPiKBuilder, G4VProtonBuilder, G4WarnPLStatus.
0211   o Visualization:
0212     -------------
0213     + HepRep: added inclusion of <cstdio> in DeflateOutputStreamBuffer
0214       header to resolve compilation errors reported by gcc-4.4.0.
0216   o Examples:
0217     --------
0218     + Removed unnecessary AIDA setup in GNUmakefiles wherever necessary.
0219     + advanced/air_shower:
0220       o Updated README file.
0221     + advanced/nanobeam:
0222       o Fixed compilation warnings on gcc-4.3 on SLC5.
0223     + advanced/radiation_monitor:
0224       o Added macros reproducing run results: new results with proton at
0225         254MeV, 150 Mev and 50 Mev of energy; new macros with Kapton material.
0226       o Changed limits of LENeutronInelastic for 0.1 GeV in
0227         RadmonPhysicsNeutronBertini and RadmonPhysicsNeutronBinary classes.
0228       o Fix for compilation error in RadmonTLabelledCollection.
0229     + advanced/xray_fluorescence:
0230       o Reviewed physics setup and analysis.
0231     + extended/analysis/AnaEx01:
0232       o Corrected GNUmakefile and some cleanup.
0233     + extended/field/field04:
0234       o Commented out timing on initial seed for reproducibility of results.
0235     + extended/persistency/gdml/G01:
0236       o Modified loop.gdml to restrict multiple placements within a loop.
0238  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0240                              Technical Notes
0241                              --------------- 
0243   o  This is a cumulative patch and can be applied on top of relese 9.2
0244      or 9.2.p01.
0245   o  Technical notes distributed for release 9.2 are also applicable and
0246      valid for this patch.
0248 The code and rebuilt binary libraries for release 9.2 are available
0249 through our "Download" Web page:
0252 Please refer to the Geant4 User Documentation:
0254 for further information about using Geant4.