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Warning, /firebird/firebird-ng/src/lib-root-geometry/root-geo-attribute-bits.ts is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /**
0002  * @date Created on July 10, 2024
0003  * @author jsroot project
0004  *
0005  * @license This file is part of the Firebird display, which is released under a license agreement
0006  * available in the LICENSE file located in the root directory of this project source tree. This
0007  * file is subject to that license and is intended to be used in accordance with it.
0008  *
0009  * @summary This module defines utilities for manipulating and testing attribute bits (GeoAttBits)
0010  * within the CERN ROOT framework geometry package. It includes functions to set, toggle, and test various
0011  * visibility and attribute flags defined by the GeoAttBits enum.
0012  */
0015 /** @summary TGeo Attribute Bits */
0016 export enum GeoAttBits {
0017   kVisOverride = 1 << 0,     // volume's vis. attributes are overwritten
0018   kVisNone= 1 << 1,          // the volume/node is invisible, as well as daughters
0019   kVisThis= 1 << 2,          // this volume/node is visible
0020   kVisDaughters= 1 << 3,     // all leaves are visible
0021   kVisOneLevel= 1 << 4,      // first level daughters are visible (not used
0022   kVisStreamed= 1 << 5,      // true if attributes have been streamed
0023   kVisTouched= 1 << 6,       // true if attributes are changed after closing geom
0024   kVisOnScreen= 1 << 7,      // true if volume is visible on screen
0025   kVisContainers= 1 << 12,   // all containers visible
0026   kVisOnly= 1 << 13,         // just this visible
0027   kVisBranch= 1 << 14,       // only a given branch visible
0028   kVisRaytrace= 1 << 15      // raytracing flag
0029 }
0031 /** @summary Test fGeoAtt bits
0032  * @private */
0033 export function testGeoBit(volume:any , f: GeoAttBits) {
0034   const att = volume.fGeoAtt;
0035   return att === undefined ? false : ((att & f) !== 0);
0036 }
0039 /** @summary Set fGeoAtt bit
0040  * @private */
0041 export function setGeoBit(volume:any, f: GeoAttBits, value: number) {
0042   if (volume.fGeoAtt === undefined) return;
0043   volume.fGeoAtt = value ? (volume.fGeoAtt | f) : (volume.fGeoAtt & ~f);
0044 }
0046 /** @summary Toggle fGeoAttBit
0047  * @private */
0048 export function toggleGeoBit(volume:any, f: GeoAttBits) {
0049   if (volume.fGeoAtt !== undefined)
0050     volume.fGeoAtt = volume.fGeoAtt ^ (f & 0xffffff);
0051 }
0053 /** @summary Prints the status of all geoBITS flags for a given volume
0054  * @param {Object} volume - The volume object to check
0055  * @private */
0056 export function printAllGeoBitsStatus(volume:any) {
0057   const bitDescriptions = [
0058     { name: 'kVisOverride  ', bit: GeoAttBits.kVisOverride },
0059     { name: 'kVisNone      ', bit: GeoAttBits.kVisNone },
0060     { name: 'kVisThis      ', bit: GeoAttBits.kVisThis },
0061     { name: 'kVisDaughters ', bit: GeoAttBits.kVisDaughters },
0062     { name: 'kVisOneLevel  ', bit: GeoAttBits.kVisOneLevel },
0063     { name: 'kVisStreamed  ', bit: GeoAttBits.kVisStreamed },
0064     { name: 'kVisTouched   ', bit: GeoAttBits.kVisTouched },
0065     { name: 'kVisOnScreen  ', bit: GeoAttBits.kVisOnScreen },
0066     { name: 'kVisContainers', bit: GeoAttBits.kVisContainers },
0067     { name: 'kVisOnly      ', bit: GeoAttBits.kVisOnly },
0068     { name: 'kVisBranch    ', bit: GeoAttBits.kVisBranch },
0069     { name: 'kVisRaytrace  ', bit: GeoAttBits.kVisRaytrace }
0070   ];
0072   console.log(`fGeoAttr for ${volume._typename}: ${volume.fName}`);
0073   bitDescriptions.forEach(desc => {
0074     const isSet = testGeoBit(volume, desc.bit);
0075     console.log(`  ${}: ${isSet ? 'Yes' : 'No'}`);
0076   });
0077 }