Warning, /firebird/firebird-ng/src/app/painters/step-track.painter.ts is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 import {Color, Line, Object3D, Vector3} from "three";
0002 import {LineMaterial} from "three/examples/jsm/lines/LineMaterial";
0003 import {LineGeometry} from "three/examples/jsm/lines/LineGeometry";
0004 import {Line2} from "three/examples/jsm/lines/Line2";
0007 export interface ProcessTrackInfo {
0008 positions: [[number]];
0009 trackNode: Object3D;
0010 oldLine: Object3D;
0011 newLine: Line2;
0012 trackMesh: Object3D;
0013 startTime: number;
0014 endTime: number;
0015 }
0017 export enum NeonTrackColors {
0019 Red = 0xFF0007,
0020 Pink= 0xCF00FF,
0021 Violet = 0x5400FF,
0022 Blue = 0x0097FF,
0023 DeepBlue = 0x003BFF,
0024 Teal = 0x00FFD1,
0025 Green = 0x13FF00,
0026 Salad = 0x8CFF00,
0027 Yellow = 0xFFEE00,
0028 Orange = 0xFF3500,
0029 Gray = 0xAAAAAA,
0030 }
0032 /**
0033 * "gamma": "yellow",
0034 * "e-": "blue",
0035 * "pi+": "pink",
0036 * "pi-": "salad",
0037 * "proton": "violet",
0038 * "neutron": "green"
0039 */
0040 export class StepTrackComponentPainter {
0042 /** This is primer, all other DASHED line materials take this and clone and change color */
0043 dashedLineMaterial = new LineMaterial( {
0044 color: 0xffff00,
0045 linewidth: 20, // in world units with size attenuation, pixels otherwise
0046 worldUnits: true,
0047 dashed: true,
0048 //dashScale: 100, // ???? Need this? What is it?
0049 dashSize: 100,
0050 gapSize: 100,
0051 alphaToCoverage: true,
0052 } );
0054 /** This is primer, all other SOLID line materials take this and clone and change color */
0055 solidLineMaterial = new LineMaterial( {
0056 color: 0xffff00,
0057 linewidth: 20, // in world units with size attenuation, pixels otherwise
0058 worldUnits: true,
0059 dashed: false,
0060 //dashScale: 100, // ???? Need this? What is it?
0061 alphaToCoverage: true,
0062 } );
0064 gammaMaterial: LineMaterial;
0065 electronMaterial: LineMaterial;
0066 piPlusMaterial: LineMaterial;
0067 piMinusMaterial: LineMaterial;
0068 piZeroMaterial: LineMaterial;
0069 protonMaterial: LineMaterial;
0070 neutronMaterial: LineMaterial;
0071 posChargeMaterial: LineMaterial;
0072 negChargeMaterial: LineMaterial;
0073 zeroChargeMaterial: LineMaterial;
0074 scatteredElectronMaterial: LineMaterial;
0076 constructor() {
0077 this.gammaMaterial = this.dashedLineMaterial.clone();
0078 this.gammaMaterial.color = new Color(NeonTrackColors.Yellow);
0079 this.gammaMaterial.dashSize = 50;
0080 this.gammaMaterial.gapSize = 50;
0082 this.electronMaterial = this.solidLineMaterial.clone();
0083 this.electronMaterial.color = new Color(NeonTrackColors.Blue);
0085 this.scatteredElectronMaterial = this.electronMaterial.clone();
0086 this.scatteredElectronMaterial.linewidth = 30;
0088 this.piPlusMaterial = this.solidLineMaterial.clone();
0089 this.piPlusMaterial.color = new Color(NeonTrackColors.Pink);
0091 this.piMinusMaterial = this.solidLineMaterial.clone();
0092 this.piMinusMaterial.color = new Color(NeonTrackColors.Teal);
0094 this.piZeroMaterial = this.dashedLineMaterial.clone();
0095 this.piZeroMaterial.color = new Color(NeonTrackColors.Salad);
0097 this.protonMaterial = this.solidLineMaterial.clone();
0098 this.protonMaterial.color = new Color(NeonTrackColors.Violet);
0100 this.neutronMaterial = this.dashedLineMaterial.clone();
0101 this.neutronMaterial.color = new Color(NeonTrackColors.Green);
0103 this.posChargeMaterial = this.solidLineMaterial.clone();
0104 this.posChargeMaterial.color = new Color(NeonTrackColors.Red);
0106 this.negChargeMaterial = this.solidLineMaterial.clone();
0107 this.negChargeMaterial.color = new Color(NeonTrackColors.DeepBlue);
0109 this.zeroChargeMaterial = this.dashedLineMaterial.clone();
0110 this.zeroChargeMaterial.color = new Color(NeonTrackColors.Gray);
0112 }
0114 getMaterial(pdgName: string, charge: number): LineMaterial {
0115 switch (pdgName) {
0116 case "gamma":
0117 return this.gammaMaterial;
0118 case "e-":
0119 return this.electronMaterial;
0120 case "pi+":
0121 return this.piPlusMaterial;
0122 case "pi-":
0123 return this.piMinusMaterial;
0124 case "pi0":
0125 return this.piZeroMaterial;
0126 case "proton":
0127 return this.protonMaterial;
0128 case "neutron":
0129 return this.neutronMaterial;
0130 default:
0131 return charge < 0 ? this.negChargeMaterial: (charge > 0? this.posChargeMaterial: this.neutronMaterial); // Fallback function if material is not predefined
0132 }
0133 }
0135 processMcTracks(mcTracksGroup: Object3D) {
0137 let isFoundScatteredElectron = false;
0138 let processedTrackGroups: ProcessTrackInfo[] = [];
0139 for(let trackGroup of mcTracksGroup.children) {
0141 let trackData = trackGroup.userData;
0142 if(!('pdg_name' in trackData)) continue;
0143 if(!('charge' in trackData)) continue;
0144 if(!('pos' in trackData)) continue;
0145 const pdgName = trackData["pdg_name"] as string;
0146 const charge = trackData["charge"] as number;
0147 const id = trackData["id"]
0148 let positions = trackData["pos"];
0150 // If we are here this is
0151 let trackNode: Object3D = trackGroup;
0152 let oldLine: Object3D|null = null;
0153 let newLine: Line2|null = null;
0154 let trackMesh: Object3D|null = null;
0155 let timeStart = 0;
0156 let timeEnd = 0;
0157 let startPoint = new Vector3();
0158 let endPoint = new Vector3();
0160 for(let obj of trackGroup.children) {
0162 if(obj.type == "Line") {
0164 // Do we have time info?
0165 if(positions.length > 0 && positions[0].length > 3) {
0166 let position = positions[0]
0167 timeStart = timeEnd = position[3];
0168 startPoint = endPoint = new Vector3(position[0], position[1], position[2]);
0169 }
0170 // Set end time if there is more than 1 point
0171 if(positions.length > 1 && positions[0].length > 3) {
0172 let position = positions[positions.length-1];
0173 timeEnd = position[3];
0174 endPoint = new Vector3(position[0], position[1], position[2]);
0175 }
0177 // Build our flat points array and set geometry
0178 let flat = [];
0179 for(let position of positions) {
0180 flat.push(position[0], position[1], position[2]);
0181 }
0182 const geometry = new LineGeometry();
0183 geometry.setPositions( flat );
0184 // geometry.setColors( colors );
0186 let material = this.getMaterial(pdgName, charge);
0187 if(!isFoundScatteredElectron && pdgName=="e-") {
0188 isFoundScatteredElectron = true;
0189 material = this.scatteredElectronMaterial;
0190 }
0192 let line = new Line2( geometry, material );
0194 // line.scale.set( 1, 1, 1 );
0195 line.name = "TrackLine2";
0196 line.computeLineDistances();
0197 line.visible = true;
0198 trackGroup.add( line );
0199 obj.visible = false;
0200 oldLine = obj;
0201 newLine = line;
0202 let ic = (line.geometry as any)?.attributes?.instanceStart;
0203 let geomCount = (line.geometry as any).count;
0205 let posLen = positions.length;
0206 //oldLine.removeFromParent();
0208 // console.log(`id: ${id} pdg: ${pdgName} tstart: ${timeStart.toFixed(2)} tend: ${timeEnd.toFixed(2)} instCount: ${ic?.data?.array?.length} count: ${geomCount} posLen: ${posLen} length: ${endPoint.distanceTo(startPoint)}`);
0209 // console.log(ic);
0210 }
0212 if(obj.type == "Mesh") {
0213 obj.visible = false;
0214 trackMesh = obj;
0215 // obj.removeFromParent();
0216 }
0217 }
0219 // We found everything
0220 if(oldLine && newLine && trackMesh) {
0221 processedTrackGroups.push({
0222 positions: positions,
0223 trackNode: trackNode,
0224 oldLine: oldLine,
0225 newLine: newLine,
0226 trackMesh: trackMesh,
0227 startTime: timeStart,
0228 endTime: timeEnd,
0229 })
0230 }
0231 }
0233 console.log(`Total processed tracks: ${processedTrackGroups.length}`);
0234 return processedTrackGroups;
0235 }
0236 }