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Warning, /firebird/firebird-ng/src/app/model/entry-component.ts is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /**
0002  * The EntryComponent class is an abstract base class for all entry components.
0003  */
0004 export abstract class EntryComponent {
0006   /**
0007    * The name of the component, intended to be a unique identifier in UI menus and such.
0008    */
0009   name: string;
0011   /**
0012    * The type of the component, used to identify the component class
0013    * and facilitate deserialization and factory lookup.
0014    */
0015   type: string;
0017   /**
0018    * An optional string indicating the origin type of the component,
0019    * such as the original EDM4EIC/EDM4HEP/C++ data type from which it was derived.
0020    */
0021   originType?: string;
0023   /**
0024    * The constructor is protected to prevent direct instantiation of the abstract class.
0025    * Only derived classes can call this constructor when they implement their own constructors.
0026    *
0027    * @param name - The name of the component.
0028    * @param type - The type of the component.
0029    * @param originType - Optional origin type of the component.
0030    */
0031   protected constructor(name: string, type: string, originType?: string) {
0032 = name;
0033     this.type = type;
0034     this.originType = originType;
0035   }
0037   /**
0038    * Abstract method that must be implemented by derived classes.
0039    * This method should serialize the component instance into a JSON-compatible object
0040    * following the Data Exchange format (DexObject).
0041    *
0042    * @returns A JSON-compatible object representing the serialized component.
0043    */
0044   abstract toDexObject(): any;
0045 }
0047 /**
0048  * The EntryComponentFactory interface defines the structure for factory classes
0049  * that are responsible for creating instances of EntryComponent subclasses.
0050  */
0051 export interface EntryComponentFactory {
0053   /**
0054    * The type of the component that this factory creates.
0055    * This should match the `type` property of the components it creates.
0056    */
0057   type: string;
0059   /**
0060    * Method to create an instance of an EntryComponent subclass from a deserialized object.
0061    * The method takes a generic object (typically parsed from JSON) and returns an instance
0062    * of the corresponding EntryComponent subclass.
0063    *
0064    * @param obj - The deserialized object from which to create the component.
0065    * @returns An instance of an EntryComponent subclass.
0066    */
0067   fromDexObject(obj: any): EntryComponent;
0068 }
0070 /**
0071  * The componentRegistry is a mapping from component type strings to their corresponding factories.
0072  * It is used to look up the appropriate factory when deserializing components from JSON data.
0073  * This registry enables the system to support multiple component types dynamically.
0074  */
0075 const componentRegistry: { [type: string]: EntryComponentFactory } = {};
0077 /**
0078  * Registers a new component factory in the registry.
0079  * This allows the factory to be used during deserialization to create instances
0080  * of the component it represents.
0081  *
0082  * @param factory - The factory to register.
0083  */
0084 export function registerComponentFactory(factory: EntryComponentFactory): void {
0085   componentRegistry[factory.type] = factory;
0086 }
0088 /**
0089  * Retrieves a component factory from the registry based on the component type.
0090  *
0091  * @param type - The type of the component.
0092  * @returns The corresponding EntryComponentFactory, or undefined if not found.
0093  */
0094 export function getComponentFactory(type: string): EntryComponentFactory | undefined {
0095   return componentRegistry[type];
0096 }
0098 /**
0099  * Resets the component registry.
0100  * This function is intended for internal use during testing.
0101  *
0102  * @internal
0103  */
0104 export function _resetComponentRegistry(): void {
0105   for (const key in componentRegistry) {
0106     delete componentRegistry[key];
0107   }
0108 }