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Warning, /firebird/firebird-ng/src/app/components/view-options/cartesian-grid-config/cartesian-grid-config.component.ts is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 import { Component, Inject, type OnInit } from '@angular/core';
0002 import { Vector3 } from 'three';
0003 import {MatCheckbox, MatCheckboxChange} from '@angular/material/checkbox';
0004 import {
0006   MatDialogActions,
0007   MatDialogContent,
0008   MatDialogRef,
0009   MatDialogTitle
0010 } from '@angular/material/dialog';
0011 import {EventDisplayService} from "phoenix-ui-components";
0012 import { Subscription } from 'rxjs';
0013 import {DecimalPipe} from "@angular/common";
0014 import {MatButton} from "@angular/material/button";
0015 import {MatMenuItem} from "@angular/material/menu";
0016 import {FormsModule} from "@angular/forms";
0017 import {MatSlider, MatSliderThumb} from "@angular/material/slider";
0019 @Component({
0020   selector: 'app-cartesian-grid-config',
0021   templateUrl: './cartesian-grid-config.component.html',
0022   styleUrls: ['./cartesian-grid-config.component.scss'],
0023   imports: [
0024     MatDialogTitle,
0025     MatDialogContent,
0026     DecimalPipe,
0027     MatButton,
0028     MatMenuItem,
0029     MatCheckbox,
0030     FormsModule,
0031     MatSlider,
0032     MatSliderThumb,
0033     MatDialogActions
0034   ],
0035   standalone: true
0036 })
0037 export class CartesianGridConfigComponent implements OnInit {
0038   cartesianPos = new Vector3();
0039   originChangedSub: Subscription | null = null;
0040   stopShiftingSub: Subscription | null = null;
0041   showCartesianGrid!: boolean;
0042   gridConfig!: {
0043     showXY: boolean;
0044     showYZ: boolean;
0045     showZX: boolean;
0046     xDistance: number;
0047     yDistance: number;
0048     zDistance: number;
0049     sparsity: number;
0050   };
0051   scale!: number;
0052   shiftGrid!: boolean;
0054   constructor(
0055     @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA)
0056     public data: { gridVisible: boolean; scale: number },
0057     private dialogRef: MatDialogRef<CartesianGridConfigComponent>,
0058     private eventDisplay: EventDisplayService,
0059   ) {}
0061   ngOnInit(): void {
0062     this.shiftGrid = this.eventDisplay.getThreeManager().shiftGrid;
0063     this.showCartesianGrid =;
0064     this.scale =;
0065     this.gridConfig = this.eventDisplay.getUIManager().getCartesianGridConfig();
0066     this.cartesianPos = this.eventDisplay.getThreeManager().origin;
0067   }
0069   onClose() {
0070     this.dialogRef.close();
0071   }
0073   onSave(x: string, y: string, z: string) {
0074     const xNum = Number(x);
0075     const yNum = Number(y);
0076     const zNum = Number(z);
0077     this.shiftCartesianGridByValues(new Vector3(xNum * 10, yNum * 10, zNum * 10));
0078   }
0080   shiftCartesianGridByPointer() {
0081     this.shiftGrid = true;
0082     this.eventDisplay.getUIManager().shiftCartesianGridByPointer();
0083     this.originChangedSub = this.eventDisplay
0084       .getThreeManager()
0085       .originChanged.subscribe((intersect) => {
0086         this.translateGrid(intersect);
0087       });
0088     this.stopShiftingSub = this.eventDisplay
0089       .getThreeManager()
0090       .stopShifting.subscribe((stop) => {
0091         if (stop) {
0092           this.originChangedSub?.unsubscribe();
0093           this.stopShiftingSub?.unsubscribe();
0094         }
0095       });
0096     this.onClose();
0097   }
0099   shiftCartesianGridByValues(position: Vector3) {
0100     this.translateGrid(position);
0101     this.eventDisplay.getThreeManager().originChangedEmit(position);
0102   }
0104   translateGrid(position: Vector3) {
0105     const finalPos = position;
0106     const initialPos = this.cartesianPos;
0107     const difference = new Vector3(
0108       finalPos.x - initialPos.x,
0109       finalPos.y - initialPos.y,
0110       finalPos.z - initialPos.z,
0111     );
0112     this.eventDisplay.getUIManager().translateCartesianGrid(difference.clone());
0113     this.eventDisplay
0114       .getUIManager()
0115       .translateCartesianLabels(difference.clone());
0116     this.cartesianPos = finalPos;
0117   }
0119   addXYPlanes(zDistance: Event) {
0120     this.gridConfig.zDistance = Number(
0121       ( as HTMLInputElement).value,
0122     );
0123     this.callSetShowCartesianGrid();
0124   }
0126   addYZPlanes(xDistance: Event) {
0127     this.gridConfig.xDistance = Number(
0128       ( as HTMLInputElement).value,
0129     );
0130     this.callSetShowCartesianGrid();
0131   }
0133   addZXPlanes(yDistance: Event) {
0134     this.gridConfig.yDistance = Number(
0135       ( as HTMLInputElement).value,
0136     );
0137     this.callSetShowCartesianGrid();
0138   }
0140   changeSparsity(sparsity: Event) {
0141     this.gridConfig.sparsity = Number(
0142       ( as HTMLInputElement).value,
0143     );
0144     this.callSetShowCartesianGrid();
0145   }
0147   showXYPlanes(change: MatCheckboxChange) {
0148     this.gridConfig.showXY = change.checked;
0149     this.callSetShowCartesianGrid();
0150   }
0152   showYZPlanes(change: MatCheckboxChange) {
0153     this.gridConfig.showYZ = change.checked;
0154     this.callSetShowCartesianGrid();
0155   }
0157   showZXPlanes(change: MatCheckboxChange) {
0158     this.gridConfig.showZX = change.checked;
0159     this.callSetShowCartesianGrid();
0160   }
0162   callSetShowCartesianGrid() {
0163     this.eventDisplay
0164       .getUIManager()
0165       .setShowCartesianGrid(
0166         this.showCartesianGrid,
0167         this.scale,
0168         this.gridConfig,
0169       );
0170   }
0172   // helper function to calculate number of planes
0173   calcPlanes(dis: number) {
0174     return Math.max(
0175       0,
0176       1 + 2 * Math.floor((dis * 10) / (this.scale * this.gridConfig.sparsity)),
0177     );
0178   }
0179 }