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0001 <div>
0002   <h1 mat-dialog-title>Customize Cartesian Grid</h1>
0004   <div class="container dialog-content" mat-dialog-content>
0005     <div class="item-config-single">
0006       <div class="item-config-group">
0007         <label class="item-config-label" for="xPos">x (cm) : </label>
0008         <input
0009           type="number"
0010           placeholder="Origin X"
0011           [value]="cartesianPos.x / 10 | number: '1.2-2'"
0012           class="form-control"
0013           name="xPos"
0014           id="xPos"
0015           #xPos
0016         />
0017       </div>
0019       <div class="item-config-group">
0020         <label class="item-config-label" for="yPos">y (cm) : </label>
0021         <input
0022           type="number"
0023           placeholder="Origin Y"
0024           [value]="cartesianPos.y / 10 | number: '1.2-2'"
0025           class="form-control"
0026           name="yPos"
0027           id="yPos"
0028           #yPos
0029         />
0030       </div>
0032       <div class="item-config-group">
0033         <label class="item-config-label" for="zPos">z (cm) : </label>
0034         <input
0035           type="number"
0036           placeholder="Origin Z"
0037           [value]="cartesianPos.z / 10 | number: '1.2-2'"
0038           class="form-control"
0039           name="zPos"
0040           id="zPos"
0041           #zPos
0042         />
0043       </div>
0045       <button
0046         mat-stroked-button
0047         (click)="onSave(xPos.value, yPos.value, zPos.value)"
0048         [disabled]="shiftGrid"
0049       >
0050         Save
0051       </button>
0053       <button
0054         style="margin: 0.5rem 0"
0055         mat-menu-item
0056         class="explain-button"
0057         [disabled]="shiftGrid"
0058         (click)="$event.stopPropagation(); shiftCartesianGridByPointer()"
0059       >
0060         Shift Cartesian Grid on click
0061         <p class="explain-text">
0062           Click on a point to shift the grid. Keep clicking at various points to
0063           continue shifting. Right click to stop.
0064         </p>
0065       </button>
0066     </div>
0068     <div>
0069       <button
0070         mat-menu-item
0071         (click)=""
0072       >
0073         <mat-checkbox
0074           #showXYPlanesCheckbox
0075           [(ngModel)]="gridConfig.showXY"
0076           (click)="$event.stopPropagation()"
0077           (change)="showXYPlanes($event)"
0078           >Show XY Planes
0079         </mat-checkbox>
0080       </button>
0081       <button class="slider-btn" mat-menu-item (focus)="xyPlaneSlider.focus()">
0082         <mat-slider min="-300" [max]="scale" step="300" thumbLabel>
0083           <input
0084             #xyPlaneSlider
0085             matSliderThumb
0086             [value]="gridConfig.zDistance"
0087             (input)="addXYPlanes($event)"
0088           />
0089         </mat-slider>
0090         XY Plane ({{ calcPlanes(gridConfig.zDistance) }})
0091       </button>
0092       <button
0093         mat-menu-item
0094         (click)=""
0095       >
0096         <mat-checkbox
0097           #showYZPlanesCheckbox
0098           [(ngModel)]="gridConfig.showYZ"
0099           (click)="$event.stopPropagation()"
0100           (change)="showYZPlanes($event)"
0101           >Show YZ Planes
0102         </mat-checkbox>
0103       </button>
0104       <button class="slider-btn" mat-menu-item (focus)="yzPlaneSlider.focus()">
0105         <mat-slider min="-300" [max]="scale" step="300" thumbLabel>
0106           <input
0107             #yzPlaneSlider
0108             matSliderThumb
0109             [value]="gridConfig.xDistance"
0110             (input)="addYZPlanes($event)"
0111           />
0112         </mat-slider>
0113         YZ Plane ({{ calcPlanes(gridConfig.xDistance) }})
0114       </button>
0115       <button
0116         mat-menu-item
0117         (click)=""
0118       >
0119         <mat-checkbox
0120           #showZXPlanesCheckbox
0121           [(ngModel)]="gridConfig.showZX"
0122           (click)="$event.stopPropagation()"
0123           (change)="showZXPlanes($event)"
0124           >Show ZX Planes
0125         </mat-checkbox>
0126       </button>
0127       <button class="slider-btn" mat-menu-item (focus)="zxPlaneSlider.focus()">
0128         <mat-slider min="-300" [max]="scale" step="300" thumbLabel>
0129           <input
0130             #zxPlaneSlider
0131             matSliderThumb
0132             [value]="gridConfig.yDistance"
0133             (input)="addZXPlanes($event)"
0134           />
0135         </mat-slider>
0136         ZX Plane ({{ calcPlanes(gridConfig.yDistance) }})
0137       </button>
0138       <button class="slider-btn" mat-menu-item (focus)="sparsitySlider.focus()">
0139         <mat-slider min="1" max="5" step="1" thumbLabel>
0140           <input
0141             #sparsitySlider
0142             matSliderThumb
0143             [value]="gridConfig.sparsity"
0144             (input)="changeSparsity($event)"
0145           />
0146         </mat-slider>
0147         Sparsity ({{ gridConfig.sparsity }})
0148       </button>
0149     </div>
0150   </div>
0152   <div mat-dialog-actions align="end">
0153     <button mat-flat-button color="primary" (click)="onClose()" cdkFocusInitial>
0154       Close
0155     </button>
0156   </div>
0157 </div>