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EIC code displayed by LXR



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0001 # This file is a template for coherent photonuclear production of rho mesons at RHIC
0002 # (200 GeV/nucleon gold-gold collisions), including interference.
0003 #
0004 # to use, re-name this file
0006 baseFileName = slight   #suite of output files will be saved with this base name 
0007 BEAM_1_Z = 79    #Z of projectile
0008 BEAM_1_A = 197   #A of projectile
0009 BEAM_2_Z = 79   #Z of target
0010 BEAM_2_A = 197   #A of target
0011 BEAM_1_GAMMA = 108.4 #Gamma of the colliding ion 1
0012 BEAM_2_GAMMA = 108.4 #Gamma of the colliding ion 2
0013 W_MAX = -1   #Max value of w
0014 W_MIN = -1    #Min value of w
0015 W_N_BINS = 50    #Bins in w
0016 RAP_MAX = 5.    #max y
0017 RAP_N_BINS = 50    #Bins in y
0018 CUT_PT = 0 #Cut in pT? 0 = (no, 1 = yes)
0019 PT_MIN = 1.0 #Minimum pT in GeV; ignored if CUT_PT=0
0020 PT_MAX = 3.0 #Maximum pT in GeV; ignored if CUT_PT=0
0021 CUT_ETA = 0 #Cut in pseudorapidity? (0 = no, 1 = yes)
0022 ETA_MIN = -10 #Minimum pseudorapidity; ignored if CUT_ETA=0
0023 ETA_MAX = 10 #Maximum pseudorapidity; ignored if CUT_ETA=0
0024 PROD_MODE = 3     #gg or gP switch (1 = 2-photon, 2 = coherent vector meson (narrow), 3 = coherent vector meson (wide), 4 = incoherent vector meson)
0025 N_EVENTS = 1000   #Number of events
0026 PROD_PID = 113   #Channel of interest
0027 RND_SEED = 5574533 #Random number seed
0028 BREAKUP_MODE = 2     #Controls the nuclear breakup; a 2 here requires xnxn
0029 INTERFERENCE = 1     #Interference (0 = off, 1 = on)
0030 IF_STRENGTH = 1.    #% of interference (0.0 - 1.0); ignored if INTERFERENCE=0
0031 INT_PT_MAX = 0.24  #Maximum pt considered, when interference is turned on; ignored if INTERFERENCE=0
0032 INT_PT_N_BINS =120   #Number of pt bins when interference is turned on; ignored if INTERFERENCE=0
0033 XSEC_METHOD = 1 # Set to 0 to use old method for calculating gamma-gamma luminosity
0034 PYTHIA_FULL_EVENTRECORD = 0 # (0 = off, 1 = on) Writes full pythia information to output (vertex, parents, daughter etc), 0=do not write Pythia record