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EIC code displayed by LXR



Warning, /estarlight/utils/config/ is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 baseFileName = slight   #suite of output files will be saved with this base name 
0002 BEAM_1_Z = 82    #Z of projectile
0003 BEAM_1_A = 208   #A of projectile
0004 BEAM_2_Z = 82   #Z of target
0005 BEAM_2_A = 208   #A of target
0006 BEAM_1_GAMMA = 1470 #Gamma of beam1
0007 BEAM_2_GAMMA = 1470 #Gamma of beam2
0008 W_MAX = 12.0   #Max value of w
0009 W_MIN = 2.0    #Min value of w
0010 W_N_BINS = 40    #Bins i w
0011 RAP_MAX = 8.    #max y
0012 RAP_N_BINS = 80    #Bins i y
0013 CUT_PT = 0 #Cut in pT? 0 = (no, 1 = yes)
0014 PT_MIN = 1.0 #Minimum pT in GeV
0015 PT_MAX = 3.0 #Maximum pT in GeV
0016 CUT_ETA = 0 #Cut in pseudorapidity? (0 = no, 1 = yes)
0017 ETA_MIN = -10 #Minimum pseudorapidity
0018 ETA_MAX = 10 #Maximum pseudorapidity
0019 PROD_MODE = 5     #gg or gP switch (1 = 2-photon, 2 = coherent vector meson (narrow), 3 = coherent vector meson (wide),
0020 # 4 = incoherent vector meson, 5 = A+A DPMJet single, 6 = A+A DPMJet double, 7 = p+A DPMJet single, 8 = p+A Pythia single )
0021 N_EVENTS = 10   #Number of events
0022 PROD_PID = 443013   #Channel of interest (not relevant for photonuclear processes)
0023 RND_SEED = 34533 #Random number seed
0024 BREAKUP_MODE = 5     #Controls the nuclear breakup
0025 INTERFERENCE = 0     #Interference (0 = off, 1 = on)
0026 IF_STRENGTH = 1.    #% of intefernce (0.0 - 0.1)
0027 INT_PT_MAX = 0.24  #Maximum pt considered, when interference is turned on
0028 INT_PT_N_BINS =120   #Number of pt bins when interference is turned on
0030 # Photonuclear specific options, energies in Lab frame. These values should be within the range of the
0031 # values specified in the DPMJet input file (when DPMJet is used)
0032 MIN_GAMMA_ENERGY = 6.0 (for Pythia this need value needs to correspond to a CMS energy of ?)
0033 MAX_GAMMA_ENERGY = 600000.0