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Warning, file /estarlight/utils/AnaTree.C was not indexed or was modified since last indexation (in which case cross-reference links may be missing, inaccurate or erroneous).

0001 // this macro compiles and runs AnalyzeTree.cxx, which takes as input the 

0002 // starlight.root file produced by convertStarlightAsciiToTree.cxx

0003 // output histograms are stored in starlight_histos.root 

0004 //

0006 #include "AnalyzeTree.cxx"
0008 void AnaTree(){
0009   //gROOT->ProcessLine(".L AnalyzeTree.cxx");

0010   AnalyzeTree* l = new AnalyzeTree("ntuple_slight.root");
0011 l->Loop();
0012 }