Warning, /estarlight/production/event_generation/JLEIC/J_psi_PP.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 >>> printCompilerInfo(): Info: this executable was compiled in '/Users/michaellomnitz/Documents/install_test/eSTARlight/trunk' on May 15 2018 09:44:44 by compiler 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 8.1.0 (clang-802.0.42)
0002 >>> printSvnVersion(): Info: subversion repository revision is 'Unversioned directory'
0003 >>> inputParameters::configureFromFile(): Info: successfully read input parameters from 'slight.in'
0004 Rapidity beam 1: 10.5814, rapidity beam 2: -5.3181, rapidity CMS system: 2.63166, beam gamma in CMS: 1417.44
0005 Rapidity beam 1 in beam 2 frame: 15.8995, beam 1 gamma in beam 2 frame: 4.0183e+06
0006 >>> inputParameters::init(): Info: using the following starlight parameters:
0007 base file name ...................... 'slight'
0008 beam 1 atomic number ................... 1
0009 beam 1 atomic mass number .............. 0
0010 beam 2 atomic number ................... 1
0011 beam 2 atomic mass number .............. 1
0012 Lorentz gamma of beams in CM frame ..... 1417.44
0013 mass W of produced hadronic system ..... 3.09645 < W < 3.09738 GeV/c^2
0014 # of W bins ............................ 50
0015 maximum absolute value for rapidity .... 9
0016 # of rapidity bins ..................... 200
0017 # of Egamma bins ....................... 400
0018 cut in pT............................... no
0019 cut in eta.............................. no
0020 production mode ........................ 12
0021 number of events to generate ........... 100000
0022 PDG ID of produced particle ............ 443011
0023 seed for random generator .............. 5574531
0024 breakup mode for beam particles ........ 5
0025 interference enabled ................... no
0026 coherent scattering off nucleus ........ yes
0027 fixed photon Q2 range .................. 0 < Q2 < 1 GeV/c^2
0028 Q2_BINS400
0029 Quantum Glauber parameter............... 1
0030 Impulse VM parameter.................... 0
0032 #########################################
0033 Initialising Starlight version: trunk...
0034 #########################################
0036 >>> e_starlight::luminosityTableIsValid(): Info: using random seed = 5574531
0037 >>> e_starlight::init(): Info: creating luminosity table for coherent photon-Pomeron channel
0038 Creating Luminosity Tables.
0039 Luminosity Tables created.
0040 Reading in luminosity tables. e_Gammaanarrowvm()
0041 Done reading wylumi file
0042 Creating and calculating crosssection. e_Gammaanarrowvm()
0043 Using Narrow Resonance ...
0044 gamma+nucleon threshold (CMS): 2.895299e-03 GeV
0045 gamma+nucleon threshold (Target): 3.096916e+00 GeV
0047 Using fixed Q2 range 0.000 < Q2 < 1.000
0048 Total cross section: 3.856 nanob.
0049 >>> e_starlightStandalone::run(): Info: generating events:
0050 0 of 100000
0051 10000 of 100000
0052 20000 of 100000
0053 30000 of 100000
0054 40000 of 100000
0055 50000 of 100000
0056 60000 of 100000
0057 70000 of 100000
0058 80000 of 100000
0059 90000 of 100000
0060 Total time 81.019 s (0.810 ms/ev)
0061 >>> e_starlightStandalone::run(): Info: number of attempts = 100000, number of accepted events = 100000
0062 The cross section of the generated sample is 230.222 picobarn.