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Warning, /epic/compact/central_beampipe.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <!-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later -->
0002 <!-- Copyright (C) 2022 Wouter Deconinck, Whitney Armstrong -->
0004 <lccdd>
0005   <define>
0006     <constant name="BeampipeUpstreamStraightLength" value="800.0 * mm"/>
0007     <constant name="BeampipeDownstreamStraightLength" value="670.0 * mm"/>
0008   </define>
0010   <display>
0011   </display>
0013   <detectors>
0015     <detector id="BeamPipe_ID" name="BeamPipe" type="IP6BeamPipe" vis="BeamPipeVis">
0016       <type_flags type="DetType_TRACKER + DetType_BEAMPIPE" />
0017       <beampipe/>
0018       <IP_pipe
0019         OD="BeampipeOD"
0020         wall_thickness="0.757*mm"
0021         gold_thickness="5*um"
0022         crossing_angle="CrossingAngle"
0023         upstream_straight_length="BeampipeUpstreamStraightLength"
0024         downstream_straight_length="BeampipeDownstreamStraightLength"
0025       />
0027       <comment> For upstream beampipe, we subtract the vacuum from the matter </comment>
0028       <upstream reflect="true"
0029                 place_vacuum="true"
0030                 subtract_vacuum="true"
0031                 subtract_matter="false">
0032         <outgoing_lepton thickness="2.0*mm">
0033           <zplane z="BeampipeUpstreamStraightLength" OD="BeampipeOD"/>
0034           <zplane z="2690.95 * mm" OD="85.616 * mm"/>
0035           <zplane z="4560.17 * mm" OD="99.20 * mm"/>
0036         </outgoing_lepton>
0037         <incoming_hadron thickness="1.65*mm"
0038                          crossing_angle="CrossingAngle">
0039           <!-- avoid overlap with IP beampipe by starting slightly displaced -->
0040           <zplane z="BeampipeUpstreamStraightLength + 0.5 * max(BeampipeOD, 24.714 * mm) * tan(abs(CrossingAngle))" OD="24.714 * mm"/>
0041           <zplane z="2690.95 * mm" OD="24.714 * mm"/>
0042           <zplane z="2710.75 * mm" OD="31.75 * mm"/>
0043           <zplane z="2890.35 * mm" OD="31.75 * mm"/>
0044           <zplane z="2940.35 * mm" OD="44.45 * mm"/>
0045           <zplane z="4490.35 * mm" OD="44.45 * mm"/>
0046         </incoming_hadron>
0047       </upstream>
0049       <comment> For downstream beampipe (where on is inside the vacuum of the other), we subtract the matter from the vacuum, and subtract an additional pipe to create the angled cutout</comment>
0050       <downstream reflect="false"
0051                   place_vacuum="true"
0052                   subtract_vacuum="false"
0053                   subtract_matter="true">
0054         <incoming_lepton thickness="1.0*mm">
0055           <zplane z="BeampipeDownstreamStraightLength" OD="BeampipeOD"/>
0056           <zplane z="4484.25 * mm" OD="BeampipeOD"/>
0057         </incoming_lepton>
0058         <outgoing_hadron thickness="4.0*mm"
0059                          axis_intersection="670.0 * mm"
0060                          crossing_angle="CrossingAngle">
0061           <!-- avoid overlap with IP beampipe by starting slightly displaced -->
0062           <zplane z="BeampipeDownstreamStraightLength + 0.5 * BeampipeOD * tan(abs(CrossingAngle))" OD="BeampipeOD"/>
0063           <zplane z="1750.00 * mm" OD=" 92.06 * mm"/>
0064           <zplane z="4455.80 * mm" OD="257.92 * mm"/>
0065           <!-- removed due to vacuum overlap with far forward electron beampipe -->
0066           <!--zplane z="5000.00 * mm" OD="340.60 * mm"/-->
0067         </outgoing_hadron>
0068         <additional_subtraction thickness="4.0*mm"
0069                                 crossing_angle="CrossingAngle">
0070           <!-- these are somewhat arbitrary to get the right hole shape -->
0071           <zplane z="BeampipeDownstreamStraightLength" OD="32. * mm"/>
0072           <zplane z="4484.25 * mm" OD="120. * mm"/>
0073         </additional_subtraction>
0074       </downstream>
0075     </detector>
0077   </detectors>
0080 </lccdd>