Warning, /epic.github.io/_includes/layouts/wg_top.md is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 {% include layouts/title.md %}
0003 {% assign group = site.data.wg | where: "name", page.name | first %}
0004 {% assign conveners = group.conveners | split: ", " %}
0006 * __Mission Statement__
0007 * {{ group.mission_statement }}
0008 * __Conveners__
0009 {% for convener in conveners -%}
0010 {%- assign person = site.data.people | where: "name", convener | first -%}
0011 * {{ person.full }} (<{{ person.email }}>)
0012 {% endfor %}
0014 * __Contact and administrative info__
0015 {%- if group.list %}
0016 * Mailing list: <{{ group.list }}>.
0017 * To subscribe, visit: [{{ group.list_sub }}]({{ group.list_sub }}){:target="_blank"}.
0018 {%- endif %}
0019 * Indico: [{{ group.indico }}]({{ group.indico }}){:target="_blank"}
0020 {%- if group.mattermost %}
0021 * Mattermost: [{{ group.mattermost }}]({{ group.mattermost }}){:target="_blank"}
0022 {%- endif %}
0023 {%- if group.wiki %}
0024 * Wiki: [{{ group.wiki }}]({{ group.wiki }}){:target="_blank"}
0025 {%- endif %}
0026 {%- if group.meetings %}
0027 * __Meetings__
0028 * {{ group.meetings }}
0029 {%- endif %}
0030 <hr/>